
75 lines
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function homotopy1(values, step_nbr)
% function homotopy1(values, step_nbr)
% Implements homotopy (mode 1) for steady-state computation.
% The multi-dimensional vector going from the set of initial values
% to the set of final values is divided in as many sub-vectors as
% there are steps, and the problem is solved as many times.
% values: a matrix with 4 columns, representing the content of
% homotopy_setup block, with one variable per line.
% Column 1 is variable type (1 for exogenous, 2 for
% exogenous deterministic, 4 for parameters)
% Column 2 is symbol integer identifier.
% Column 3 is initial value, and column 4 is final value.
% Column 3 can contain NaNs, in which case previous
% initialization of variable will be used as initial value.
% step_nbr: number of steps for homotopy
% none
% none
% part of DYNARE, copyright Dynare Team (2008)
% Gnu Public License.
global M_ oo_ options_
nv = size(values, 1);
ip = find(values(:,1) == 4); % Parameters
ix = find(values(:,1) == 1); % Exogenous
ixd = find(values(:,1) == 2); % Exogenous deterministic
if length([ip, ix, ixd]) ~= nv
error('HOMOTOPY: incorrect variable types specified')
% Construct vector of starting values, using previously initialized values
% when initial value has not been given in homotopy_setup block
oldvalues = values(:,3);
ipn = find(values(:,1) == 4 & isnan(oldvalues));
oldvalues(ipn) = M_.params(values(ipn, 2));
ixn = find(values(:,1) == 1 & isnan(oldvalues));
oldvalues(ixn) = oo_.exo_steady_state(values(ixn, 2));
ixdn = find(values(:,1) == 2 & isnan(oldvalues));
oldvalues(ixdn) = oo_.exo_det_steady_state(values(ixdn, 2));
if any(oldvalues == values(:,4))
error('HOMOTOPY: initial and final values should be different')
points = zeros(nv, step_nbr+1);
for i = 1:nv
points(i,:) = oldvalues(i):(values(i,4)-oldvalues(i))/step_nbr:values(i,4);
for i=1:step_nbr+1
M_.params(values(ip,2)) = points(ip,i);
oo_.exo_steady_state(values(ix,2)) = points(ix,i);
oo_.exo_det_steady_state(values(ixd,2)) = points(ixd,i);
[oo_.steady_state,check] = dynare_solve([M_.fname '_static'],...
options_.jacobian_flag, ...
[oo_.exo_steady_state; ...
oo_.exo_det_steady_state], M_.params);
if check
error('HOMOTOPY didn''t succeed')