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! Provides subroutines to manipulate indexes representing elements of
! a partition for a given integer
! i.e. elements p = (α₁,…,αₘ) where each αᵢ ∈ { 0, ..., n-1 }
! Copyright © 2021-2023 Dynare Team
! This file is part of Dynare.
! Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
! (at your option) any later version.
! Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! along with Dynare. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
module partitions
use pascal
use sort
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none (type, external)
! index represents the aforementioned (α₁,…,αₘ) objects
type index
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: coor
end type index
interface index
module procedure :: init_index, init_index_vec, init_index_int
end interface index
! a dictionary that matches folded indices with folded offsets
type dict
integer :: pr ! pointer to the last added element in indices and offsets
type(index), dimension(:), allocatable :: indices ! list of folded indices
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: offsets ! list of the associated offsets
end type dict
interface dict
module procedure :: init_dict
end interface dict
interface operator(/=)
module procedure :: diff_indices
end interface operator(/=)
! A type to contain the correspondence unfolded and folded offsets i.e.
! folded(i) shall contain the folded offset corresponding to the unfolded offset i
type uf_matching
type(integer), dimension(:), allocatable :: folded
end type
! Constructors for the index type
! Simply allocates the index with the size provided as input
type(index) function init_index(d)
integer, intent(in) :: d
end function init_index
! Creates an index with the vector provided as inputs
type(index) function init_index_vec(ind)
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: ind
init_index_vec%coor = ind
end function init_index_vec
! Creates the index with a given size
! and fills it with a given integer
type(index) function init_index_int(d, m)
integer, intent(in) :: d, m
integer :: i
do i=1,d
init_index_int%coor(i) = m
end do
end function init_index_int
! Operators for the index type
! Comparison for the index type. Returns true if the two indices are different
type(logical) function diff_indices(i1,i2)
type(index), intent(in) :: i1, i2
if (size(i1%coor) /= size(i2%coor) .or. any(i1%coor /= i2%coor)) then
diff_indices = .true.
diff_indices = .false.
end if
end function diff_indices
! Constructor of the dict type
type(dict) function init_dict(n, d, p)
integer, intent(in) :: n, d
type(pascal_triangle), intent(in) :: p
integer :: size
size = get(d, n+d-1, p)
allocate(init_dict%indices(size), init_dict%offsets(size))
init_dict%pr = 0
end function init_dict
! Count the number of coordinates similar to the the first one for a given index
type(integer) function get_prefix_length(idx, d)
integer, intent(in) :: d
type(index), intent(in) :: idx
integer :: i
i = 1
if (d>1) then
do while ((i < d) .and. (idx%coor(i+1) == idx%coor(1)))
i = i+1
end do
end if
get_prefix_length = i
end function get_prefix_length
! Gets the folded index associated with an unfolded index
type(index) function u_index_to_f_index(idx)
type(index), intent(in) :: idx
u_index_to_f_index = index(idx%coor)
call sort_int(u_index_to_f_index%coor)
end function u_index_to_f_index
! Converts the offset of an unfolded tensor to the associated unfolded tensor index
! Note that the index (α₁,…,αₘ) is such that αᵢ ∈ { 0, ..., n-1 }
! and the offset is such that j ∈ {1, ..., nᵈ}
type(index) function u_offset_to_u_index(j, n, d)
integer, intent(in) :: j, n, d ! offset, number of variables and dimensions respectively
integer :: i, tmp, r
tmp = j-1 ! We substract 1 as j ∈ {1, ..., n} so that tmp ∈ {0, ..., n-1} and our modular operations work
do i=d,1,-1
r = mod(tmp, n)
u_offset_to_u_index%coor(i) = r
tmp = (tmp-r)/n
end do
end function u_offset_to_u_index
! Converts a folded tensor index to the associated folded tensor offset
! See the explanation in dynare++/tl/cc/tensor.cc for the function FTensor::getOffsetRecurse
! Note that the index (α₁,…,αₘ) is such that αᵢ ∈ { 0, ..., n-1 }
! and the offset is such that j ∈ {1, ..., ⎛n+d-1⎞ }
! ⎝ d ⎠
recursive function f_index_to_f_offset(idx, n, d, p) result(j)
type(index), intent(in) :: idx ! folded index
integer, intent(in) :: n, d ! number of variables and dimensions
type(pascal_triangle) :: p ! Pascal's triangle containing the relevant binomial coefficients
integer :: j, prefix
type(index) :: tmp
if (d == 0) then
j = 1
prefix = get_prefix_length(idx,d)
tmp = index(idx%coor(prefix+1:) - idx%coor(1))
j = get(d, n+d-1, p) - get(d, n-idx%coor(1)+d-1, p) + f_index_to_f_offset(tmp, n-idx%coor(1), d-prefix, p)
end if
end function f_index_to_f_offset
! Returns the unfolded tensor offset associated with an unfolded tensor index
! Written in a recursive way, the unfolded offset off(α₁,…,αₘ) associated with the
! index (α₁,…,αₘ) with αᵢ ∈ {1, ..., n} verifies
! off(α₁,…,αₘ) = n*off(α₁,…,αₘ₋₁) + αₘ
integer function u_index_to_u_offset(idx, n, d)
type(index), intent(in) :: idx ! unfolded index
integer, intent(in) :: n, d ! number of variables and dimensions
integer :: j
u_index_to_u_offset = 0
do j=1,d
u_index_to_u_offset = n*u_index_to_u_offset + idx%coor(j)-1
end do
u_index_to_u_offset = u_index_to_u_offset + 1
end function u_index_to_u_offset
! Function that searches a value in an array of a given length
type(integer) function find(a, v, l)
integer, intent(in) :: l ! length of the array
type(index), dimension(l), intent(in) :: a ! array of indices
type(index) :: v ! element to be found
integer :: i
if (l == 0) then
find = 0
i = 1
do while (i <= l .and. a(i) /= v)
i = i+1
end do
if (i == l+1) then
find = 0
find = i
end if
end if
end function find
! Fills the folded offset array:
! folded(i) shall contain the folded offset corresponding to the unfolded offset i
! For each unfolded tensor offset
! (a) compute the associated unfolded index (u_offset_to_u_index)
! (b) compute the associated folded index (u_index_to_f_index)
! (c) has the folded offset already been computed ?
! (i) If yes, get the corresponding offset
! (ii) If no, compute it (f_index_to_f_offset) and store it for reuse and as a result
subroutine fill_folded_indices(folded, n, d, p)
integer, intent(in) :: n, d
integer, dimension(n**d), intent(inout) :: folded
type(pascal_triangle), intent(in) :: p
type(dict) :: c
type(index) :: tmp
integer :: j, found
c = dict(n, d, p)
do j=1,n**d
tmp = u_offset_to_u_index(j,n,d)
tmp = u_index_to_f_index(tmp)
found = find(c%indices, tmp, c%pr)
if (found == 0) then
c%pr = c%pr+1
c%indices(c%pr) = tmp
c%offsets(c%pr) = f_index_to_f_offset(tmp,n,d,p)
folded(j) = c%offsets(c%pr)
folded(j) = c%offsets(found)
end if
end do
end subroutine fill_folded_indices
! ! Specialized code for local_state_space_iteration_3
! ! Considering the folded tensor gᵥᵥ, for each folded offset,
! ! fills (i) the corresponding index, (ii) the corresponding
! ! unfolded offset in the corresponding unfolded tensor
! ! and (iii) the number of equivalent unfolded indices the folded index
! ! associated with the folded offset represents
! subroutine index_2(indices, uoff, neq, q)
! integer, intent(in) :: q ! size of v
! integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: uoff, neq ! list of corresponding unfolded offsets and number of equivalent unfolded indices
! type(index), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: indices ! list of folded indices
! integer :: m, j
! m = q*(q+1)/2 ! total number of folded indices : ⎛q+2-1⎞
! ! ⎝ 2 ⎠
! uoff(1) = 1
! neq(1) = 1
! ! offsets such that j ∈ { 2, ..., q } are associated with
! ! indices (1, α), α ∈ { 2, ..., q }
! do j=2,q
! neq(j) = 2
! end do
! end subroutine index_2
! In order to list folded indices α = (α₁,…,αₘ) with αᵢ ∈ { 1, ..., n },
! at least 2 algorithms exist: a recursive one and an iterative one.
! The recursive algorithm list_folded_indices(n,m,q) that returns
! the list of all folded indices α = (α₁,…,αₘ) with αᵢ ∈ { 1+q, ..., n+q } works as follows:
! if n=0, return an empty list
! else if m=0, return the list containing the sole zero-sized index
! otherwise,
! return the concatenation of ([1+q, ] for ∈ list_folded_indices(n,m-1,q))
! and list_folded_indices(n-1,m,1,q+1)]
! A call to list_folded_indices(n,m,0) then returns the list
! of folded indices α = (α₁,…,αₘ) with αᵢ ∈ { 1, ..., n }
! The problem with recursive functions is that the compiler may manage poorly
! the stack, which slows down the function's execution
! recursive function list_folded_indices(n, m, q) result(list)
! integer :: n, m, q
! type(index), allocatable, dimension(:) :: list, temp
! integer :: j
! if (m==0) then
! list = [index(0)]
! elseif (n == 0) then
! allocate(list(0))
! else
! temp = list_folded_indices(n,m-1,q)
! list = [(index([1+q,temp(j)%coor]), j=1, size(temp)), list_folded_indices(n-1,m,q+1)]
! end if
! end function list_folded_indices
! Considering the folded tensor gᵥᵐ, for each folded offset,
! fills the lists of (i) the corresponding index, (ii) the corresponding
! unfolded offset in the corresponding unfolded tensor
! and (iii) the number of equivalent unfolded indices the folded index
! (associated with the folded offset) represents
! The algorithm to get the folded index associated with a folded offset
! relies on the definition of the lexicographic order.
! Considering α = (α₁,…,αₘ) with αᵢ ∈ { 1, ..., n },
! the next index α' is such that there exists i that verifies
! αⱼ = αⱼ' for all j < i, αᵢ' > αᵢ. Note that all the coordinates
! αᵢ', ... , αₘ' need to be as small as the lexicographic order allows
! for α' to immediately follow α.
! Suppose j is the latest incremented coordinate:
! if αⱼ < n, then αⱼ' = αⱼ + 1
! otherwise αⱼ = n, set αₖ' = αⱼ₋₁ + 1 for all k ≥ j-1
! if αⱼ₋₁ = n, set j := j-1
! otherwise, set j := m
! The algorithm to count the number of equivalent unfolded indices
! works as follows. A folded index can be written as α = (x₁, ..., x₁, ..., xₚ, ..., xₚ)
! such that x₁ < x₂ < ... < xₚ. Denote kᵢ the number of coordinates equal to xᵢ.
! The number of unfolded indices equivalent to α is c(α) = ⎛ d ⎞
! ⎝ k₁, k₂, ..., kₚ ⎠
! Suppose j is the latest incremented coordinate.
! If αⱼ < n, then αⱼ' = αⱼ + 1, k(αⱼ) := k(αⱼ)-1, k(αⱼ') := k(αⱼ')+1.
! In this case, c(α') = c(α)*(k(αⱼ)+1)/k(αⱼ')
! otherwise, αⱼ = n: set αₖ' = αⱼ₋₁ + 1 for all k ≥ j-1,
! k(αⱼ₋₁) := k(αⱼ₋₁)-1, k(n) := 0, k(αⱼ₋₁') = m-(j-1)+1
! In this case, we compute c(α') with the multinomial formula above
! Finally, the algorithm that returns the unfolded offset of a given folded index works
! as follows. Suppose j is the latest incremented coordinate and off(α) is the unfolded offset
! associated with index α:
! if αⱼ < n, then αⱼ' = αⱼ + 1 and off(α') = off(α)+1
! otherwise, αⱼ = n: set αₖ' = αⱼ₋₁ + 1 for all k ≥ j-1
! and off(α') can be computed using the u_index_to_u_offset routine
subroutine folded_offset_loop(ind, nbeq, off, n, m, p)
type(index), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: ind ! list of indices
integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: nbeq, off ! lists of numbers of equivalent indices and of offsets
integer, intent(in) :: n, m
type(pascal_triangle), intent(in) :: p
integer :: j, lastinc, k(n)
ind(1) = index(m, 1)
nbeq(1) = 1
k = 0
k(1) = m
off(1) = 1
j = 2
lastinc = m
do while (j <= size(ind))
ind(j) = index(ind(j-1)%coor)
if (ind(j-1)%coor(lastinc) == n) then
ind(j)%coor(lastinc-1:m) = ind(j-1)%coor(lastinc-1)+1
k(ind(j-1)%coor(lastinc-1)) = k(ind(j-1)%coor(lastinc-1))-1
k(n) = 0
k(ind(j)%coor(lastinc-1)) = m - (lastinc-1) + 1
nbeq(j) = multinomial(k,m,p)
off(j) = u_index_to_u_offset(ind(j), n, m)
if (ind(j)%coor(m) == n) then
lastinc = lastinc-1
lastinc = m
end if
ind(j)%coor(lastinc) = ind(j-1)%coor(lastinc)+1
k(ind(j)%coor(lastinc)) = k(ind(j)%coor(lastinc))+1
nbeq(j) = nbeq(j-1)*k(ind(j-1)%coor(lastinc))/k(ind(j)%coor(lastinc))
k(ind(j-1)%coor(lastinc)) = k(ind(j-1)%coor(lastinc))-1
off(j) = off(j-1)+1
end if
j = j+1
end do
end subroutine folded_offset_loop
end module partitions
! gfortran -o partitions partitions.f08 pascal.f08 sort.f08
! ./partitions
! program test
! use partitions
! use pascal
! implicit none (type, external)
! type(index) :: uidx, fidx, i1, i2
! integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: folded
! integer :: i, uj, n, d, j, nb_folded_idcs
! type(pascal_triangle) :: p
! type(index), dimension(:), allocatable :: list_folded_idcs
! integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: nbeq, off
! ! Unfolded indices and offsets
! ! 0,0,0 1 1,0,0 10 2,0,0 19
! ! 0,0,1 2 1,0,1 11 2,0,1 20
! ! 0,0,2 3 1,0,2 12 2,0,2 21
! ! 0,1,0 4 1,1,0 13 2,1,0 22
! ! 0,1,1 5 1,1,1 14 2,1,1 23
! ! 0,1,2 6 1,1,2 15 2,1,2 24
! ! 0,2,0 7 1,2,0 16 2,2,0 25
! ! 0,2,1 8 1,2,1 17 2,2,1 26
! ! 0,2,2 9 1,2,2 18 2,2,2 27
! ! Folded indices and offsets
! ! 0,0,0 1 1,1,1 7 2,2,2 10
! ! 0,0,1 2 1,1,2 8
! ! 0,0,2 3 1,2,2 9
! ! 0,1,1 4
! ! 0,1,2 5
! ! 0,2,2 6
! n = 3
! d = 3
! uj = 8
! p = pascal_triangle(n+d-1)
! ! u_offset_to_u_index
! uidx = u_offset_to_u_index(uj,n,d)
! print '(3i2)', (uidx%coor(i), i=1,d) ! should display 0 2 1
! ! f_index_to_f_offset
! fidx = u_index_to_f_index(uidx)
! print '(i2)', f_index_to_f_offset(fidx, n, d, p) ! should display 5
! ! /=
! i1 = index((/1,2,3,4,5/))
! i2 = index((/1,2,3,4,6/))
! if (i1 /= i2) then
! print *, "Same!"
! else
! print *, "Different!"
! end if
! ! fill_folded_indices
! ! allocate(folded(n**d))
! ! call fill_folded_indices(folded,n,d,p)
! ! print *, "Matching offsets unfolded -> folded"
! ! print '(1000i4)', (i, i=1,n**d)
! ! print '(1000i4)', (folded(i), i=1,n**d)
! n = 3
! d = 3
! p = pascal_triangle(n+d-1)
! nb_folded_idcs = get(d,n+d-1,p)
! ! recursive list_folded_indices
! ! list_folded_idcs = list_folded_indices(n, d, 0)
! ! print '(4i2)', ((list_folded_idcs(i)%coor(j), j=1,d), i=1,nb_folded_idcs)
! ! iterative list_folded_indices
! allocate(list_folded_idcs(nb_folded_idcs), nbeq(nb_folded_idcs), off(nb_folded_idcs))
! call folded_offset_loop(list_folded_idcs, nbeq, off, n, d, p)
! print '(3i2)', ((list_folded_idcs(i)%coor(j), j=1,d), i=1,nb_folded_idcs)
! print '(i3)', (nbeq(i), i=1,nb_folded_idcs)
! print '(i4)', (off(i), i=1,nb_folded_idcs)
! end program test