
1020 lines
27 KiB

/* $Id: tests.cpp 148 2005-04-19 15:12:26Z kamenik $ */
/* Copyright 2004, Ondra Kamenik */
#include "SylvException.h"
#include "tl_exception.h"
#include "gs_tensor.h"
#include "factory.h"
#include "monoms.h"
#include "t_container.h"
#include "stack_container.h"
#include "t_polynomial.h"
#include "rfs_tensor.h"
#include "ps_tensor.h"
#include "tl_static.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
class TestRunnable {
char name[100];
int dim; // dimension of the solved problem
int nvar; // number of variable of the solved problem
TestRunnable(const char* n, int d, int nv)
: dim(d), nvar(nv)
{strncpy(name, n, 100);}
bool test() const;
virtual bool run() const =0;
const char* getName() const
{return name;}
template<class _Ttype>
static bool index_forward(const Symmetry& s, const IntSequence& nvs);
template <class _Ttype>
static bool index_backward(const Symmetry& s, const IntSequence& nvs);
template <class _Ttype>
static bool index_offset(const Symmetry& s, const IntSequence& nvs);
static bool fold_unfold(const FTensor* folded);
static bool fs_fold_unfold(int r, int nv, int dim)
Factory f;
FTensor* folded = f.make<FFSTensor>(r, nv, dim);
return fold_unfold(folded); // folded deallocated in fold_unfold
static bool r_fold_unfold(int r, int nv, int dim)
Factory f;
FTensor* folded = f.make<FRTensor>(r, nv, dim);
return fold_unfold(folded); // folded deallocated in fold_unfold
static bool gs_fold_unfold(int r, const Symmetry& s, const IntSequence& nvs)
Factory f;
FTensor* folded = f.make<FGSTensor>(r, s, nvs);
return fold_unfold(folded); // folded deallocated in fold_unfold
static bool dense_prod(const Symmetry& bsym, const IntSequence& bnvs,
int hdim, int hnv, int rows);
static bool folded_monomial(int ng, int nx, int ny, int nu, int dim);
static bool unfolded_monomial(int ng, int nx, int ny, int nu, int dim);
static bool fold_zcont(int nf, int ny, int nu, int nup, int nbigg,
int ng, int dim);
static bool unfold_zcont(int nf, int ny, int nu, int nup, int nbigg,
int ng, int dim);
static bool folded_contraction(int r, int nv, int dim);
static bool unfolded_contraction(int r, int nv, int dim);
static bool poly_eval(int r, int nv, int maxdim);
bool TestRunnable::test() const
printf("Running test <%s>\n",name);
clock_t start = clock();
bool passed = run();
clock_t end = clock();
printf("CPU time %8.4g (CPU seconds)..................",
if (passed) {
return passed;
} else {
return passed;
/* definition of TestRunnable static methods */
template <class _Ttype>
bool TestRunnable::index_forward(const Symmetry& s, const IntSequence& nvs)
int fails = 0;
int ndecr = 0;
int nincr = 0;
_Ttype dummy(0, TensorDimens(s, nvs));
typename _Ttype::index run = dummy.end();
do {
typename _Ttype::index run2 = dummy.begin();
for (int i = 0; i < *run; i++) {
if (! (run == run2))
} while (run != dummy.begin());
printf("\tnumber of columns = %d\n",dummy.ncols());
printf("\tnumber of increments = %d\n",nincr);
printf("\tnumber of decrements = %d\n",ndecr);
printf("\tnumber of failures = %d\n",fails);
return fails == 0;
template <class _Ttype>
bool TestRunnable::index_backward(const Symmetry& s, const IntSequence& nvs)
int fails = 0;
int ndecr = 0;
int nincr = 0;
_Ttype dummy(0, TensorDimens(s, nvs));
typename _Ttype::index run = dummy.begin();
while (run != dummy.end()) {
typename _Ttype::index run2 = dummy.end();
for (int i = 0; i < dummy.ncols() - *run; i++) {
if (! (run == run2))
printf("\tnumber of columns = %d\n",dummy.ncols());
printf("\tnumber of increments = %d\n",nincr);
printf("\tnumber of decrements = %d\n",ndecr);
printf("\tnumber of failures = %d\n",fails);
return fails == 0;
template <class _Ttype>
bool TestRunnable::index_offset(const Symmetry& s, const IntSequence& nvs)
int fails = 0;
int nincr = 0;
_Ttype dummy(0, TensorDimens(s, nvs));
for (typename _Ttype::index run = dummy.begin();
run != dummy.end(); ++run, nincr++) {
typename _Ttype::index run2(&dummy, run.getCoor());
if (! (run == run2))
printf("\tnumber of columns = %d\n",dummy.ncols());
printf("\tnumber of increments = %d\n",nincr);
printf("\tnumber of failures = %d\n",fails);
return fails == 0;
bool TestRunnable::fold_unfold(const FTensor* folded)
UTensor* unfolded = &(folded->unfold());
FTensor* folded2 = &(unfolded->fold());
folded2->add(-1.0, *folded);
double normInf = folded2->getNormInf();
double norm1 = folded2->getNorm1();
printf("\tfolded size: (%d, %d)\n",folded->nrows(), folded->ncols());
printf("\tunfolded size: (%d, %d)\n",unfolded->nrows(), unfolded->ncols());
printf("\tdifference normInf: %8.4g\n", normInf);
printf("\tdifference norm1: %8.4g\n", norm1);
delete folded;
delete unfolded;
delete folded2;
return normInf < 1.0e-15;
bool TestRunnable::dense_prod(const Symmetry& bsym, const IntSequence& bnvs,
int hdim, int hnv, int rows)
Factory f;
FGSContainer* cont =
f.makeCont<FGSTensor,FGSContainer>(hnv, bnvs, bsym.dimen()-hdim+1);
FGSTensor* fh =
f.make<FGSTensor>(rows, Symmetry(hdim), IntSequence(1, hnv));
UGSTensor uh(*fh);
FGSTensor fb(rows, TensorDimens(bsym, bnvs));
clock_t s1 = clock();
cont->multAndAdd(uh, fb);
clock_t s2 = clock();
UGSContainer ucont(*cont);
clock_t s3 = clock();
UGSTensor ub(rows, fb.getDims());
clock_t s4 = clock();
ucont.multAndAdd(uh, ub);
clock_t s5 = clock();
UGSTensor btmp(fb);
btmp.add(-1, ub);
double norm = btmp.getData().getMax();
double norm1 = btmp.getNorm1();
double normInf = btmp.getNormInf();
printf("\ttime for folded product: %8.4g\n",
printf("\ttime for unfolded product: %8.4g\n",
printf("\ttime for container convert: %8.4g\n",
printf("\tunfolded difference normMax: %10.6g\n", norm);
printf("\tunfolded difference norm1: %10.6g\n", norm1);
printf("\tunfolded difference normInf: %10.6g\n", normInf);
delete cont;
delete fh;
return norm < 1.e-13;
bool TestRunnable::folded_monomial(int ng, int nx, int ny, int nu, int dim)
clock_t gen_time = clock();
DenseDerivGenerator gen(ng, nx, ny, nu, 5, 0.3, dim);
gen_time = clock()-gen_time;
printf("\ttime for monom generation: %8.4g\n",
IntSequence nvs(2); nvs[0] = ny; nvs[1] = nu;
double maxnorm = 0;
for (int ydim = 0; ydim <= dim; ydim++) {
Symmetry s(ydim, dim-ydim);
printf("\tSymmetry: ");s.print();
FGSTensor res(ng, TensorDimens(s, nvs));
clock_t stime = clock();
for (int d = 1; d <= dim; d++) {
gen.xcont->multAndAdd(*(gen.ts[d-1]), res);
stime = clock() - stime;
printf("\t\ttime for symmetry: %8.4g\n",
const FGSTensor* mres = gen.rcont->get(s);
res.add(-1.0, *mres);
double normtmp = res.getData().getMax();
printf("\t\terror normMax: %10.6g\n", normtmp);
if (normtmp > maxnorm)
maxnorm = normtmp;
return maxnorm < 1.0e-10;
bool TestRunnable::unfolded_monomial(int ng, int nx, int ny, int nu, int dim)
clock_t gen_time = clock();
DenseDerivGenerator gen(ng, nx, ny, nu, 5, 0.3, dim);
gen_time = clock()-gen_time;
printf("\ttime for monom generation: %8.4g\n",
clock_t u_time = clock();
u_time = clock() - u_time;
printf("\ttime for monom unfolding: %8.4g\n",
IntSequence nvs(2); nvs[0] = ny; nvs[1] = nu;
double maxnorm = 0;
for (int ydim = 0; ydim <= dim; ydim++) {
Symmetry s(ydim, dim-ydim);
printf("\tSymmetry: ");s.print();
UGSTensor res(ng, TensorDimens(s, nvs));
clock_t stime = clock();
for (int d = 1; d <= dim; d++) {
gen.uxcont->multAndAdd(*(gen.uts[d-1]), res);
stime = clock() - stime;
printf("\t\ttime for symmetry: %8.4g\n",
const FGSTensor* mres = gen.rcont->get(s);
FGSTensor foldres(res);
foldres.add(-1.0, *mres);
double normtmp = foldres.getData().getMax();
printf("\t\terror normMax: %10.6g\n", normtmp);
if (normtmp > maxnorm)
maxnorm = normtmp;
return maxnorm < 1.0e-10;
bool TestRunnable::fold_zcont(int nf, int ny, int nu, int nup, int nbigg,
int ng, int dim)
clock_t gen_time = clock();
SparseDerivGenerator dg(nf, ny, nu, nup, nbigg, ng,
5, 0.55, dim);
gen_time = clock()-gen_time;
for (int d = 1; d <= dim; d++) {
printf("\tfill of dim=%d tensor: %3.2f %%\n",
d, 100*dg.ts[d-1]->getFillFactor());
printf("\ttime for monom generation: %8.4g\n",
IntSequence nvs(4);
nvs[0] = ny; nvs[1] = nu; nvs[2] = nup; nvs[3] = 1;
double maxnorm = 0.0;
// form ZContainer
FoldedZContainer zc(dg.bigg, nbigg, dg.g, ng, ny, nu);
for (int d = 2; d <= dim; d++) {
SymmetrySet ss(d, 4);
for (symiterator si(ss); !si.isEnd(); ++si) {
printf("\tSymmetry: ");(*si).print();
FGSTensor res(nf, TensorDimens(*si, nvs));
clock_t stime = clock();
for (int l = 1; l <= (*si).dimen(); l++) {
zc.multAndAdd(*(dg.ts[l-1]), res);
stime = clock() - stime;
printf("\t\ttime for symmetry: %8.4g\n",
const FGSTensor* mres = dg.rcont->get(*si);
res.add(-1.0, *mres);
double normtmp = res.getData().getMax();
printf("\t\terror normMax: %10.6g\n", normtmp);
if (normtmp > maxnorm)
maxnorm = normtmp;
return maxnorm < 1.0e-10;
bool TestRunnable::unfold_zcont(int nf, int ny, int nu, int nup, int nbigg,
int ng, int dim)
clock_t gen_time = clock();
SparseDerivGenerator dg(nf, ny, nu, nup, nbigg, ng,
5, 0.55, dim);
gen_time = clock()-gen_time;
for (int d = 1; d <= dim; d++) {
printf("\tfill of dim=%d tensor: %3.2f %%\n",
d, 100*dg.ts[d-1]->getFillFactor());
printf("\ttime for monom generation: %8.4g\n",
clock_t con_time = clock();
UGSContainer uG_cont(*(dg.bigg));
UGSContainer ug_cont(*(dg.g));
con_time = clock()-con_time;
printf("\ttime for container unfold: %8.4g\n",
IntSequence nvs(4);
nvs[0] = ny; nvs[1] = nu; nvs[2] = nup; nvs[3] = 1;
double maxnorm = 0.0;
// form ZContainer
UnfoldedZContainer zc(&uG_cont, nbigg, &ug_cont, ng, ny, nu);
for (int d = 2; d <= dim; d++) {
SymmetrySet ss(d, 4);
for (symiterator si(ss); !si.isEnd(); ++si) {
printf("\tSymmetry: ");(*si).print();
UGSTensor res(nf, TensorDimens(*si, nvs));
clock_t stime = clock();
for (int l = 1; l <= (*si).dimen(); l++) {
zc.multAndAdd(*(dg.ts[l-1]), res);
stime = clock() - stime;
printf("\t\ttime for symmetry: %8.4g\n",
FGSTensor fold_res(res);
const FGSTensor* mres = dg.rcont->get(*si);
fold_res.add(-1.0, *mres);
double normtmp = fold_res.getData().getMax();
printf("\t\terror normMax: %10.6g\n", normtmp);
if (normtmp > maxnorm)
maxnorm = normtmp;
return maxnorm < 1.0e-10;
bool TestRunnable::folded_contraction(int r, int nv, int dim)
Factory fact;
Vector* x = fact.makeVector(nv);
FFSTensor* forig = fact.make<FFSTensor>(r, nv, dim);
FFSTensor* f = new FFSTensor(*forig);
clock_t ctime = clock();
for (int d = dim-1; d > 0; d--) {
FFSTensor* fnew = new FFSTensor(*f, ConstVector(*x));
delete f;
f = fnew;
ctime = clock() - ctime;
Vector res(forig->nrows());
f->multaVec(res, *x);
UFSTensor u(*forig);
clock_t utime = clock();
URSingleTensor ux(*x, dim);
Vector v(u.nrows());
u.multaVec(v, ux.getData());
utime = clock() - utime;
v.add(-1.0, res);
printf("\ttime for folded contraction: %8.4g\n",
printf("\ttime for unfolded power: %8.4g\n",
printf("\terror normMax: %10.6g\n", v.getMax());
printf("\terror norm1: %10.6g\n", v.getNorm1());
delete f;
delete x;
return (v.getMax() < 1.e-10);
bool TestRunnable::unfolded_contraction(int r, int nv, int dim)
Factory fact;
Vector* x = fact.makeVector(nv);
FFSTensor* forig = fact.make<FFSTensor>(r, nv, dim);
UFSTensor uorig(*forig);
delete forig;
UFSTensor* u = new UFSTensor(uorig);
clock_t ctime = clock();
for (int d = dim-1; d > 0; d--) {
UFSTensor* unew = new UFSTensor(*u, ConstVector(*x));
delete u;
u = unew;
ctime = clock() - ctime;
Vector res(uorig.nrows());
u->multaVec(res, *x);
clock_t utime = clock();
URSingleTensor ux(*x, dim);
Vector v(uorig.nrows());
uorig.multaVec(v, ux.getData());
utime = clock() - utime;
v.add(-1.0, res);
printf("\ttime for unfolded contraction: %8.4g\n",
printf("\ttime for unfolded power: %8.4g\n",
printf("\terror normMax: %10.6g\n", v.getMax());
printf("\terror norm1: %10.6g\n", v.getNorm1());
delete u;
delete x;
return (v.getMax() < 1.e-10);
bool TestRunnable::poly_eval(int r, int nv, int maxdim)
Factory fact;
Vector* x = fact.makeVector(nv);
Vector out_ft(r); out_ft.zeros();
Vector out_fh(r); out_fh.zeros();
Vector out_ut(r); out_ut.zeros();
Vector out_uh(r); out_uh.zeros();
UTensorPolynomial* up;
FTensorPolynomial* fp = fact.makePoly<FFSTensor, FTensorPolynomial>(r, nv, maxdim);
clock_t ft_cl = clock();
fp->evalTrad(out_ft, *x);
ft_cl = clock() - ft_cl;
printf("\ttime for folded power eval: %8.4g\n",
clock_t fh_cl = clock();
fp->evalHorner(out_fh, *x);
fh_cl = clock() - fh_cl;
printf("\ttime for folded horner eval: %8.4g\n",
up = new UTensorPolynomial(*fp);
delete fp;
clock_t ut_cl = clock();
up->evalTrad(out_ut, *x);
ut_cl = clock() - ut_cl;
printf("\ttime for unfolded power eval: %8.4g\n",
clock_t uh_cl = clock();
up->evalHorner(out_uh, *x);
uh_cl = clock() - uh_cl;
printf("\ttime for unfolded horner eval: %8.4g\n",
out_ft.add(-1.0, out_ut);
double max_ft = out_ft.getMax();
out_fh.add(-1.0, out_ut);
double max_fh = out_fh.getMax();
out_uh.add(-1.0, out_ut);
double max_uh = out_uh.getMax();
printf("\tfolded power error norm max: %10.6g\n", max_ft);
printf("\tfolded horner error norm max: %10.6g\n", max_fh);
printf("\tunfolded horner error norm max: %10.6g\n", max_uh);
delete up;
delete x;
return (max_ft+max_fh+max_uh < 1.0e-10);
/* definition of TestRunnable subclasses */
class SmallIndexForwardFold : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("small index forward for fold (44)(222)", 5, 4) {}
bool run() const
Symmetry s(2,3);
IntSequence nvs(2); nvs[0] = 4; nvs[1] = 2;
return index_forward<FGSTensor>(s, nvs);
class SmallIndexForwardUnfold : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("small index forward for unfold (44)(222)", 5, 4) {}
bool run() const
Symmetry s(2,3);
IntSequence nvs(2); nvs[0] = 4; nvs[1] = 2;
return index_forward<UGSTensor>(s, nvs);
class IndexForwardFold : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("index forward for fold (55)(222)(22)", 7, 5) {}
bool run() const
Symmetry s(2,3,2);
IntSequence nvs(3); nvs[0] = 5; nvs[1] = 2; nvs[2] = 2;
return index_forward<FGSTensor>(s, nvs);
class IndexForwardUnfold : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("index forward for unfold (55)(222)(22)", 7, 5) {}
bool run() const
Symmetry s(2,3,2);
IntSequence nvs(3); nvs[0] = 5; nvs[1] = 2; nvs[2] = 2;
return index_forward<UGSTensor>(s, nvs);
class SmallIndexBackwardFold : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("small index backward for fold (3)(3)(222)", 5, 3) {}
bool run() const
Symmetry s(1,1,3);
IntSequence nvs(3); nvs[0] = 3; nvs[1] = 3; nvs[2] = 2;
return index_backward<FGSTensor>(s, nvs);
class IndexBackwardFold : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("index backward for fold (44)(222)(44)", 7, 4) {}
bool run() const
Symmetry s(2,3,2);
IntSequence nvs(3); nvs[0] = 4; nvs[1] = 2; nvs[2] = 4;
return index_backward<FGSTensor>(s, nvs);
class SmallIndexBackwardUnfold : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("small index backward for unfold (3)(3)(222)", 5, 3) {}
bool run() const
Symmetry s(1,1,3);
IntSequence nvs(3); nvs[0] = 3; nvs[1] = 3; nvs[2] = 2;
return index_backward<UGSTensor>(s, nvs);
class IndexBackwardUnfold : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("index backward for unfold (44)(222)(44)", 7, 4) {}
bool run() const
Symmetry s(2,3,2);
IntSequence nvs(3); nvs[0] = 4; nvs[1] = 2; nvs[2] = 4;
return index_backward<UGSTensor>(s, nvs);
class SmallIndexOffsetFold : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("small index offset for fold (44)(222)", 5, 4) {}
bool run() const
Symmetry s(2,3);
IntSequence nvs(2); nvs[0] = 4; nvs[1] = 2;
return index_offset<FGSTensor>(s, nvs);
class SmallIndexOffsetUnfold : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("small index offset for unfold (44)(222)", 5, 4) {}
bool run() const
Symmetry s(2,3);
IntSequence nvs(2); nvs[0] = 4; nvs[1] = 2;
return index_offset<UGSTensor>(s, nvs);
class IndexOffsetFold : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("index offset for fold (55)(222)(22)", 5, 5) {}
bool run() const
Symmetry s(2,3,2);
IntSequence nvs(3); nvs[0] = 5; nvs[1] = 2; nvs[2] = 2;
return index_offset<FGSTensor>(s, nvs);
class IndexOffsetUnfold : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("index offset for unfold (55)(222)(22)", 7, 5) {}
bool run() const
Symmetry s(2,3,2);
IntSequence nvs(3); nvs[0] = 5; nvs[1] = 2; nvs[2] = 2;
return index_offset<UGSTensor>(s, nvs);
class SmallFoldUnfoldFS : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("small fold-unfold for full symmetry (444)", 3, 4) {}
bool run() const
return fs_fold_unfold(5, 4, 3);
class SmallFoldUnfoldGS : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("small fold-unfold for gen symmetry (3)(33)(22)", 5, 3) {}
bool run() const
Symmetry s(1,2,2);
IntSequence nvs(3); nvs[0] = 3; nvs[1] = 3; nvs[2] = 2;
return gs_fold_unfold(5, s, nvs);
class FoldUnfoldFS : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("fold-unfold for full symmetry (9999)", 4, 9) {}
bool run() const
return fs_fold_unfold(5, 9, 4);
class FoldUnfoldGS : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("fold-unfold for gen symmetry (66)(2)(66)", 5, 6) {}
bool run() const
Symmetry s(2,1,2);
IntSequence nvs(3); nvs[0] = 6; nvs[1] = 2; nvs[2] = 6;
return gs_fold_unfold(5, s, nvs);
class SmallFoldUnfoldR : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("small fold-unfold for row full symmetry (333)", 3, 3) {}
bool run() const
return r_fold_unfold(5, 3, 3);
class FoldUnfoldR : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("fold-unfold for row full symmetry (66666)", 5, 6) {}
bool run() const
return r_fold_unfold(5, 6, 5);
class SmallDenseProd : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("small dense prod bsym=1-2,nvs=3-2,h=2-3,r=2",3,3) {}
bool run() const
IntSequence bnvs(2); bnvs[0]=3; bnvs[1]=2;
return dense_prod(Symmetry(1,2), bnvs, 2, 3, 2);
class DenseProd : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("dense prod bsym=2-3,nvs=10-7,h=3-15,r=10",5,15) {}
bool run() const
IntSequence bnvs(2); bnvs[0]=10; bnvs[1]=7;
return dense_prod(Symmetry(2,3), bnvs, 3, 15, 10);
class BigDenseProd : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("dense prod bsym=3-2,nvs=13-11,h=3-20,r=20",6,20) {}
bool run() const
IntSequence bnvs(2); bnvs[0]=13; bnvs[1]=11;
return dense_prod(Symmetry(3,2), bnvs, 3, 20, 20);
class SmallFoldedMonomial : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("folded vrs. monoms (g,x,y,u)=(10,4,5,3), dim=4", 4, 8) {}
bool run() const
return folded_monomial(10, 4, 5, 3, 4);
class FoldedMonomial : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("folded vrs. monoms (g,x,y,u)=(20,12,10,5), dim=4", 4, 15) {}
bool run() const
return folded_monomial(20, 12, 10, 5, 4);
class SmallUnfoldedMonomial : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("unfolded vrs. monoms (g,x,y,u)=(10,4,5,3), dim=4", 4, 8) {}
bool run() const
return unfolded_monomial(10, 4, 5, 3, 4);
class UnfoldedMonomial : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("unfolded vrs. monoms (g,x,y,u)=(20,12,10,5), dim=4", 4, 15) {}
bool run() const
return unfolded_monomial(20, 12, 10, 5, 4);
class FoldedContractionSmall : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("folded contraction small (r=5, nv=4, dim=3)", 3, 4) {}
bool run() const
return folded_contraction(5, 4, 3);
class FoldedContractionBig : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("folded contraction big (r=20, nv=12, dim=5)", 5, 12) {}
bool run() const
return folded_contraction(20, 12, 5);
class UnfoldedContractionSmall : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("unfolded contraction small (r=5, nv=4, dim=3)", 3, 4) {}
bool run() const
return unfolded_contraction(5, 4, 3);
class UnfoldedContractionBig : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("unfolded contraction big (r=20, nv=12, dim=5)", 5, 12) {}
bool run() const
return unfolded_contraction(20, 12, 5);
class PolyEvalSmall : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("polynomial evaluation small (r=4, nv=5, maxdim=4)", 4, 5) {}
bool run() const
return poly_eval(4, 5, 4);
class PolyEvalBig : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("polynomial evaluation big (r=244, nv=97, maxdim=2)", 2, 97) {}
bool run() const
return poly_eval(244, 97, 2);
class FoldZContSmall : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("folded Z container (r=3,ny=2,nu=2,nup=1,G=2,g=2,dim=3)",
3, 8) {}
bool run() const
return fold_zcont(3, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3);
class FoldZCont : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("folded Z container (r=13,ny=5,nu=7,nup=4,G=6,g=7,dim=4)",
4, 25) {}
bool run() const
return fold_zcont(13, 5, 7, 4, 6, 7, 4);
class UnfoldZContSmall : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("unfolded Z container (r=3,ny=2,nu=2,nup=1,G=2,g=2,dim=3)",
3, 8) {}
bool run() const
return unfold_zcont(3, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3);
class UnfoldZCont : public TestRunnable {
: TestRunnable("unfolded Z container (r=13,ny=5,nu=7,nup=4,G=6,g=7,dim=4",
4, 25) {}
bool run() const
return unfold_zcont(13, 5, 7, 4, 6, 7, 4);
int main()
TestRunnable* all_tests[50];
// fill in vector of all tests
int num_tests = 0;
all_tests[num_tests++] = new SmallIndexForwardFold();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new SmallIndexForwardUnfold();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new IndexForwardFold();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new IndexForwardUnfold();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new SmallIndexBackwardFold();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new IndexBackwardFold();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new SmallIndexBackwardUnfold();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new IndexBackwardUnfold();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new SmallIndexOffsetFold();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new SmallIndexOffsetUnfold();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new IndexOffsetFold();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new IndexOffsetUnfold();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new SmallFoldUnfoldFS();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new SmallFoldUnfoldGS();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new FoldUnfoldFS();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new FoldUnfoldGS();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new SmallFoldUnfoldR();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new FoldUnfoldR();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new SmallDenseProd();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new DenseProd();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new BigDenseProd();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new SmallFoldedMonomial();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new FoldedMonomial();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new SmallUnfoldedMonomial();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new UnfoldedMonomial();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new FoldedContractionSmall();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new FoldedContractionBig();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new UnfoldedContractionSmall();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new UnfoldedContractionBig();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new PolyEvalSmall();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new PolyEvalBig();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new FoldZContSmall();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new FoldZCont();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new UnfoldZContSmall();
all_tests[num_tests++] = new UnfoldZCont();
// find maximum dimension and maximum nvar
int dmax=0;
int nvmax = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_tests; i++) {
if (dmax < all_tests[i]->dim)
dmax = all_tests[i]->dim;
if (nvmax < all_tests[i]->nvar)
nvmax = all_tests[i]->nvar;
tls.init(dmax, nvmax); // initialize library
// launch the tests
int success = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_tests; i++) {
try {
if (all_tests[i]->test())
} catch (const TLException& e) {
printf("Caugth TL exception in <%s>:\n", all_tests[i]->getName());
} catch (SylvException& e) {
printf("Caught Sylv exception in <%s>:\n", all_tests[i]->getName());
printf("There were %d tests that failed out of %d tests run.\n",
num_tests - success, num_tests);
// destroy
for (int i = 0; i < num_tests; i++) {
delete all_tests[i];
return 0;