function ds = surgibbs(ds, param_names, beta0, A, ndraws, discarddraws, thin, eqtags, model_name) % Implements Gibbs Samipling for SUR % % INPUTS % ds [dseries] data % param_names [cellstr] list of parameters to estimate % beta0 [vector] prior values (in order of param_names) % A [matrix] prior distribution variance (in order of % param_names) % ndraws [int] number of draws % discarddraws [int] number of draws to discard % thin [int] if thin == N, save every Nth draw % eqtags [cellstr] names of equation tags to estimate. If empty, % estimate all equations % model_name [string] name to use in oo_ and inc file % % OUTPUTS % none % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % dynare must have been run with the option: json=compute % % REFERENCES % - Ando, Tomohiro and Zellner, Arnold. 2010. Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis of the % Seemingly Unrelated Regression and Simultaneous Equations Models Using a % Combination of Direct Monte Carlo and Importance Sampling Techniques. % Bayesian Analysis Volume 5, Number 1, pp. 65-96. % Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global M_ oo_ options_ % % Check inputs % assert(nargin >= 5 && nargin <= 9, 'Incorrect number of arguments passed to surgibbs'); assert(isdseries(ds), 'The 1st argument must be a dseries'); assert(iscellstr(param_names), 'The 2nd argument must be a cellstr'); assert(isvector(beta0) && length(beta0) == length(param_names), ... 'The 3rd argument must be a vector with the same length as param_names and the same '); if isrow(beta0) beta0 = beta0'; end assert(ismatrix(A) && all(all((A == A'))) && length(beta0) == size(A, 2), ... 'The 4th argument must be a symmetric matrix with the same dimension as beta0'); assert(isint(ndraws), 'The 5th argument must be an integer'); if nargin == 5 discarddraws = 0; else assert(isint(discarddraws), 'The 6th argument, if provided, must be an integer'); end if nargin == 6 thin = 1; else assert(isint(thin), 'The 7th argument, if provided, must be an integer'); end if nargin <= 8 if ~isfield(oo_, 'surgibbs') model_name = 'surgibbs_model_number_1'; else model_name = ['surgibbs_model_number_' num2str(length(fieldnames(oo_.surgibbs)) + 1)]; end else if ~isvarname(model_name) error('The 9th argument must be a valid string'); end end % % Estimation % if nargin == 8 [nobs, X, Y, m, lhssub, fp] = sur(ds, param_names, eqtags); else [nobs, X, Y, m, lhssub, fp] = sur(ds, param_names); end oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).dof = nobs; beta = beta0; A = inv(A); thinidx = 1; drawidx = 1; nparams = length(param_names); oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).betadraws = zeros(floor((ndraws-discarddraws)/thin), nparams); if ~options_.noprint disp('surgibbs: estimating, please wait...') end hh = dyn_waitbar(0,'Please wait. Gibbs sampler...'); set(hh,'Name','Surgibbs estimation.'); residdraws = zeros(floor((ndraws-discarddraws)/thin), nobs, m); for i = 1:ndraws if ~mod(i,10) dyn_waitbar(i/ndraws,hh,'Please wait. Gibbs sampler...'); end % Draw Omega, given X, Y, Beta resid = reshape(Y - X*beta, nobs, m); Omega = rand_inverse_wishart(m, nobs, chol(inv(resid'*resid/nobs))); % Draw beta, given X, Y, Omega tmp = kron(inv(Omega), eye(nobs)); tmp1 = X'*tmp*X; Omegabar = inv(tmp1 + A); betahat = tmp1\X'*tmp*Y; betabar = Omegabar*(tmp1*betahat+A*beta0); beta = rand_multivariate_normal(betabar', chol(Omegabar), nparams)'; if i > discarddraws if thinidx == thin oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).betadraws(drawidx, 1:nparams) = beta'; residdraws(drawidx, 1:nobs, 1:m) = resid; thinidx = 1; drawidx = drawidx + 1; else thinidx = thinidx + 1; end end end dyn_waitbar_close(hh); % % Save results. % oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).posterior.mean.beta = (sum(oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).betadraws)/rows(oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).betadraws))'; oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).posterior.variance.beta = cov(oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).betadraws); % Yhat oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).Yhat = X*oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).posterior.mean.beta; oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).YhatOrig = oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).Yhat; oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).Yobs = Y; % Residuals oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).resid = Y - oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).Yhat; % Correct Yhat reported back to user oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).Yhat = oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).Yhat + lhssub; yhatname = [model_name '_FIT']; ds.(yhatname) = dseries(oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).Yhat, fp, yhatname); % Compute and save posterior densities. for i=1:nparams xx = oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).betadraws(:,i); nn = length(xx); bandwidth = mh_optimal_bandwidth(xx, nn, 0, 'gaussian'); [x, f] = kernel_density_estimate(xx, 512, nn, bandwidth, 'gaussian'); oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).posterior.density.(param_names{i}) = [x, f]; end % Update model1s parameters with posterior mean. oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).param_idxs = zeros(length(param_names), 1); for i = 1:length(param_names) if ~strcmp(param_names{i}, 'intercept') oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).param_idxs(i) = find(strcmp(M_.param_names, param_names{i})); M_.params(oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).param_idxs(i)) = oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).posterior.mean.beta(i); end end oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).pnames = param_names; oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).neqs = m; % Estimate for sigma^2 SS_res = oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).resid'*oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).resid; oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).s2 = SS_res/oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).dof; % Set appropriate entries in Sigma_e posterior_mean_resid = reshape((sum(residdraws))/rows(residdraws), nobs, m); Sigma_e = posterior_mean_resid'*posterior_mean_resid/oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).dof; % System R² value of McElroy (1977) - formula from Judge et al. (1986, p. 477) % % The R² is computed at the posterior mean of the estimated % parameters. Maybe it would make more sense to compute a posterior % distribution for this statistic… oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).R2 = 1 - (oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).resid' * kron(inv(Sigma_e), eye(nobs)) * oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).resid) ... / (oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).Yobs' * kron(inv(Sigma_e), eye(nobs)-ones(nobs,nobs)/nobs) * oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).Yobs); % Write .inc file write_param_init_inc_file('surgibbs', model_name, oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).param_idxs, oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).posterior.mean.beta); % % Print Output % if ~options_.noprint ttitle = 'Gibbs Sampling on SUR'; preamble = {['Model name: ' model_name], ... sprintf('No. Equations: %d', oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).neqs), ... sprintf('No. Independent Variables: %d', size(X, 2)), ... sprintf('Observations: %d', oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).dof)}; afterward = {sprintf('s^2: %f', oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).s2), sprintf('R^2: %f', oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).R2)}; dyn_table(ttitle, preamble, afterward, param_names,... {'Posterior mean', 'Posterior std.'}, 4,... [oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).posterior.mean.beta, sqrt(diag(oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).posterior.variance.beta))]); end % % Plot % if ~options_.nograph figure nrows = 5; ncols = floor(nparams/nrows); if mod(nparams, nrows) ~= 0 ncols = ncols + 1; end for j = 1:length(param_names) subplot(nrows, ncols, j) histogram(oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).betadraws(:, j)) hc = histcounts(oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).betadraws(:, j)); line([oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).posterior.mean.beta(j) oo_.surgibbs.(model_name).posterior.mean.beta(j)], [min(hc) max(hc)], 'Color', 'red'); title(param_names{j}, 'Interpreter', 'none') end end end