
352 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright 2005, Ondra Kamenik
#include <utility>
#include "kord_exception.hh"
#include "approximation.hh"
#include "first_order.hh"
#include "korder_stoch.hh"
ZAuxContainer::ZAuxContainer(const _Ctype *gss, int ngss, int ng, int ny, int nu)
: StackContainer<FGSTensor>(4, 1)
stack_sizes = { ngss, ng, ny, nu };
conts[0] = gss;
/* The |getType| method corresponds to
$f(g^{**}(y^*,u',\sigma),0,0,0)$. For the first argument we return
|matrix|, for other three we return |zero|. */
ZAuxContainer::getType(int i, const Symmetry &s) const
if (i == 0)
if (s[2] > 0)
return itype::zero;
return itype::matrix;
return itype::zero;
Approximation::Approximation(DynamicModel &m, Journal &j, int ns, bool dr_centr, double qz_crit)
: model(m), journal(j),
ypart(model.nstat(), model.npred(), model.nboth(), model.nforw()),
mom(UNormalMoments(model.order(), model.getVcov())),
nvs{ypart.nys(), model.nexog(), model.nexog(), 1 },
dr_centralize(dr_centr), qz_criterium(qz_crit), ss(ypart.ny(), steps+1)
/* This just returns |fdr| with a check that it is created. */
const FoldDecisionRule &
Approximation::getFoldDecisionRule() const
"Folded decision rule has not been created in Approximation::getFoldDecisionRule");
return *fdr;
/* This just returns |udr| with a check that it is created. */
const UnfoldDecisionRule &
Approximation::getUnfoldDecisionRule() const
"Unfolded decision rule has not been created in Approximation::getUnfoldDecisionRule");
return *udr;
/* This methods assumes that the deterministic steady state is
|model.getSteady()|. It makes an approximation about it and stores the
derivatives to |rule_ders| and |rule_ders_ss|. Also it runs a |check|
for $\sigma=0$. */
FirstOrder fo(model.nstat(), model.npred(), model.nboth(), model.nforw(),
model.nexog(), model.getModelDerivatives().get(Symmetry{1}),
journal, qz_criterium);
"The model is not Blanchard-Kahn stable",
if (model.order() >= 2)
KOrder korder(model.nstat(), model.npred(), model.nboth(), model.nforw(),
model.getModelDerivatives(), fo.getGy(), fo.getGu(),
model.getVcov(), journal);
for (int k = 2; k <= model.order(); k++)
FirstOrderDerivs<Storage::fold> fo_ders(fo);
/* This is the core routine of |Approximation| class.
First we solve for the approximation about the deterministic steady
state. Then we perform |steps| cycles toward the stochastic steady
state. Each cycle moves the size of shocks by |dsigma=1.0/steps|. At
the end of a cycle, we have |rule_ders| being the derivatives at
stochastic steady state for $\sigma=sigma\_so\_far+dsigma$ and
|model.getSteady()| being the steady state.
If the number of |steps| is zero, the decision rule |dr| at the bottom
is created from derivatives about deterministic steady state, with
size of $\sigma=1$. Otherwise, the |dr| is created from the
approximation about stochastic steady state with $\sigma=0$.
Within each cycle, we first make a backup of the last steady (from
initialization or from a previous cycle), then we calculate the fix
point of the last rule with $\sigma=dsigma$. This becomes a new steady
state at the $\sigma=sigma\_so\_far+dsigma$. We calculate expectations
of $g^{**}(y,\sigma\eta_{t+1},\sigma$ expressed as a Taylor expansion
around the new $\sigma$ and the new steady state. Then we solve for
the decision rule with explicit $g^{**}$ at $t+1$ and save the rule.
After we reached $\sigma=1$, the decision rule is formed.
The biproduct of this method is the matrix |ss|, whose columns are
steady states for subsequent $\sigma$s. The first column is the
deterministic steady state, the last column is the stochastic steady
state for a full size of shocks ($\sigma=1$). There are |steps+1|
columns. */
// initial approximation at deterministic steady
/* Here we solve for the deterministic steady state, calculate
approximation at the deterministic steady and save the steady state
to |ss|. */
Vector steady0{ss.getCol(0)};
steady0 = model.getSteady();
double sigma_so_far = 0.0;
double dsigma = (steps == 0) ? 0.0 : 1.0/steps;
for (int i = 1; i <= steps; i++)
JournalRecordPair pa(journal);
pa << "Approximation about stochastic steady for sigma=" << sigma_so_far+dsigma << endrec;
Vector last_steady(model.getSteady());
// calculate fix-point of the last rule for |dsigma|
/* We form the |DRFixPoint| object from the last rule with
$\sigma=dsigma$. Then we save the steady state to |ss|. The new steady
is also put to |model.getSteady()|. */
DRFixPoint<Storage::fold> fp(*rule_ders, ypart, model.getSteady(), dsigma);
bool converged = fp.calcFixPoint(DecisionRule::emethod::horner, model.getSteady());
JournalRecord rec(journal);
rec << "Fix point calcs: iter=" << fp.getNumIter() << ", newton_iter="
<< fp.getNewtonTotalIter() << ", last_newton_iter=" << fp.getNewtonLastIter() << ".";
if (converged)
rec << " Converged." << endrec;
rec << " Not converged!!" << endrec;
KORD_RAISE_X("Fix point calculation not converged", KORD_FP_NOT_CONV);
Vector steadyi{ss.getCol(i)};
steadyi = model.getSteady();
// calculate |hh| as expectations of the last $g^{**}$
/* We form the steady state shift |dy|, which is the new steady state
minus the old steady state. Then we create |StochForwardDerivs|
object, which calculates the derivatives of $g^{**}$ expectations at
new sigma and new steady. */
Vector dy(model.getSteady());
dy.add(-1.0, last_steady);
StochForwardDerivs<Storage::fold> hh(ypart, model.nexog(), *rule_ders_ss, mom, dy,
dsigma, sigma_so_far);
JournalRecord rec1(journal);
rec1 << "Calculation of g** expectations done" << endrec;
// form |KOrderStoch|, solve and save
/* We calculate derivatives of the model at the new steady, form
|KOrderStoch| object and solve, and save the rule. */
KOrderStoch korder_stoch(ypart, model.nexog(), model.getModelDerivatives(),
hh, journal);
for (int d = 1; d <= model.order(); d++)
sigma_so_far += dsigma;
// construct the resulting decision rules
fdr = std::make_unique<FoldDecisionRule>(*rule_ders, ypart, model.nexog(),
model.getSteady(), 1.0-sigma_so_far);
if (steps == 0 && dr_centralize)
// centralize decision rule for zero steps
DRFixPoint<Storage::fold> fp(*rule_ders, ypart, model.getSteady(), 1.0);
bool converged = fp.calcFixPoint(DecisionRule::emethod::horner, model.getSteady());
JournalRecord rec(journal);
rec << "Fix point calcs: iter=" << fp.getNumIter() << ", newton_iter="
<< fp.getNewtonTotalIter() << ", last_newton_iter=" << fp.getNewtonLastIter() << ".";
if (converged)
rec << " Converged." << endrec;
rec << " Not converged!!" << endrec;
KORD_RAISE_X("Fix point calculation not converged", KORD_FP_NOT_CONV);
JournalRecordPair recp(journal);
recp << "Centralizing about fix-point." << endrec;
fdr = std::make_unique<FoldDecisionRule>(*fdr, model.getSteady());
/* Here we simply make a new hardcopy of the given rule |rule_ders|,
and make a new container of in-place subtensors of the derivatives
corresponding to forward looking variables. The given container comes
from a temporary object and will be destroyed. */
Approximation::saveRuleDerivs(const FGSContainer &g)
rule_ders = std::make_unique<FGSContainer>(g);
rule_ders_ss = std::make_unique<FGSContainer>(4);
for (auto &run : *rule_ders)
auto ten = std::make_unique<FGSTensor>(ypart.nstat+ypart.npred, ypart.nyss(), *(run.second));
/* This method calculates a shift of the system equations due to
integrating shocks at a given $\sigma$ and current steady state. More precisely, if
then the method returns a vector
$$\sum_{d=1}{1\over d!}\sigma^d\left[F_{u'^d}\right]_{\alpha_1\ldots\alpha_d}
For a calculation of $\left[F_{u'^d}\right]$ we use |@<|ZAuxContainer|
class declaration@>|, so we create its object. In each cycle we
calculate $\left[F_{u'^d}\right]$@q'@>, and then multiply with the shocks,
and add the ${\sigma^d\over d!}$ multiple to the result. */
Approximation::calcStochShift(Vector &out, double at_sigma) const
KORD_RAISE_IF(out.length() != ypart.ny(),
"Wrong length of output vector for Approximation::calcStochShift");
ZAuxContainer zaux(rule_ders_ss.get(), ypart.nyss(), ypart.ny(),
ypart.nys(), model.nexog());
int dfac = 1;
for (int d = 1; d <= rule_ders->getMaxDim(); d++, dfac *= d)
if (KOrder::is_even(d))
Symmetry sym{0, d, 0, 0};
// calculate $F_{u'^d}$ via |ZAuxContainer|
auto ten = std::make_unique<FGSTensor>(ypart.ny(), TensorDimens(sym, nvs));
for (int l = 1; l <= d; l++)
const FSSparseTensor &f = model.getModelDerivatives().get(Symmetry{l});
zaux.multAndAdd(f, *ten);
// multiply with shocks and add to result
auto tmp = std::make_unique<FGSTensor>(ypart.ny(), TensorDimens(Symmetry{0, 0, 0, 0}, nvs));
ten->contractAndAdd(1, *tmp, mom.get(Symmetry{d}));
out.add(pow(at_sigma, d)/dfac, tmp->getData());
/* This method calculates and reports
$$f(\bar y)+\sum_{d=1}{1\over d!}\sigma^d\left[F_{u'^d}\right]_{\alpha_1\ldots\alpha_d}
at $\bar y$, zero shocks and $\sigma$. This number should be zero.
We evaluate the error both at a given $\sigma$ and $\sigma=1.0$. */
Approximation::check(double at_sigma) const
Vector stoch_shift(ypart.ny());
Vector system_resid(ypart.ny());
Vector xx(model.nexog());
model.evaluateSystem(system_resid, model.getSteady(), xx);
calcStochShift(stoch_shift, at_sigma);
stoch_shift.add(1.0, system_resid);
JournalRecord rec1(journal);
rec1 << "Error of current approximation for shocks at sigma " << at_sigma
<< " is " << stoch_shift.getMax() << endrec;
calcStochShift(stoch_shift, 1.0);
stoch_shift.add(1.0, system_resid);
JournalRecord rec2(journal);
rec2 << "Error of current approximation for full shocks is " << stoch_shift.getMax() << endrec;
/* The method returns unconditional variance of endogenous variables
based on the first order. The first order approximation looks like
$$\hat y_t=g_{y^*}\hat y^*_{t-1}+g_uu_t$$
where $\hat y$ denotes a deviation from the steady state. It can be written as
$$\hat y_t=\left[0\, g_{y^*}\, 0\right]\hat y_{t-1}+g_uu_t$$
which yields unconditional covariance $V$ for which
$$V=GVG^T + g_u\Sigma g_u^T,$$
where $G=[0\, g_{y^*}\, 0]$ and $\Sigma$ is the covariance of the shocks.
For solving this Lyapunov equation we use the Sylvester module, which
solves equation of the type
$$AX+BX(C\otimes\cdots\otimes C)=D$$
So we invoke the Sylvester solver for the first dimension with $A=I$,
$B=-G$, $C=G^T$ and $D=g_u\Sigma g_u^T$. */
Approximation::calcYCov() const
const TwoDMatrix &gy = rule_ders->get(Symmetry{1, 0, 0, 0});
const TwoDMatrix &gu = rule_ders->get(Symmetry{0, 1, 0, 0});
TwoDMatrix G(model.numeq(), model.numeq());
G.place(gy, 0, model.nstat());
TwoDMatrix B(const_cast<const TwoDMatrix &>(G));
TwoDMatrix C(transpose(G));
TwoDMatrix A(model.numeq(), model.numeq());
for (int i = 0; i < model.numeq(); i++)
A.get(i, i) = 1.0;
TwoDMatrix X((gu * model.getVcov()) * transpose(gu));
GeneralSylvester gs(1, model.numeq(), model.numeq(), 0,
A.getData(), B.getData(), C.getData(), X.getData());
return X;