
220 lines
7.2 KiB

/*! \file
\version 1.0
\date 04/09/2004
\par This file implements the NumericalInitialization class methodes.
using namespace std;
#include "NumericalInitialization.h"
//ostringstream NumericalInitialization::output;
void NumericalInitialization::setOutput(ostringstream* iOutput)
output = iOutput;
void NumericalInitialization::SetConstant (string name, string expression)
//Testing if symbol exists
if (!SymbolTable::Exist(name))
string msg = "Unknown parameter: " + name;
(* error) (msg.c_str());
// Testing symbol type
if (SymbolTable::getType(name) != eParameter)
string msg = "Non-parameter used as a parameter: " + name;
(* error) (msg.c_str());
// Writing expression
*output << "M_.params( " << SymbolTable::getID(name)+1 << " ) = " << expression << ";\n";
*output << name << " = M_.params( " << SymbolTable::getID(name)+1 << " );\n";
// Deleting expression
void NumericalInitialization::SetLocalConstant (string name, string expression)
//Testing if symbol exists
if (SymbolTable::Exist(name))
if (SymbolTable::getType(name) != eLocalParameter)
string msg = "Using existing symbol " + name +
" as local parameter name";
(* error) (msg.c_str());
// Writing expression
*output << name << " = " << expression << ";\n";
void NumericalInitialization::BeginInitval (void)
// Writing a Matlab comment
*output << "%\n% INITVAL instructions \n%\n";
// Writing initval block to set initial values for variables
*output << "options_.initval_file = 0;\nendval_=0;\n";
if(ModelParameters::recur_nbr > 0)
*output << "recurs_ = zeros(" << ModelParameters::recur_nbr << ", 1);\n";
void NumericalInitialization::SetInit (string name, string expression)
//Testing if symbol exists
if (!SymbolTable::Exist(name))
string msg = "Unknown parameter: " + name;
(* error) (msg.c_str());
Type type = SymbolTable::getType(name);
int id = SymbolTable::getID(name);
// Writing instrcuction that set initial or terminal value
// for a variable
if (type == eEndogenous)
*output << "oo_.steady_state( " << id+1 << " ) = " << expression << ";\n";
else if (type == eExogenous)
*output << "oo_.exo_steady_state( " << id+1 << " ) = " << expression << ";\n";
else if (type == eExogenousDet)
*output << "oo_.exo_det_steady_state( " << id+1 << " ) = " << expression << ";\n";
// Testing if symbol is a variable (Exogenousous deterministic or recursive)
else if ( type != eRecursiveVariable )
cout << "Error : Non-variable symbol used in INITVAL: " << name << endl;
void NumericalInitialization::EndInitval(void)
*output << "oo_.y_simul=[oo_.steady_state*ones(1,M_.maximum_lag)];\n";
*output << "if M_.exo_nbr > 0;\n";
*output << "\too_.exo_simul = [ones(M_.maximum_lag,1)*oo_.exo_steady_state'];\n";
*output <<"end;\n";
*output << "if M_.exo_det_nbr > 0;\n";
*output << "\too_.exo_det_simul = [ones(M_.maximum_lag,1)*oo_.exo_det_steady_state'];\n";
*output <<"end;\n";
void NumericalInitialization::BeginEndval (void)
// Writing a Matlab comment
*output << "%\n% ENDVAL instructions\n%\n";
// Writing endval block to set terminal values for variables
*output << "ys0_= oo_.steady_state;\nex0_ = oo_.exo_steady_state;\nrecurs0_ = recurs_;\nendval_ = 1;\n";
void NumericalInitialization::EndEndval (void)
*output << "oo_.y_simul = [oo_.y_simul oo_.steady_state*ones(1,M_.maximum_lead+M_.maximum_lead)];\n";
*output << "if M_.exo_nbr > 0;\n";
*output << "\too_.exo_simul = [ones(M_.maximum_lag,1)*oo_.exo_steady_state'];\n";
*output <<"end;\n";
*output << "if M_.exo_det_nbr > 0;\n";
*output << "\too_.exo_det_simul = [ones(M_.maximum_lag,1)*oo_.exo_det_steady_state'];\n";
*output <<"end;\n";
void NumericalInitialization::BeginHistval (void)
// Writing a Matlab comment
*output << "%\n% HISTVAL instructions\n%\n";
void NumericalInitialization::SetHist (string name, int lag, string expression)
//Testing if symbol exists
if (!SymbolTable::Exist(name))
string msg = "Unknown parameter: " + name;
(* error) (msg.c_str());
Type type = SymbolTable::getType(name);
int id = SymbolTable::getID(name);
// Testing symbol type
if (type == eEndogenous)
*output << "oo_.y_simul( " << id+1 << ", MP.max_lag + " << lag + 1 << ") = " << expression << ";\n";
else if (type == eExogenous)
*output << "oo_.exo_simul( MP.max_lag + " << lag + 1 << ", " << id+1 << " ) = " << expression << ";\n";
// Tetsting if symbol is a variable (Exogenousous deterministic or recursive)
else if ((type != eExogenousDet) ||
(type != eRecursiveVariable))
string msg = "Non-variable symbol : " + name;
(* error) (msg.c_str());
// Deleting expression
char buffer[200];
int offset;
offset = v->var_ptr-var_list;
if (v->endo_exo == 1)
else if (v->endo_exo == 0)
initval_check1[offset] = 1;
string NumericalInitialization::get(void)
return output.str();