
312 lines
7.8 KiB

// $Id: tests.cpp 534 2005-11-30 13:58:11Z kamenik $
// Copyright 2005, Ondra Kamenik
#include "../cc/kalman.h"
#include "../cc/ts_exception.h"
#include "ascii_matrix.h"
#include "GeneralMatrix.h"
#include "Vector.h"
#include "SylvException.h"
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <math.h>
// gettimeofday for MinGW
#ifdef __MINGW32__
#define _W32_FT_OFFSET (116444736000000000LL)
typedef struct _filetime {
unsigned long dwLowDateTime;
unsigned long dwHighDateTime;
} filetime;
extern "C" {
void __stdcall GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(filetime*);
typedef union {
long long ns100; // time since 1 Jan 1601 in 100ns units
filetime ft;
} w32_ftv;
void D_gettimeofday(struct timeval* p, struct timezone* tz)
w32_ftv _now;
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &(_now.ft) );
p->tv_usec=(long)((_now.ns100 / 10LL) % 1000000LL );
p->tv_sec= (long)((_now.ns100-_W32_FT_OFFSET)/10000000LL);
#define D_gettimeofday gettimeofday
#endif // gettimeofday for MinGW
struct AsciiKalmanTask {
AsciiMatrix Z;
AsciiMatrix H;
AsciiMatrix T;
AsciiMatrix R;
AsciiMatrix Q;
AsciiMatrix Pstar;
AsciiMatrix Pinf;
AsciiMatrix a;
AsciiMatrix Y;
AsciiKalmanTask(const char* prefix)
: Z(std::string(prefix) + "_Z.dat"),
H(std::string(prefix) + "_H.dat"),
T(std::string(prefix) + "_T.dat"),
R(std::string(prefix) + "_R.dat"),
Q(std::string(prefix) + "_Q.dat"),
Pstar(std::string(prefix) + "_Pstar.dat"),
Pinf(std::string(prefix) + "_Pinf.dat"),
a(std::string(prefix) + "_a.dat"),
Y(std::string(prefix) + "_Y.dat")
// WallTimer class. Constructor saves the wall time, destructor
// cancels the current time from the saved, and prints the message
// with time information
class WallTimer {
char mes[100];
struct timeval start;
bool new_line;
WallTimer(const char* m, bool nl = true)
{strcpy(mes, m);new_line = nl; D_gettimeofday(&start, NULL);}
struct timeval end;
D_gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
printf("%s%8.4g", mes,
end.tv_sec-start.tv_sec + (end.tv_usec-start.tv_usec)*1.0e-6);
if (new_line)
/* declaration of TestRunnable class */
class TestRunnable {
char name[100];
TestRunnable(const char* n)
{strncpy(name, n, 100);}
bool test() const;
virtual bool run() const =0;
const char* getName() const
{return name;}
static bool filter_and_smoother(const char* prefix, bool diffuse_flag);
bool TestRunnable::test() const
printf("Running test <%s>\n",name);
bool passed;
WallTimer tim("Wall clock time ", false);
passed = run();
if (passed) {
printf("............................ passed\n\n");
return passed;
} else {
printf("............................ FAILED\n\n");
return passed;
/* definition of TestRunnable static methods */
bool TestRunnable::filter_and_smoother(const char* prefix, bool diffuse_flag)
AsciiKalmanTask akt(prefix);
StateInit* init;
if (diffuse_flag)
init = new StateInit(akt.Pstar, akt.Pinf, akt.a.getData());
init = new StateInit(akt.Pstar, akt.a.getData());
KalmanTask kt(akt.Y, akt.Z, akt.H, akt.T, akt.R, akt.Q, *init);
// multivariate
int per;
int d;
double ll;
GeneralMatrix alpha(akt.T.numRows(), akt.Y.numCols());
GeneralMatrix eta(akt.R.numCols(), akt.Y.numCols());
GeneralMatrix V(akt.T.numRows(), akt.T.numRows()*akt.Y.numCols());
SmootherResults sres(akt.Y.numCols());
WallTimer tim("\tMultivariate time ", true);
ll = kt.filter_and_smooth(sres, per, d);
printf("\t\tll=%f per=%d d=%d\n", ll, per, d);
if (per == akt.Y.numCols()) {
} else {
printf("\t\tNot finished.\n");
// univariate
KalmanUniTask kut(kt);
int per1;
int d1;
double ll1;
GeneralMatrix alpha1(akt.T.numRows(), akt.Y.numCols());
GeneralMatrix eta1(akt.R.numCols(), akt.Y.numCols());
GeneralMatrix V1(akt.T.numRows(), akt.T.numRows()*akt.Y.numCols());
SmootherResults sres1(akt.Y.numCols()*akt.Y.numRows());
WallTimer tim("\tUnivariate time ", true);
int dd;
ll1 = kut.filter_and_smooth(sres1, per1, dd);
per1 /= akt.Y.numRows();
d1 = dd/akt.Y.numRows();
printf("\t\tll=%f per=%d d=%d(%d)\n", ll1, per1, d1, dd);
if (per1 == akt.Y.numCols()) {
SmootherResults sres_uni(akt.Y.numCols());
sres_uni.import(sres1, akt.Y.numRows());
} else {
printf("\t\tNot finished.\n");
// compare
if (per == per1 && per == akt.Y.numCols()) {
WallTimer tim("\tComparison time ", true);
alpha.add(-1.0, alpha1);
eta.add(-1.0, eta1);
V.add(-1.0, V1);
int maxd = std::max(d,d1);
for (int t = 1; t <= maxd; t++) {
Vector alphat(alpha, t-1);
printf("\t\tt=%d alpha error %10.6g\n",t,alphat.getMax());
Vector etat(eta, t-1);
printf("\t\tt=%d eta error %10.6g\n",t,etat.getMax());
GeneralMatrix Vt(V, 0, (t-1)*akt.T.numRows(), akt.T.numRows(), akt.T.numRows());
printf("\t\tt=%d V error %10.6g\n",t,V.getData().getMax());
GeneralMatrix alpha_rest(alpha, 0, maxd, akt.T.numRows(), alpha.numCols()-maxd);
printf("\t\tt=%d.. alpha error %10.6g\n",maxd+1,alpha_rest.getData().getMax());
GeneralMatrix eta_rest(eta, 0, maxd, akt.R.numCols(), eta.numCols()-maxd);
printf("\t\tt=%d.. eta error %10.6g\n",maxd+1,eta_rest.getData().getMax());
GeneralMatrix V_rest(V, 0, maxd*akt.T.numRows(), akt.T.numRows(),
printf("\t\tt=%d.. V error %10.6g\n",maxd+1,V_rest.getData().getMax());
delete init;
return true;
/* definition of TestRunnable subclasses */
class SmallNonDiffuse : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("Non-diffuse small (p=2,m=3,r=4)") {}
bool run() const
filter_and_smoother("small2x3x4", false);
return true;
class SmallDiffuse : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("Diffuse small (p=2,m=3,r=4)") {}
bool run() const
return filter_and_smoother("small2x3x4", true);
class MiddleNonDiffuse : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("Non-diffuse middle (p=10,m=15,r=12)") {}
bool run() const
return filter_and_smoother("10x15x12", false);
class MiddleDiffuse : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("Diffuse middle (p=10,m=15,r=12)") {}
bool run() const
return filter_and_smoother("10x15x12", true);
class SOEDiffuse : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("Diffuse soe (p=8,m=25,r=15)") {}
bool run() const
return filter_and_smoother("soe8x25x15", true);
int main()
TestRunnable* all_tests[50];
// fill in vector of all tests
int num_tests = 0;
all_tests[num_tests++] = new SmallNonDiffuse();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new SmallDiffuse();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new MiddleNonDiffuse();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new MiddleDiffuse();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new SOEDiffuse();
// launch the tests
int success = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_tests; i++) {
try {
if (all_tests[i]->test())
} catch (const TSException& e) {
printf("Caugth TS exception in <%s>:\n", all_tests[i]->getName());
} catch (SylvException& e) {
printf("Caught Sylv exception in <%s>:\n", all_tests[i]->getName());
printf("There were %d tests that failed out of %d tests run.\n",
num_tests - success, num_tests);
// destroy
for (int i = 0; i < num_tests; i++) {
delete all_tests[i];
return 0;