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function [xtx,xty,yty,fss,phi,y,ncoef,xr,Bh,e] = fn_dataxy(nvar,lags,z,mu,indxDummy,nexo)
% [xtx,xty,yty,fss,phi,y,ncoef,xr,Bh,e] = fn_dataxy(nvar,lags,z,mu,indxDummy,nexo)
% Export arranged data matrices for future estimation of the VAR.
% If indxDummy=0, no mu's are used at all and Bh is the OLS estimate.
% If indxDummy=1, only mu(5) and mu(6) as dummy observations. See fn_rnrprior*.m for using mu(1)-mu(4).
% See Wagonner and Zha's Gibbs sampling paper.
% nvar: number of endogenous variables.
% lags: the maximum length of lag
% z: T*(nvar+(nexo-1)) matrix of raw or original data (no manipulation involved)
% with sample size including lags and with exogenous variables other than a constant.
% Order of columns: (1) nvar endogenous variables; (2) (nexo-1) exogenous variables;
% (3) constants will be automatically put in the last column.
% mu: 6-by-1 vector of hyperparameters (the following numbers for Atlanta Fed's forecast), where
% only mu(5) and mu(6) are used for dummy observations in this function (i.e.,
% mu(1)-mu(4) are irrelevant here). See fn_rnrprior*.m for using mu(1)-mu(4).
% mu(1): overall tightness and also for A0; (0.57)
% mu(2): relative tightness for A+; (0.13)
% mu(3): relative tightness for the constant term; (0.1)
% mu(4): tightness on lag decay; (1)
% mu(5): weight on nvar sums of coeffs dummy observations (unit roots); (5)
% mu(6): weight on single dummy initial observation including constant
% (cointegration, unit roots, and stationarity); (5)
% indxDummy: 1: add dummy observations to the data; 0: no dummy added.
% nexo: number of exogenous variables. The constant term is the default setting. Besides this term,
% we have nexo-1 exogenous variables. Optional. If left blank, nexo is set to 1.
% -------------------
% xtx: X'X: k-by-k where k=ncoef
% xty: X'Y: k-by-nvar
% yty: Y'Y: nvar-by-nvar
% fss: T: sample size excluding lags. With dummyies, fss=nSample-lags+ndobs.
% phi: X; T-by-k; column: [nvar for 1st lag, ..., nvar for last lag, other exogenous terms, const term]
% y: Y: T-by-nvar where T=fss
% ncoef: number of coefficients in *each* equation. RHS coefficients only, nvar*lags+nexo
% xr: the economy size (ncoef-by-ncoef) in qr(phi) so that xr=chol(X'*X) or xr'*xr=X'*X
% Bh: ncoef-by-nvar estimated reduced-form parameter; column: nvar;
% row: ncoef=[nvar for 1st lag, ..., nvar for last lag, other exogenous terms, const term]
% e: estimated residual e = y -x*Bh, T-by-nvar
% Tao Zha, February 2000.
if nargin == 5
nexo=1; % default for constant term
elseif nexo<1
error('We need at least one exogenous term so nexo must >= 1')
%*** original sample dimension without dummy prior
nSample = size(z,1); % the sample size (including lags, of course)
sb = lags+1; % original beginning without dummies
ncoef = nvar*lags+nexo; % number of coefficients in *each* equation, RHS coefficients only.
if indxDummy % prior dummy prior
%*** expanded sample dimension by dummy prior
ndobs=nvar+1; % number of dummy observations
fss = nSample+ndobs-lags;
% **** nvar prior dummy observations with the sum of coefficients
% ** construct X for Y = X*B + U where phi = X: (T-lags)*k, Y: (T-lags)*nvar
% ** columns: k = # of [nvar for 1st lag, ..., nvar for last lag, exo var, const]
% ** Now, T=T+ndobs -- added with "ndobs" dummy observations
phi = zeros(fss,ncoef);
%* constant term
const = ones(fss,1);
const(1:nvar) = zeros(nvar,1);
phi(:,ncoef) = const; % the first nvar periods: no or zero constant!
%* other exogenous (than) constant term
phi(ndobs+1:end,ncoef-nexo+1:ncoef-1) = z(lags+1:end,nvar+1:nvar+nexo-1);
exox = zeros(ndobs,nexo);
phi(1:ndobs,ncoef-nexo+1:ncoef-1) = exox(:,1:nexo-1);
% this = [] when nexo=1 (no other exogenous than constant)
xdgel = z(:,1:nvar); % endogenous variable matrix
xdgelint = mean(xdgel(1:lags,:),1); % mean of the first lags initial conditions
%* Dummies
for k=1:nvar
for m=1:lags
phi(ndobs,nvar*(m-1)+k) = xdgelint(k);
phi(k,nvar*(m-1)+k) = xdgelint(k);
% <<>> multiply hyperparameter later
%* True data
for k=1:lags
phi(ndobs+1:fss,nvar*(k-1)+1:nvar*k) = xdgel(sb-k:nSample-k,:);
% row: T-lags; column: [nvar for 1st lag, ..., nvar for last lag, exo var, const]
% Thus, # of columns is nvar*lags+nexo = ncoef.
% ** Y with "ndobs" dummies added
y = zeros(fss,nvar);
%* Dummies
for k=1:nvar
y(ndobs,k) = xdgelint(k);
y(k,k) = xdgelint(k);
% multiply hyperparameter later
%* True data
y(ndobs+1:fss,:) = xdgel(sb:nSample,:);
phi(1:nvar,:) = 1*mu(5)*phi(1:nvar,:); % standard Sims and Zha prior
y(1:nvar,:) = mu(5)*y(1:nvar,:); % standard Sims and Zha prior
phi(nvar+1,:) = mu(6)*phi(nvar+1,:);
y(nvar+1,:) = mu(6)*y(nvar+1,:);
Bh = xr\(xr'\xty); % xtx\xty where inv(X'X)*(X'Y)
fss = nSample-lags;
% ** construct X for Y = X*B + U where phi = X: (T-lags)*k, Y: (T-lags)*nvar
% ** columns: k = # of [nvar for 1st lag, ..., nvar for last lag, exo var, const]
phi = zeros(fss,ncoef);
%* constant term
const = ones(fss,1);
phi(:,ncoef) = const; % the first nvar periods: no or zero constant!
%* other exogenous (than) constant term
phi(:,ncoef-nexo+1:ncoef-1) = z(lags+1:end,nvar+1:nvar+nexo-1);
% this = [] when nexo=1 (no other exogenous than constant)
xdgel = z(:,1:nvar); % endogenous variable matrix
%* True data
for k=1:lags
phi(:,nvar*(k-1)+1:nvar*k) = xdgel(sb-k:nSample-k,:);
% row: T-lags; column: [nvar for 1st lag, ..., nvar for last lag, exo var, const]
% Thus, # of columns is nvar*lags+nexo = ncoef.
y = xdgel(sb:nSample,:);
Bh = xr\(xr'\xty); % xtx\xty where inv(X'X)*(X'Y)