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function G = rand_inverse_wishart(m, v, H_inv_upper_chol)
% rand_inverse_wishart Pseudo random matrices drawn from an
% inverse Wishart distribution
% G = rand_inverse_wishart(m, v, H_inv_upper_chol)
% Returns an m-by-m matrix drawn from an inverse-Wishart distribution.
% m: dimension of G and H_inv_upper_chol.
% v: degrees of freedom, greater or equal than m.
% H_inv_chol: upper cholesky decomposition of the inverse of the
% matrix parameter.
% The upper cholesky of the inverse is requested here
% in order to avoid to recompute it at every random draw.
% H_inv_upper_chol = chol(inv(H))
% In other words:
% G ~ IW(m, v, H) where H = inv(H_inv_upper_chol'*H_inv_upper_chol)
% or, equivalently, using the correspondence between Wishart and
% inverse-Wishart:
% inv(G) ~ W(m, v, S) where S = H_inv_upper_chol'*H_inv_upper_chol = inv(H)
X = randn(v, m) * H_inv_upper_chol;
% At this point, X'*X is Wishart distributed
% G = inv(X'*X);
% Rather compute inv(X'*X) using the SVD
[U,S,V] = svd(X, 0);
SSi = 1 ./ (diag(S) .^ 2);
G = (V .* repmat(SSi', m, 1)) * V';