
772 lines
24 KiB

@q $Id: stack_container.hweb 745 2006-05-09 13:20:00Z kamenik $ @>
@q Copyright 2004, Ondra Kamenik @>
@*2 Stack of containers. Start of {\tt stack\_container.h} file.
Here we develop abstractions for stacked containers of tensors. For
instance, in perturbation methods for SDGE we need function
$$z(y,u,u',\sigma)=\left[\matrix{G(y,u,u',\sigma)\cr g(y,u,\sigma)\cr y\cr u}\right]$$
and we need to calculate one step of Faa Di Bruno formula
\sum_{c\in M_{l,k}}\prod_{m=1}^l\left[z_{s^k(c_m)}\right]^{\beta_m}_{c_m(\alpha)}$$
where we have containers for derivatives of $G$ and $g$.
The main purpose of this file is to define abstractions for stack of
containers and possibly raw variables, and code |multAndAdd| method
calculating (one step of) the Faa Di Bruno formula for folded and
unfolded tensors. Note also, that tensors $\left[f_{z^l}\right]$ are
The abstractions are built as follows. At the top, there is an
interface describing stack of columns. It contains pure virtual
methods needed for manipulating the container stack. For technical
reasons it is a template. Both versions (folded, and unfolded) provide
all interface necessary for implementation of |multAndAdd|. The second
way of inheritance is first general implementation of the interface
|StackContainer|, and then specific (|ZContainer| for our specific
$z$). The only method which is virtual also after |StackContainer| is
|getType|, which is implemented in the specialization and determines
behaviour of the stack. The complete classes are obtained by
inheriting from the both branches, as it is drawn below:
{\multiply\sarrowlength by 63\divide\sarrowlength by 50\arrow(-1,-2)}&\cr
We have also two supporting classes |StackProduct| and |KronProdStack|
and a number of worker classes used as threads.
@s StackContainerInterface int
@s StackContainer int
@s ZContainer int
@s FoldedStackContainer int
@s UnfoldedStackContainer int
@s FoldedZContainer int
@s UnfoldedZContainer int
@s WorkerFoldMAADense int
@s WorkerFoldMAASparse1 int
@s WorkerFoldMAASparse2 int
@s WorkerFoldMAASparse4 int
@s WorkerUnfoldMAADense int
@s WorkerUnfoldMAASparse1 int
@s WorkerUnfoldMAASparse2 int
@s GContainer int
@s FoldedGContainer int
@s UnfoldedGContainer int
@s StackProduct int
@s KronProdStack int
#include "int_sequence.h"
#include "equivalence.h"
#include "tl_static.h"
#include "t_container.h"
#include "kron_prod.h"
#include "permutation.h"
#include "sthread.h"
@<|StackContainerInterface| class declaration@>;
@<|StackContainer| class declaration@>;
@<|FoldedStackContainer| class declaration@>;
@<|UnfoldedStackContainer| class declaration@>;
@<|ZContainer| class declaration@>;
@<|FoldedZContainer| class declaration@>;
@<|UnfoldedZContainer| class declaration@>;
@<|GContainer| class declaration@>;
@<|FoldedGContainer| class declaration@>;
@<|UnfoldedGContainer| class declaration@>;
@<|StackProduct| class declaration@>;
@<|KronProdStack| class declaration@>;
@<|WorkerFoldMAADense| class declaration@>;
@<|WorkerFoldMAASparse1| class declaration@>;
@<|WorkerFoldMAASparse2| class declaration@>;
@<|WorkerFoldMAASparse4| class declaration@>;
@<|WorkerUnfoldMAADense| class declaration@>;
@<|WorkerUnfoldMAASparse1| class declaration@>;
@<|WorkerUnfoldMAASparse2| class declaration@>;
@ Here is the general interface to stack container. The subclasses
maintain |IntSequence| of stack sizes, i.e. size of $G$, $g$, $y$, and
$u$. Then a convenience |IntSequence| of stack offsets. Then vector of
pointers to containers, in our example $G$, and $g$.
A non-virtual subclass must implement |getType| which determines
dependency of stack items on symmetries. There are three possible types
for a symmetry. Either the stack item derivative wrt. the symmetry is
a matrix, or a unit matrix, or zero.
Method |isZero| returns true if the derivative of a given stack item
wrt. to given symmetry is zero as defined by |getType| or the
derivative is not present in the container. In this way, we can
implement the formula conditional some of the tensors are zero, which
is not true (they are only missing).
Method |createPackedColumn| returns a vector of stack derivatives with
respect to the given symmetry and of the given column, where all zeros
from zero types, or unit matrices are deleted. See {\tt
kron\_prod2.hweb} for explanation.
@<|StackContainerInterface| class declaration@>=
template <class _Ttype>@;
class StackContainerInterface {
typedef TensorContainer<_Ttype> _Ctype;
typedef enum {@+ matrix, unit, zero@+} itype;
const EquivalenceBundle& ebundle;
: ebundle(*(tls.ebundle))@+ {}
virtual ~StackContainerInterface()@+ {}
virtual const IntSequence& getStackSizes() const =0;
virtual IntSequence& getStackSizes() =0;
virtual const IntSequence& getStackOffsets() const =0;
virtual IntSequence& getStackOffsets() =0;
virtual int numConts() const =0;
virtual const _Ctype* getCont(int i) const =0;
virtual itype getType(int i, const Symmetry& s) const =0;
virtual int numStacks() const =0;
virtual bool isZero(int i, const Symmetry& s) const =0;
virtual const _Ttype* getMatrix(int i, const Symmetry& s) const =0;
virtual int getLengthOfMatrixStacks(const Symmetry& s) const =0;
virtual int getUnitPos(const Symmetry& s) const =0;
virtual Vector* createPackedColumn(const Symmetry& s,
const IntSequence& coor,
int& iu) const =0;
int getAllSize() const
{@+ return getStackOffsets()[numStacks()-1]
+ getStackSizes()[numStacks()-1];@+}
@ Here is |StackContainer|, which implements almost all interface
|StackContainerInterface| but one method |getType| which is left for
implementation to specializations.
@<|StackContainer| class declaration@>=
template <class _Ttype>@;
class StackContainer : virtual public StackContainerInterface<_Ttype> {
typedef StackContainerInterface<_Ttype> _Stype;
typedef typename StackContainerInterface<_Ttype>::_Ctype _Ctype;
typedef typename StackContainerInterface<_Ttype>::itype itype;
int num_conts;
IntSequence stack_sizes;
IntSequence stack_offsets;
const _Ctype** const conts;
StackContainer(int ns, int nc)
: num_conts(nc), stack_sizes(ns, 0), stack_offsets(ns, 0),
conts(new const _Ctype*[nc])@+ {}
virtual ~StackContainer() @+{delete [] conts;}
const IntSequence& getStackSizes() const
{@+ return stack_sizes;@+}
IntSequence& getStackSizes()
{@+ return stack_sizes;@+}
const IntSequence& getStackOffsets() const
{@+ return stack_offsets;@+}
IntSequence& getStackOffsets()
{@+ return stack_offsets;@+}
int numConts() const
{@+ return num_conts;}
const _Ctype* getCont(int i) const
{@+ return conts[i];@+}
virtual itype getType(int i, const Symmetry& s) const =0;
int numStacks() const
{@+ return stack_sizes.size();@+}
@<|StackContainer::isZero| code@>;
@<|StackContainer::getMatrix| code@>;
@<|StackContainer::getLengthOfMatrixStacks| code@>;
@<|StackContainer::getUnitPos| code@>;
@<|StackContainer::createPackedColumn| code@>;
@<|StackContainer::calculateOffsets| code@>;
@<|StackContainer::isZero| code@>=
bool isZero(int i, const Symmetry& s) const
TL_RAISE_IF(i < 0 || i >= numStacks(),
"Wrong index to stack in StackContainer::isZero.");
return (getType(i, s) == _Stype::zero ||
(getType(i, s) == _Stype::matrix && !conts[i]->check(s)));
@<|StackContainer::getMatrix| code@>=
const _Ttype* getMatrix(int i, const Symmetry& s) const
TL_RAISE_IF(isZero(i, s) || getType(i, s) == _Stype::unit,
"Matrix is not returned in StackContainer::getMatrix");
return conts[i]->get(s);
@<|StackContainer::getLengthOfMatrixStacks| code@>=
int getLengthOfMatrixStacks(const Symmetry& s) const
int res = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < numStacks() && getType(i, s) == _Stype::matrix)
res += stack_sizes[i++];
return res;
@<|StackContainer::getUnitPos| code@>=
int getUnitPos(const Symmetry& s) const
if (s.dimen() != 1)
return -1;
int i = numStacks()-1;
while (i >= 0 && getType(i, s) != _Stype::unit)
return i;
@<|StackContainer::createPackedColumn| code@>=
Vector* createPackedColumn(const Symmetry& s,
const IntSequence& coor, int& iu) const
TL_RAISE_IF(s.dimen() != coor.size(),
"Incompatible coordinates for symmetry in StackContainer::createPackedColumn");
int len = getLengthOfMatrixStacks(s);
iu = -1;
int i = 0;
if (-1 != (i = getUnitPos(s))) {
iu = stack_offsets[i] + coor[0];
Vector* res = new Vector(len);
i = 0;
while (i < numStacks() && getType(i, s) == _Stype::matrix) {
const _Ttype* t = getMatrix(i, s);
Tensor::index ind(t, coor);
Vector subres(*res, stack_offsets[i], stack_sizes[i]);
subres = ConstVector(ConstGeneralMatrix(*t), *ind);
if (iu != -1)
(*res)[len-1] = 1;
return res;
@<|StackContainer::calculateOffsets| code@>=
void calculateOffsets()
stack_offsets[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < stack_offsets.size(); i++)
stack_offsets[i] = stack_offsets[i-1] + stack_sizes[i-1];
@<|FoldedStackContainer| class declaration@>=
class WorkerFoldMAADense;
class WorkerFoldMAASparse1;
class WorkerFoldMAASparse2;
class WorkerFoldMAASparse4;
class FoldedStackContainer : virtual public StackContainerInterface<FGSTensor> {
friend class WorkerFoldMAADense;
friend class WorkerFoldMAASparse1;
friend class WorkerFoldMAASparse2;
friend class WorkerFoldMAASparse4;
static double fill_threshold;
void multAndAdd(int dim, const TensorContainer<FSSparseTensor>& c ,
FGSTensor& out) const
{@+ if (c.check(Symmetry(dim))) multAndAdd(*(c.get(Symmetry(dim))), out);@+}
void multAndAdd(const FSSparseTensor& t, FGSTensor& out) const;
void multAndAdd(int dim, const FGSContainer& c, FGSTensor& out) const;
void multAndAddSparse1(const FSSparseTensor& t, FGSTensor& out) const;
void multAndAddSparse2(const FSSparseTensor& t, FGSTensor& out) const;
void multAndAddSparse3(const FSSparseTensor& t, FGSTensor& out) const;
void multAndAddSparse4(const FSSparseTensor& t, FGSTensor& out) const;
void multAndAddStacks(const IntSequence& fi, const FGSTensor& g,
FGSTensor& out, const void* ad) const;
void multAndAddStacks(const IntSequence& fi, const GSSparseTensor& g,
FGSTensor& out, const void* ad) const;
@<|UnfoldedStackContainer| class declaration@>=
class WorkerUnfoldMAADense;
class WorkerUnfoldMAASparse1;
class WorkerUnfoldMAASparse2;
class UnfoldedStackContainer : virtual public StackContainerInterface<UGSTensor> {
friend class WorkerUnfoldMAADense;
friend class WorkerUnfoldMAASparse1;
friend class WorkerUnfoldMAASparse2;
static double fill_threshold;
void multAndAdd(int dim, const TensorContainer<FSSparseTensor>& c ,
UGSTensor& out) const
{@+ if (c.check(Symmetry(dim))) multAndAdd(*(c.get(Symmetry(dim))), out);@+}
void multAndAdd(const FSSparseTensor& t, UGSTensor& out) const;
void multAndAdd(int dim, const UGSContainer& c, UGSTensor& out) const;
void multAndAddSparse1(const FSSparseTensor& t, UGSTensor& out) const;
void multAndAddSparse2(const FSSparseTensor& t, UGSTensor& out) const;
void multAndAddStacks(const IntSequence& fi, const UGSTensor& g,
UGSTensor& out, const void* ad) const;
@ Here is the specialization of the |StackContainer|. We implement
here the $z$ needed in SDGE context. We implement |getType| and define
a constructor feeding the data and sizes.
Note that it has two containers, the first is dependent on four
variables $G(y^*,u,u',\sigma)$, and the second dependent on three
variables $g(y^*,u,\sigma)$. So that we would be able to stack them,
we make the second container $g$ be dependent on four variables, the
third being $u'$ a dummy and always returning zero if dimension of
$u'$ is positive.
@<|ZContainer| class declaration@>=
template <class _Ttype>@;
class ZContainer : public StackContainer<_Ttype> {
typedef StackContainer<_Ttype> _Tparent;
typedef StackContainerInterface<_Ttype> _Stype;
typedef typename _Tparent::_Ctype _Ctype;
typedef typename _Tparent::itype itype;
ZContainer(const _Ctype* gss, int ngss, const _Ctype* g, int ng,
int ny, int nu)
: _Tparent(4, 2)
_Tparent::stack_sizes[0] = ngss; _Tparent::stack_sizes[1] = ng;
_Tparent::stack_sizes[2] = ny; _Tparent::stack_sizes[3] = nu;
_Tparent::conts[0] = gss;
_Tparent::conts[1] = g;
@<|ZContainer::getType| code@>;
@ Here we say, what happens if we derive $z$. recall the top of the
file, how $z$ looks, and code is clear.
@<|ZContainer::getType| code@>=
itype getType(int i, const Symmetry& s) const
if (i == 0)
return _Stype::matrix;
if (i == 1)
if (s[2] > 0)
return _Stype::zero;
return _Stype::matrix;
if (i == 2)
if (s == Symmetry(1,0,0,0))
return _Stype::unit;
return _Stype::zero;
if (i == 3)
if (s == Symmetry(0,1,0,0))
return _Stype::unit;
return _Stype::zero;
TL_RAISE("Wrong stack index in ZContainer::getType");
return _Stype::zero;
@<|FoldedZContainer| class declaration@>=
class FoldedZContainer : public ZContainer<FGSTensor>,
public FoldedStackContainer {
typedef TensorContainer<FGSTensor> _Ctype;
FoldedZContainer(const _Ctype* gss, int ngss, const _Ctype* g, int ng,
int ny, int nu)
: ZContainer<FGSTensor>(gss, ngss, g, ng, ny, nu)@+ {}
@<|UnfoldedZContainer| class declaration@>=
class UnfoldedZContainer : public ZContainer<UGSTensor>,
public UnfoldedStackContainer {
typedef TensorContainer<UGSTensor> _Ctype;
UnfoldedZContainer(const _Ctype* gss, int ngss, const _Ctype* g, int ng,
int ny, int nu)
: ZContainer<UGSTensor>(gss, ngss, g, ng, ny, nu)@+ {}
@ Here we have another specialization of container used in context of
SDGE. We define a container for
For some reason, the symmetry of $g^{**}$ has length $4$ although it
is really dependent on three variables. (To now the reason, consult
|@<|ZContainer| class declaration@>|.) So, it has four stack, the
third one is dummy, and always returns zero. The first stack
corresponds to a container of $g^*$.
@<|GContainer| class declaration@>=
template <class _Ttype>@;
class GContainer : public StackContainer<_Ttype> {
typedef StackContainer<_Ttype> _Tparent;
typedef StackContainerInterface<_Ttype> _Stype;
typedef typename StackContainer<_Ttype>::_Ctype _Ctype;
typedef typename StackContainer<_Ttype>::itype itype;
GContainer(const _Ctype* gs, int ngs, int nu)
: StackContainer<_Ttype>(4, 1)
_Tparent::stack_sizes[0] = ngs; _Tparent::stack_sizes[1] = nu;
_Tparent::stack_sizes[2] = nu; _Tparent::stack_sizes[3] = 1;
_Tparent::conts[0] = gs;
@<|GContainer::getType| code@>;
@ Here we define the dependencies in
$g^{**}(g^*(y,u,\sigma),u',\sigma)$. Also note, that first derivative
of $g^*$ wrt $\sigma$ is always zero, so we also add this
@<|GContainer::getType| code@>=
itype getType(int i, const Symmetry& s) const
if (i == 0)
if (s[2] > 0 || s == Symmetry(0,0,0,1))
return _Stype::zero;
return _Stype::matrix;
if (i == 1)
if (s == Symmetry(0,0,1,0))
return _Stype::unit;
return _Stype::zero;
if (i == 2)
return _Stype::zero;
if (i == 3)
if (s == Symmetry(0,0,0,1))
return _Stype::unit;
return _Stype::zero;
TL_RAISE("Wrong stack index in GContainer::getType");
return _Stype::zero;
@<|FoldedGContainer| class declaration@>=
class FoldedGContainer : public GContainer<FGSTensor>,
public FoldedStackContainer {
typedef TensorContainer<FGSTensor> _Ctype;
FoldedGContainer(const _Ctype* gs, int ngs, int nu)
: GContainer<FGSTensor>(gs, ngs, nu)@+ {}
@<|UnfoldedGContainer| class declaration@>=
class UnfoldedGContainer : public GContainer<UGSTensor>,
public UnfoldedStackContainer {
typedef TensorContainer<UGSTensor> _Ctype;
UnfoldedGContainer(const _Ctype* gs, int ngs, int nu)
: GContainer<UGSTensor>(gs, ngs, nu)@+ {}
@ Here we have a support class for product of |StackContainer|s. It
only adds a dimension to |StackContainer|. It selects the symmetries
according to equivalence classes passed to the constructor. The
equivalence can have permuted classes by some given
permutation. Nothing else is interesting.
@<|StackProduct| class declaration@>=
template <class _Ttype>@;
class StackProduct {
typedef StackContainerInterface<_Ttype> _Stype;
typedef typename _Stype::_Ctype _Ctype;
typedef typename _Stype::itype itype;
const _Stype& stack_cont;
InducedSymmetries syms;
Permutation per;
StackProduct(const _Stype& sc, const Equivalence& e,
const Symmetry& os)
: stack_cont(sc), syms(e, os), per(e)@+ {}
StackProduct(const _Stype& sc, const Equivalence& e,
const Permutation& p, const Symmetry& os)
: stack_cont(sc), syms(e, p, os), per(e, p)@+ {}
int dimen() const
{@+ return syms.size();@+}
int getAllSize() const
{@+ return stack_cont.getAllSize();@+}
const Symmetry& getProdSym(int ip) const
{@+ return syms[ip];@+}
@<|StackProduct::isZero| code@>;
@<|StackProduct::getType| code@>;
@<|StackProduct::getMatrix| code@>;
@<|StackProduct::createPackedColumns| code@>;
@<|StackProduct::getSize| code@>;
@<|StackProduct::numMatrices| code@>;
@<|StackProduct::isZero| code@>=
bool isZero(const IntSequence& istacks) const
TL_RAISE_IF(istacks.size() != dimen(),
"Wrong istacks coordinates for StackProduct::isZero");
bool res = false;
int i = 0;
while (i < dimen() && !(res = stack_cont.isZero(istacks[i], syms[i])))
return res;
@<|StackProduct::getType| code@>=
itype getType(int is, int ip) const
TL_RAISE_IF(is < 0 || is >= stack_cont.numStacks(),
"Wrong index to stack in StackProduct::getType");
TL_RAISE_IF(ip < 0 || ip >= dimen(),
"Wrong index to stack container in StackProduct::getType");
return stack_cont.getType(is, syms[ip]);
@<|StackProduct::getMatrix| code@>=
const _Ttype* getMatrix(int is, int ip) const
return stack_cont.getMatrix(is, syms[ip]);
@<|StackProduct::createPackedColumns| code@>=
void createPackedColumns(const IntSequence& coor,
Vector** vs, IntSequence& iu) const
TL_RAISE_IF(iu.size() != dimen(),
"Wrong storage length for unit flags in StackProduct::createPackedColumn");
TL_RAISE_IF(coor.size() != per.size(),
"Wrong size of index coor in StackProduct::createPackedColumn");
IntSequence perindex(coor.size());
per.apply(coor, perindex);
int off = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dimen(); i++) {
IntSequence percoor(perindex, off, syms[i].dimen() + off);
vs[i] = stack_cont.createPackedColumn(syms[i], percoor, iu[i]);
off += syms[i].dimen();
@<|StackProduct::getSize| code@>=
int getSize(int is) const
return stack_cont.getStackSizes()[is];
@<|StackProduct::numMatrices| code@>=
int numMatrices(const IntSequence& istacks) const
TL_RAISE_IF(istacks.size() != dimen(),
"Wrong size of stack coordinates in StackContainer::numMatrices");
int ret = 0;
int ip = 0;
while (ip < dimen() && getType(istacks[ip], ip) == _Stype::matrix) {
return ret;
@ Here we only inherit from Kronecker product |KronProdAllOptim|, only to
allow for a constructor constructing from |StackProduct|.
@<|KronProdStack| class declaration@>=
template <class _Ttype>
class KronProdStack : public KronProdAllOptim {
typedef StackProduct<_Ttype> _Ptype;
typedef StackContainerInterface<_Ttype> _Stype;
@<|KronProdStack| constructor code@>;
@ Here we construct |KronProdAllOptim| from |StackContainer| and given
selections of stack items from stack containers in the product. We
only decide whether to insert matrix, or unit matrix.
At this point, we do not call |KronProdAllOptim::optimizeOrder|, so
the |KronProdStack| behaves like |KronProdAll| (i.e. no optimization
is done).
@<|KronProdStack| constructor code@>=
KronProdStack(const _Ptype& sp, const IntSequence& istack)
: KronProdAllOptim(sp.dimen())
TL_RAISE_IF(sp.dimen() != istack.size(),
"Wrong stack product dimension for KronProdStack constructor");
for (int i = 0; i < sp.dimen(); i++) {
TL_RAISE_IF(sp.getType(istack[i], i) == _Stype::zero,
"Attempt to construct KronProdStack from zero matrix");
if (sp.getType(istack[i], i) == _Stype::unit)
setUnit(i, sp.getSize(istack[i]));
if (sp.getType(istack[i], i) == _Stype::matrix) {
const TwoDMatrix* m = sp.getMatrix(istack[i], i);
TL_RAISE_IF(m->nrows() != sp.getSize(istack[i]),
"Wrong size of returned matrix in KronProdStack constructor");
setMat(i, *m);
@<|WorkerFoldMAADense| class declaration@>=
class WorkerFoldMAADense : public THREAD {
const FoldedStackContainer& cont;
Symmetry sym;
const FGSContainer& dense_cont;
FGSTensor& out;
WorkerFoldMAADense(const FoldedStackContainer& container,
const Symmetry& s,
const FGSContainer& dcontainer,
FGSTensor& outten);
void operator()();
@<|WorkerFoldMAASparse1| class declaration@>=
class WorkerFoldMAASparse1 : public THREAD {
const FoldedStackContainer& cont;
const FSSparseTensor& t;
FGSTensor& out;
IntSequence coor;
const EquivalenceBundle& ebundle;
WorkerFoldMAASparse1(const FoldedStackContainer& container,
const FSSparseTensor& ten,
FGSTensor& outten, const IntSequence& c);
void operator()();
@<|WorkerFoldMAASparse2| class declaration@>=
class WorkerFoldMAASparse2 : public THREAD {
const FoldedStackContainer& cont;
const FSSparseTensor& t;
FGSTensor& out;
IntSequence coor;
WorkerFoldMAASparse2(const FoldedStackContainer& container,
const FSSparseTensor& ten,
FGSTensor& outten, const IntSequence& c);
void operator()();
@<|WorkerFoldMAASparse4| class declaration@>=
class WorkerFoldMAASparse4 : public THREAD {
const FoldedStackContainer& cont;
const FSSparseTensor& t;
FGSTensor& out;
IntSequence coor;
WorkerFoldMAASparse4(const FoldedStackContainer& container,
const FSSparseTensor& ten,
FGSTensor& outten, const IntSequence& c);
void operator()();
@<|WorkerUnfoldMAADense| class declaration@>=
class WorkerUnfoldMAADense : public THREAD {
const UnfoldedStackContainer& cont;
Symmetry sym;
const UGSContainer& dense_cont;
UGSTensor& out;
WorkerUnfoldMAADense(const UnfoldedStackContainer& container,
const Symmetry& s,
const UGSContainer& dcontainer,
UGSTensor& outten);
void operator()();
@<|WorkerUnfoldMAASparse1| class declaration@>=
class WorkerUnfoldMAASparse1 : public THREAD {
const UnfoldedStackContainer& cont;
const FSSparseTensor& t;
UGSTensor& out;
IntSequence coor;
const EquivalenceBundle& ebundle;
WorkerUnfoldMAASparse1(const UnfoldedStackContainer& container,
const FSSparseTensor& ten,
UGSTensor& outten, const IntSequence& c);
void operator()();
@<|WorkerUnfoldMAASparse2| class declaration@>=
class WorkerUnfoldMAASparse2 : public THREAD {
const UnfoldedStackContainer& cont;
const FSSparseTensor& t;
UGSTensor& out;
IntSequence coor;
WorkerUnfoldMAASparse2(const UnfoldedStackContainer& container,
const FSSparseTensor& ten,
UGSTensor& outten, const IntSequence& c);
void operator()();
@ End of {\tt stack\_container.h} file.