
87 lines
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@q $Id: pyramid_prod.cweb 148 2005-04-19 15:12:26Z kamenik $ @>
@q Copyright 2004, Ondra Kamenik @>
@ Start of {\tt pyramid\_prod.cpp} file.
#include "pyramid_prod.h"
#include "permutation.h"
#include "tl_exception.h"
@<|USubTensor| constructor code@>;
@<|USubTensor::addKronColumn| code@>;
@ Here we construct the |USubTensor| object. We allocate space via the
parent |URTensor|. Number of columns is a length of the list of
indices |lst|, number of variables and dimensions are of the tensor
$h$, this is given by |hdims|.
We go through all equivalences with number of classes equal to
dimension of $B$. For each equivalence we make a permutation
|per|. Then we fetch all the necessary tensors $g$ with symmetries
implied by symmetry of $B$ and the equivalence. Then we go through the
list of indices, permute them by the permutation and add the Kronecker
product of the selected columns. This is done by |addKronColumn|.
@<|USubTensor| constructor code@>=
USubTensor::USubTensor(const TensorDimens& bdims,
const TensorDimens& hdims,
const FGSContainer& cont,
const vector<IntSequence>& lst)
: URTensor(lst.size(), hdims.getNVX()[0], hdims.dimen())
TL_RAISE_IF(! hdims.getNVX().isConstant(),
"Tensor has not full symmetry in USubTensor()");
const EquivalenceSet& eset = cont.getEqBundle().get(bdims.dimen());
for (EquivalenceSet::const_iterator it = eset.begin();
it != eset.end(); ++it) {
if ((*it).numClasses() == hdims.dimen()) {
Permutation per(*it);
vector<const FGSTensor*> ts =
cont.fetchTensors(bdims.getSym(), *it);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)lst.size(); i++) {
IntSequence perindex(lst[i].size());
per.apply(lst[i], perindex);
addKronColumn(i, ts, perindex);
@ This makes a Kronecker product of appropriate columns from tensors
in |fs| and adds such data to |i|-th column of this matrix. The
appropriate columns are defined by |pindex| sequence. A column of a
tensor has index created from a corresponding part of |pindex|. The
sizes of these parts are given by dimensions of the tensors in |ts|.
Here we break the given index |pindex| according to the dimensions of
the tensors in |ts|, and for each subsequence of the |pindex| we find
an index of the folded tensor, which involves calling |getOffset| for
folded tensor, which might be costly. We gather all columns to a
vector |tmpcols| which are Kronecker multiplied in constructor of
|URSingleTensor|. Finally we add data of |URSingleTensor| to the
|i|-th column.
@<|USubTensor::addKronColumn| code@>=
void USubTensor::addKronColumn(int i, const vector<const FGSTensor*>& ts,
const IntSequence& pindex)
vector<ConstVector> tmpcols;
int lastdim = 0;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < ts.size(); j++) {
IntSequence ind(pindex, lastdim, lastdim+ts[j]->dimen());
lastdim += ts[j]->dimen();
index in(ts[j], ind);
tmpcols.push_back(ConstVector(*(ts[j]), *in));
URSingleTensor kronmult(tmpcols);
Vector coli(*this, i);
coli.add(1.0, kronmult.getData());
@ End of {\tt pyramid\_prod.cpp} file.