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@q $Id: symmetry.hweb 841 2006-07-27 14:41:11Z tamas $ @>
@q Copyright 2004, Ondra Kamenik @>
@*2 Symmetry. This is {\tt symmetry.h} file
Symmetry is an abstraction for a term of the form $y^3u^2$. It manages
only indices, not the variable names. So if one uses this
abstraction, he must keep in mind that $y$ is the first, and $u$ is
the second.
In fact, the symmetry is a special case of equivalence, but its
implementation is much simpler. We do not need an abstraction for the
term $yyuyu$ but due to Green theorem we can have term $y^3u^2$. That
is why the equivalence is too general for our purposes.
One of a main purposes of the tensor library is to calculate something like:
\left(\sum_{c\in M_{l,5}}
If, for instance, $l=3$, and $c=\{\{0,4\},\{1,2\},\{3\}\}$, then we
have to calculate
We must be able to calculate a symmetry induced by symmetry $y^2u^3$
and by an equivalence class from equivalence $c$. For equivalence
class $\{0,4\}$ the induced symmetry is $yu$, since we pick first and
fifth variable from $y^2u^3$. For a given outer symmetry, the class
|InducedSymmetries| does this for all classes of a given equivalence.
We need also to cycle through all possible symmetries yielding the
given dimension. For this purpose we define classes |SymmetrySet| and
The symmetry is implemented as |IntSequence|, in fact, it inherits
from it.
@s Symmetry int
@s IntSequence int
@s SymmetrySet int
@s symiterator int
@s OrdSequence int
@s InducedSymmetries int
#ifndef SYMMETRY_H
#define SYMMETRY_H
#include "equivalence.h"
#include "int_sequence.h"
#include <list>
#include <vector>
@<|Symmetry| class declaration@>;
@<|SymmetrySet| class declaration@>;
@<|symiterator| class declaration@>;
@<|InducedSymmetries| class declaration@>;
@ Clear. The method |isFull| returns true if and only if the symmetry
allows for any permutation of indices.
@<|Symmetry| class declaration@>=
class Symmetry : public IntSequence {
@<|Symmetry| constructors@>;
int num() const
{@+return size();@+}
int dimen() const
{@+return sum();@+}
int findClass(int i) const;
bool isFull() const;
@ We provide three constructors for symmetries of the form $y^n$,
$y^nu^m$, $y^nu^m\sigma^k$. Also a copy constructor, and finally a
constructor of implied symmetry for a symmetry and an equivalence
class. It is already implemented in |IntSequence| so we only call
appropriate constructor of |IntSequence|. We also provide the
subsymmetry, which takes the given length of symmetry from the end.
The last constructor constructs a symmetry from an integer sequence
(supposed to be ordered) as a symmetry counting successively equal
items. For instance the sequence $(a,a,a,b,c,c,d,d,d,d)$ produces
symmetry $(3,1,2,4)$.
@<|Symmetry| constructors@>=
Symmetry(int len, const char* dummy)
: IntSequence(len, 0)@+ {}
Symmetry(int i1)
: IntSequence(1, i1)@+ {}
Symmetry(int i1, int i2)
: IntSequence(2) {@+operator[](0) = i1;@+ operator[](1) = i2;@+}
Symmetry(int i1, int i2 ,int i3)
: IntSequence(3)
operator[](0) = i1;@+
operator[](1) = i2;@+
operator[](2) = i3;@+
Symmetry(int i1, int i2 ,int i3, int i4)
: IntSequence(4)
operator[](0) = i1;@+
operator[](1) = i2;@+
operator[](2) = i3;@+
operator[](3) = i4;@+
Symmetry(const Symmetry& s)
: IntSequence(s)@+ {}
Symmetry(const Symmetry& s, const OrdSequence& cl)
: IntSequence(s, cl.getData())@+ {}
Symmetry(Symmetry& s, int len)
: IntSequence(s, s.size()-len, s.size())@+ {}
Symmetry(const IntSequence& s);
@ The class |SymmetrySet| defines a set of symmetries of the given
length having given dimension. It does not store all the symmetries,
rather it provides a storage for one symmetry, which is changed as an
adjoint iterator moves.
The iterator class is |symiterator|. It is implemented
recursively. The iterator object, when created, creates subordinal
iterator, which iterates over a symmetry set whose length is one less,
and dimension is the former dimension. When the subordinal iterator
goes to its end, the superordinal iterator increases left most index in
the symmetry, resets the subordinal symmetry set with different
dimension, and iterates through the subordinal symmetry set until its
end, and so on. That's why we provide also |SymmetrySet| constructor
for construction of a subordinal symmetry set.
The typical usage of the abstractions for |SymmetrySet| and
|symiterator| is as follows:
\centerline{|for (symiterator si(SymmetrySet(6, 4)); !si.isEnd(); ++si) {body}|}
\noindent It goes through all symmetries of size 4 having dimension
6. One can use |*si| as the symmetry in the body.
@<|SymmetrySet| class declaration@>=
class SymmetrySet {
Symmetry run;
int dim;
SymmetrySet(int d, int length)
: run(length, ""), dim(d)@+ {}
SymmetrySet(SymmetrySet& s, int d)
: run(s.run, s.size()-1), dim(d)@+ {}
int dimen() const
{@+ return dim;@+}
const Symmetry& sym() const
{@+ return run;@+}
Symmetry& sym()
{@+ return run;@+}
int size() const
{@+ return run.size();@+}
@ The logic of |symiterator| was described in |@<|SymmetrySet| class
declaration@>|. Here we only comment that: the class has a reference
to the |SymmetrySet| only to know dimension and for access of its
symmetry storage. Further we have pointers to subordinal |symiterator|
and its |SymmetrySet|. These are pointers, since the recursion ends at
length equal to 2, in which case these pointers are |NULL|.
The constructor creates the iterator which initializes to the first
symmetry (beginning).
@<|symiterator| class declaration@>=
class symiterator {
SymmetrySet& s;
symiterator* subit;
SymmetrySet* subs;
bool end_flag;
symiterator(SymmetrySet& ss);
symiterator& operator++();
bool isEnd() const
{@+ return end_flag;@+}
const Symmetry& operator*() const
{@+ return s.sym();@+}
@ This simple abstraction just constructs a vector of induced
symmetries from the given equivalence and outer symmetry. A
permutation might optionally permute the classes of the equivalence.
@<|InducedSymmetries| class declaration@>=
class InducedSymmetries : public vector<Symmetry> {
InducedSymmetries(const Equivalence& e, const Symmetry& s);
InducedSymmetries(const Equivalence& e, const Permutation& p, const Symmetry& s);
void print() const;
@ End of {\tt symmetry.h} file.