
351 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2005, Ondra Kamenik
// $Id: fine_atoms.h 1759 2008-03-31 14:25:20Z kamenik $
#include "dynamic_atoms.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
namespace ogp {
using std::vector;
using std::string;
/** This is just ordering used for endogenous variables. It
* assumes that we have only time t-1, t, and t+1, orders them as
* pred(t-1), both(t-1), stat(t), pred(t), both(t), forw(t),
* both(t+1), forw(t+1). */
class EndoVarOrdering1 : public VarOrdering {
EndoVarOrdering1(const vector<const char*>& vnames, const DynamicAtoms& a)
: VarOrdering(vnames, a) {}
EndoVarOrdering1(const EndoVarOrdering1& vo, const vector<const char*>& vnames,
const DynamicAtoms& a)
: VarOrdering(vo, vnames, a) {}
VarOrdering* clone(const vector<const char*>& vnames, const DynamicAtoms& a) const
{return new EndoVarOrdering1(*this, vnames, a);}
void do_ordering()
/** This is just another ordering used for endogenous
* variables. It assumes that we have only time t-1, t, and t+1,
* orders them as both(t+1), forw(t+1), pred(t-1), both(t-1),
* stat(t), pred(t), both(t), forw(t). */
class EndoVarOrdering2 : public VarOrdering {
EndoVarOrdering2(const vector<const char*>& vnames, const DynamicAtoms& a)
: VarOrdering(vnames, a) {}
EndoVarOrdering2(const EndoVarOrdering2& vo, const vector<const char*>& vnames,
const DynamicAtoms& a)
: VarOrdering(vo, vnames, a) {}
VarOrdering* clone(const vector<const char*>& vnames, const DynamicAtoms& a) const
{return new EndoVarOrdering2(*this, vnames, a);}
void do_ordering()
/** This is just ordering used for exogenous variables. It makes
* no assumptions about their timing. It orders them from the
* least time to the latest time. */
class ExoVarOrdering : public VarOrdering {
ExoVarOrdering(const vector<const char*>& vnames, const DynamicAtoms& a)
: VarOrdering(vnames, a) {}
ExoVarOrdering(const ExoVarOrdering& vo, const vector<const char*>& vnames,
const DynamicAtoms& a)
: VarOrdering(vo, vnames, a) {}
VarOrdering* clone(const vector<const char*>& vnames, const DynamicAtoms& a) const
{return new ExoVarOrdering(*this, vnames, a);}
void do_ordering()
class FineAtoms;
/** This class provides an outer ordering of all variables (endo
* and exo). It maps the ordering to the particular outer
* orderings of endo and exo. It works tightly with the FineAtoms
* class. */
class AllvarOuterOrdering {
/** Type for a map mapping a variable name to an integer. */
typedef map<const char*, int, ltstr> Tvarintmap;
/** Reference to atoms. */
const FineAtoms& atoms;
/** The vector of all endo and exo variables in outer
* ordering. The pointers point to storage in atoms. */
vector<const char*> allvar;
/** The mapping from outer endogenous to outer all. For
* example endo2all[0] is the order of the first outer
* endogenous variable in the allvar ordering. */
vector<int> endo2all;
/** The mapping from outer exogenous to outer all. For example
* exo2all[0] is the order of the first outer exogenous
* variables in the allvar ordering. */
vector<int> exo2all;
/** Construct the allvar outer ordering from the provided
* sequence of endo and exo names. The names can have an
* arbitrary storage, the storage is transformed to the atoms
* storage. An exception is thrown if either the list is not
* exhaustive, or some string is not a variable. */
AllvarOuterOrdering(const vector<const char*>& allvar_outer, const FineAtoms& a);
/** Copy constructor using the storage of provided atoms. */
AllvarOuterOrdering(const AllvarOuterOrdering& allvar_outer, const FineAtoms& a);
/** Return endo2all mapping. */
const vector<int>& get_endo2all() const
{return endo2all;}
/** Return exo2all mapping. */
const vector<int>& get_exo2all() const
{return exo2all;}
/** Return the allvar ordering. */
const vector<const char*>& get_allvar() const
{return allvar;}
/** This class refines the DynamicAtoms by distinguishing among
* parameters (no lag and leads) and endogenous and exogenous
* variables (with lags and leads). For parameters, endogenous and
* exogenous, it defines outer orderings and internal
* orderings. The internal orderings are created by
* parsing_finished() method when it is sure that no new variables
* would be registered. The outer orderings are given by the order
* of calls of registering methods.
* In addition, the class also defines outer ordering of
* endogenous and exogenous variables. This is input as a
* parameter to parsing_finished(). By default, this whole outer
* ordering is just a concatenation of outer ordering of
* endogenous and exogenous variables.
* The internal ordering of all endo and exo variables is just a
* concatenation of endo and exo variables in their internal
* orderings. This is the ordering with respect to which all
* derivatives are taken. */
class FineAtoms : public DynamicAtoms {
friend class AllvarOuterOrdering;
typedef map<const char*, int, ltstr> Tvarintmap;
/** The vector of parameters names. The order gives the order
* the data is communicated with outside world. */
vector<const char*> params;
/** A map mapping a name of a parameter to an index in the outer
* ordering. */
Tvarintmap param_outer_map;
/** The vector of endogenous variables. This defines the order
* like parameters. */
vector<const char*> endovars;
/** A map mapping a name of an endogenous variable to an index
* in the outer ordering. */
Tvarintmap endo_outer_map;
/** The vector of exogenous variables. Also defines the order
* like parameters and endovars. */
vector<const char*> exovars;
/** A map mapping a name of an exogenous variable to an index
* in the outer ordering. */
Tvarintmap exo_outer_map;
/** This is the internal ordering of all atoms corresponding
* to endogenous variables. It is constructed by
* parsing_finished() method, which should be called after all
* parsing jobs have been finished. */
VarOrdering* endo_order;
/** This is the internal ordering of all atoms corresponding
* to exogenous variables. It has the same handling as
* endo_order. */
VarOrdering* exo_order;
/** This is the all variables outer ordering. It is
* constructed by parsing finished. */
AllvarOuterOrdering* allvar_order;
/** This vector defines a set of atoms as tree indices used
* for differentiation. The order of the atoms in this vector
* defines ordering of the derivative tensors. The ordering is
* a concatenation of atoms from endo_order and then
* exo_order. This vector is setup by parsing_finished() and
* is returned by variables(). */
vector<int> der_atoms;
/** This is a mapping from endogenous atoms to all atoms in
* der_atoms member. The mapping maps index in endogenous atom
* ordering to index (not value) in der_atoms. It is useful if
* one wants to evaluate derivatives wrt only endogenous
* variables. It is set by parsing_finished(). By definition,
* it is monotone. */
vector<int> endo_atoms_map;
/** This is a mapping from exogenous atoms to all atoms in
* der_atoms member. It is the same as endo_atoms_map for
* atoms of exogenous variables. */
vector<int> exo_atoms_map;
: endo_order(NULL), exo_order(NULL), allvar_order(NULL) {}
FineAtoms(const FineAtoms& fa);
/** Deletes endo_order and exo_order. */
virtual ~FineAtoms()
if (endo_order) delete endo_order;
if (exo_order) delete exo_order;
if (allvar_order) delete allvar_order;
/** Overrides DynamicAtoms::check_variable so that the error
* would be raised if the variable name is not declared. A
* variable is declared by inserting it to
* DynamicAtoms::varnames. This is a responsibility of a
* subclass. */
int check_variable(const char* name) const;
/** This calculates min lag and max lead of endogenous variables. */
void endovarspan(int& mlead, int& mlag) const
{varspan(endovars, mlead, mlag);}
/** This calculates mim lag and max lead of exogenous variables. */
void exovarspan(int& mlead, int& mlag) const
{varspan(exovars, mlead, mlag);}
/** This calculates the number of periods in which at least
* one exogenous variable occurs. */
int num_exo_periods() const;
/** Return an (external) ordering of parameters. */
const vector<const char*>& get_params() const
{return params;}
/** Return an external ordering of endogenous variables. */
const vector<const char*>& get_endovars() const
{return endovars;}
/** Return an external ordering of exogenous variables. */
const vector<const char*>& get_exovars() const
{return exovars;}
/** This constructs internal orderings and makes the indices
* returned by variables method available. Further it
* constructs outer ordering of all variables by a simple
* concatenation of outer endogenous and outer exogenous. In
* addition, it makes nstat, npred, nboth, nforw available. */
void parsing_finished(VarOrdering::ord_type ot);
/** This does the same thing as
* parsing_finished(VarOrdering::ord_type) plus it allows for
* inputing a different outer ordering of all variables. The
* ordering is input as a list of strings, their storage can
* be arbitrary. */
void parsing_finished(VarOrdering::ord_type ot, const vector<const char*> avo);
/** Return the external ordering of all variables (endo and
* exo). This is either the second argument to
* parsing_finished or the default external ordering. This
* must be called only after parsing_finished. */
const vector<const char*>& get_allvar() const;
/** Return the map from outer ordering of endo variables to
* the allvar ordering. This must be called only after
* parsing_finished. */
const vector<int>& outer_endo2all() const;
/** Return the map from outer ordering of exo variables to
* the allvar ordering. This must be called only after
* parsing_finished. */
const vector<int>& outer_exo2all() const;
/** Return the atoms with respect to which we are going to
* differentiate. This must be called after
* parsing_finished. */
vector<int> variables() const;
/** Return the number of static. */
int nstat() const;
/** Return the number of predetermined. */
int npred() const;
/** Return the number of both. */
int nboth() const;
/** Return the number of forward looking. */
int nforw() const;
/** Return the index of an endogenous atom given by tree index in
* the endo ordering. This must be also called only after
* parsing_finished(). */
int get_pos_of_endo(int t) const;
/** Return the index of an exogenous atom given by tree index in
* the exo ordering. This must be also called only after
* parsing_finished(). */
int get_pos_of_exo(int t) const;
/** Return the index of either endogenous or exogenous atom
* given by tree index in the concatenated ordering of
* endogenous and exogenous atoms. This must be also called
* only after parsing_finished(). */
int get_pos_of_all(int t) const;
/** Return the mapping from endogenous at time t to outer
* ordering of endogenous. */
const vector<int>& y2outer_endo() const;
/** Return the mapping from the outer ordering of endogenous to endogenous
* at time t. */
const vector<int>& outer2y_endo() const;
/** Return the mapping from exogenous at time t to outer
* ordering of exogenous. */
const vector<int>& y2outer_exo() const;
/** Return the mapping from the outer ordering of exogenous to exogenous
* at time t. */
const vector<int>& outer2y_exo() const;
/** Return the endo_atoms_map. */
const vector<int>& get_endo_atoms_map() const;
/** Return the exo_atoms_map. */
const vector<int>& get_exo_atoms_map() const;
/** Return an index in the outer ordering of a given
* parameter. An exception is thrown if the name is not a
* parameter. */
int name2outer_param(const char* name) const;
/** Return an index in the outer ordering of a given
* endogenous variable. An exception is thrown if the name is not a
* and endogenous variable. */
int name2outer_endo(const char* name) const;
/** Return an index in the outer ordering of a given
* exogenous variable. An exception is thrown if the name is not a
* and exogenous variable. */
int name2outer_exo(const char* name) const;
/** Return an index in the outer ordering of all variables
* (endo and exo) for a given name. An exception is thrown if
* the name is not a variable. This must be called only after
* parsing_finished(). */
int name2outer_allvar(const char* name) const;
/** Return the number of endogenous variables at time t-1, these are state
* variables. */
int nys() const
{return npred()+nboth();}
/** Return the number of endogenous variables at time t+1. */
int nyss() const
{return nboth()+nforw();}
/** Return the number of endogenous variables. */
int ny() const
{return endovars.size();}
/** Return the number of exogenous variables. */
int nexo() const
{return (int)exovars.size();}
/** Return the number of parameters. */
int np() const
{return (int)(params.size());}
/** Register unique endogenous variable name. The order of
* calls defines the endo outer ordering. The method is
* virtual, since a superclass may want to do some additional
* action. */
virtual void register_uniq_endo(const char* name);
/** Register unique exogenous variable name. The order of
* calls defines the exo outer ordering. The method is
* virtual, since a superclass may want to do somem additional
* action. */
virtual void register_uniq_exo(const char* name);
/** Register unique parameter name. The order of calls defines
* the param outer ordering. The method is
* virtual, since a superclass may want to do somem additional
* action. */
virtual void register_uniq_param(const char* name);
/** Debug print. */
void print() const;
/** This performs the common part of parsing_finished(), which
* is a construction of internal orderings. */
void make_internal_orderings(VarOrdering::ord_type ot);
/** This remembers the ordering type of the last call make_internal_ordering. */
VarOrdering::ord_type order_type;
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