function [ys,params,info] = evaluate_steady_state(ys_init,M,options,oo,steadystate_check_flag) % function [ys,params,info] = evaluate_steady_state(ys_init,M,options,oo,steadystate_check_flag) % Computes the steady state % % INPUTS % ys_init vector initial values used to compute the steady % state % M struct model structure % options struct options % oo struct output results % steadystate_check_flag boolean if true, check that the % steadystate verifies the % static model % % OUTPUTS % ys vector steady state (in declaration order) % params vector model parameters possibly % modified by user steadystate % function % info 2x1 vector error codes % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % Copyright (C) 2001-2021 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . info = 0; check = 0; steadystate_flag = options.steadystate_flag; params = M.params; exo_ss = [oo.exo_steady_state; oo.exo_det_steady_state]; if length(M.aux_vars) > 0 && ~steadystate_flag && M.set_auxiliary_variables h_set_auxiliary_variables = str2func([M.fname '.set_auxiliary_variables']); ys_init = h_set_auxiliary_variables(ys_init,exo_ss,params); end if options.ramsey_policy if options.block % The current implementation needs the Jacobian of the full model, which is not % provided by the block-decomposed routines. error('The ''block'' option is not compatible with ''ramsey_model''/''ramsey_policy'''); end if steadystate_flag % explicit steady state file [ys,params,info] = evaluate_steady_state_file(ys_init,exo_ss,M, ... options,steadystate_check_flag); %test whether it solves model conditional on the instruments if ~options.debug resids = evaluate_static_model(ys,exo_ss,params,M,options); else [resids, ~ , jacob]= evaluate_static_model(ys,exo_ss,params,M,options); end n_multipliers=M.ramsey_eq_nbr; nan_indices=find(isnan(resids(n_multipliers+1:end))); if ~isempty(nan_indices) if options.debug fprintf('\nevaluate_steady_state: The steady state file computation for the Ramsey problem resulted in NaNs.\n') fprintf('evaluate_steady_state: The steady state was computed conditional on the following initial instrument values: \n') for ii = 1:size(options.instruments,1) fprintf('\t %s \t %f \n',options.instruments{ii},ys_init(strmatch(options.instruments{ii},M.endo_names,'exact'))) end fprintf('evaluate_steady_state: The problem occured in the following equations: \n') fprintf('\t Equation(s): ') for ii=1:length(nan_indices) fprintf('%d, ',nan_indices(ii)); end skipline() fprintf('evaluate_steady_state: If those initial values are not admissable, change them using an initval-block.\n') skipline(2) end info(1) = 84; info(2) = resids'*resids; return end if any(imag(ys(n_multipliers+1:end))) if options.debug fprintf('\nevaluate_steady_state: The steady state file computation for the Ramsey problem resulted in complex numbers.\n') fprintf('evaluate_steady_state: The steady state was computed conditional on the following initial instrument values: \n') for ii = 1:size(options.instruments,1) fprintf('\t %s \t %f \n',options.instruments{ii},ys_init(strmatch(options.instruments{ii},M.endo_names,'exact'))) end fprintf('evaluate_steady_state: If those initial values are not admissable, change them using an initval-block.\n') skipline(2) end info(1) = 86; info(2) = resids'*resids; return end if max(abs(resids(n_multipliers+1:end))) > options.solve_tolf %does it solve for all variables except for the Lagrange multipliers if options.debug fprintf('\nevaluate_steady_state: The steady state file does not solve the steady state for the Ramsey problem.\n') fprintf('evaluate_steady_state: Conditional on the following instrument values: \n') for ii = 1:size(options.instruments,1) fprintf('\t %s \t %f \n',options.instruments{ii},ys_init(strmatch(options.instruments{ii},M.endo_names,'exact'))) end fprintf('evaluate_steady_state: the following equations have non-zero residuals: \n') for ii=n_multipliers+1:M.endo_nbr if abs(resids(ii)) > options.solve_tolf fprintf('\t Equation number %d: %f\n',ii-n_multipliers, resids(ii)) end end skipline(2) end info(1) = 85; info(2) = resids'*resids; return end end if options.debug if steadystate_flag infrow=find(isinf(ys_init(1:M.orig_endo_nbr))); else infrow=find(isinf(ys_init)); end if ~isempty(infrow) fprintf('\nevaluate_steady_state: The initial values for the steady state of the following variables are Inf:\n'); for iter=1:length(infrow) fprintf('%s\n',M.endo_names{infrow(iter)}); end end if steadystate_flag nanrow=find(isnan(ys_init(1:M.orig_endo_nbr))); else nanrow=find(isnan(ys_init)); end if ~isempty(nanrow) fprintf('\nevaluate_steady_state: The initial values for the steady state of the following variables are NaN:\n'); for iter=1:length(nanrow) fprintf('%s\n',M.endo_names{nanrow(iter)}); end end if steadystate_flag nan_indices_mult=find(isnan(resids(1:n_multipliers))); if any(nan_indices_mult) fprintf('evaluate_steady_state: The steady state results NaN for auxiliary equation %u.\n',nan_indices_mult); fprintf('evaluate_steady_state: This is often a sign of problems.\n'); end [infrow,infcol]=find(isinf(jacob)); if ~isempty(infrow) fprintf('\nevaluate_steady_state: The Jacobian of the dynamic model contains Inf. The problem is associated with:\n\n') display_problematic_vars_Jacobian(infrow,infcol,M,ys,'static','evaluate_steady_state: ') end if ~isreal(jacob) [imagrow,imagcol]=find(abs(imag(jacob))>1e-15); fprintf('\nevaluate_steady_state: The Jacobian of the dynamic model contains imaginary parts. The problem arises from: \n\n') display_problematic_vars_Jacobian(imagrow,imagcol,M,ys,'static','evaluate_steady_state: ') end [nanrow,nancol]=find(isnan(jacob)); if ~isempty(nanrow) fprintf('\nevaluate_steady_state: The Jacobian of the dynamic model contains NaN. The problem is associated with:\n\n') display_problematic_vars_Jacobian(nanrow,nancol,M,ys,'static','evaluate_steady_state: ') end end end %either if no steady state file or steady state file without problems [ys,params,info] = dyn_ramsey_static(ys_init,M,options,oo); if info return end %check whether steady state really solves the model resids = evaluate_static_model(ys,exo_ss,params,M,options); n_multipliers=M.ramsey_eq_nbr; nan_indices_multiplier=find(isnan(resids(1:n_multipliers))); nan_indices=find(isnan(resids(n_multipliers+1:end))); if ~isempty(nan_indices) if options.debug fprintf('\nevaluate_steady_state: The steady state computation for the Ramsey problem resulted in NaNs.\n') fprintf('evaluate_steady_state: The steady state computation resulted in the following instrument values: \n') for i = 1:size(options.instruments,1) fprintf('\t %s \t %f \n',options.instruments{i},ys(strmatch(options.instruments{i},M.endo_names,'exact'))) end fprintf('evaluate_steady_state: The problem occured in the following equations: \n') fprintf('\t Equation(s): ') for ii=1:length(nan_indices) fprintf('%d, ',nan_indices(ii)); end skipline() end info(1) = 82; return end if ~isempty(nan_indices_multiplier) if options.debug fprintf('\nevaluate_steady_state: The steady state computation for the Ramsey problem resulted in NaNs in the auxiliary equations.\n') fprintf('evaluate_steady_state: The steady state computation resulted in the following instrument values: \n') for i = 1:size(options.instruments,1) fprintf('\t %s \t %f \n',options.instruments{i},ys(strmatch(options.instruments{i},M.endo_names,'exact'))) end fprintf('evaluate_steady_state: The problem occured in the following equations: \n') fprintf('\t Auxiliary equation(s): ') for ii=1:length(nan_indices_multiplier) fprintf('%d, ',nan_indices_multiplier(ii)); end skipline() end info(1) = 83; return end if max(abs(resids)) > options.solve_tolf %does it solve for all variables including the auxiliary ones if options.debug fprintf('\nevaluate_steady_state: The steady state for the Ramsey problem could not be computed.\n') fprintf('evaluate_steady_state: The steady state computation stopped with the following instrument values:: \n') for i = 1:size(options.instruments,1) fprintf('\t %s \t %f \n',options.instruments{i},ys(strmatch(options.instruments{i},M.endo_names,'exact'))) end fprintf('evaluate_steady_state: The following equations have non-zero residuals: \n') for ii=1:n_multipliers if abs(resids(ii)) > options.solve_tolf/100 fprintf('\t Auxiliary Ramsey equation number %d: %f\n',ii, resids(ii)) end end for ii=n_multipliers+1:M.endo_nbr if abs(resids(ii)) > options.solve_tolf/100 fprintf('\t Equation number %d: %f\n',ii-n_multipliers, resids(ii)) end end skipline(2) end info(1) = 81; info(2) = resids'*resids; return end elseif steadystate_flag % explicit steady state file [ys,params,info] = evaluate_steady_state_file(ys_init,exo_ss,M, options,steadystate_check_flag); if size(ys,2)>size(ys,1) error('STEADY: steady_state-file must return a column vector, not a row vector.') end if info(1) return end elseif ~options.bytecode && ~options.block if ~options.linear % non linear model static_model = str2func([M.fname '.static']); [ys,check] = dynare_solve(@static_problem,... ys_init,... options, exo_ss, params,... M.endo_nbr,... static_model); if check && options.debug [ys,check,fvec,fjac] = dynare_solve(@static_problem,... ys_init,... options, exo_ss, params,... M.endo_nbr,... static_model); [infrow,infcol]=find(isinf(fjac) | isnan(fjac)); if ~isempty(infrow) fprintf('\nSTEADY: The Jacobian at the initial values contains Inf or NaN. The problem arises from: \n') display_problematic_vars_Jacobian(infrow,infcol,M,ys_init,'static','STEADY: ') end problematic_equation = find(~isfinite(fvec)); if ~isempty(problematic_equation) fprintf('\nSTEADY: numerical initial values or parameters incompatible with the following equations\n') disp(problematic_equation') fprintf('Please check for example\n') fprintf(' i) if all parameters occurring in these equations are defined\n') fprintf(' ii) that no division by an endogenous variable initialized to 0 occurs\n') end end else % linear model fh_static = str2func([M.fname '.static']); [fvec,jacob] = fh_static(ys_init,exo_ss, ... params); ii = find(~isfinite(fvec)); if ~isempty(ii) ys=fvec; check=1; disp(['STEADY: numerical initial values or parameters incompatible with the following' ... ' equations']) disp(ii') disp('Check whether your model is truly linear. Put "resid(1);" before "steady;" to see the problematic equations.') elseif isempty(ii) && max(abs(fvec)) > 1e-12 ys = ys_init-jacob\fvec; resid = evaluate_static_model(ys,exo_ss,params,M,options); if max(abs(resid)) > 1e-6 check=1; fprintf('STEADY: No steady state for your model could be found\n') fprintf('STEADY: Check whether your model is truly linear. Put "resid(1);" before "steady;" to see the problematic equations.\n') end else ys = ys_init; end if options.debug if any(any(isinf(jacob) | isnan(jacob))) [infrow,infcol]=find(isinf(jacob) | isnan(jacob)); fprintf('\nSTEADY: The Jacobian contains Inf or NaN. The problem arises from: \n\n') for ii=1:length(infrow) fprintf('STEADY: Derivative of Equation %d with respect to Variable %s (initial value of %s: %g) \n',infrow(ii),M.endo_names{infcol(ii),:},M.endo_names{infcol(ii),:},ys_init(infcol(ii))) end fprintf('Check whether your model is truly linear. Put "resid(1);" before "steady;" to see the problematic equations.\n') end end end else % block or bytecode [ys,check] = dynare_solve_block_or_bytecode(ys_init,exo_ss, params, options, M); end if check info(1)= 20; %make sure ys contains auxiliary variables in case of problem with dynare_solve if length(M.aux_vars) > 0 && ~steadystate_flag if M.set_auxiliary_variables ys = h_set_auxiliary_variables(ys,exo_ss,params); end end resid = evaluate_static_model(ys,exo_ss,params,M,options); info(2) = resid'*resid ; if isnan(info(2)) info(1)=22; end return end % If some equations are tagged [static] or [dynamic], verify consistency if M.static_and_dynamic_models_differ % Evaluate residual of *dynamic* model using the steady state % computed on the *static* one z = repmat(ys,1,M.maximum_lead + M.maximum_lag + 1); zx = repmat([exo_ss'], M.maximum_lead + M.maximum_lag + 1, 1); if options.bytecode [r, ~]= bytecode('dynamic','evaluate', z, zx, params, ys, 1); elseif options.block T=NaN(M.block_structure.dyn_tmp_nbr, 1); for i = 1:length(M.block_structure.block) [rr, yy, T, g] = feval([M.fname '.dynamic'], i, ... dynvars_from_endo_simul(z, M.maximum_lag+1, M), ... zx, params, ys, T, M.maximum_lag+1, false); if M.block_structure.block(i).Simulation_Type == 1 || ... % evaluateForward M.block_structure.block(i).Simulation_Type == 2 % evaluateBackward vidx = M.block_structure.block(i).variable; rr = yy(M.lead_lag_incidence(M.maximum_endo_lag+1, vidx)) - oo.steady_state(vidx); end idx = M.block_structure.block(i).equation; r(idx) = rr; end else r = feval([M.fname '.dynamic'], dynvars_from_endo_simul(z, M.maximum_lag+1, M), ... zx, params, ys, M.maximum_lag + 1); end % Fail if residual greater than tolerance if max(abs(r)) > options.solve_tolf info(1) = 25; return end end if ~isreal(ys) info(1) = 21; info(2) = sum(imag(ys).^2); ys = real(ys); return end if ~isempty(find(isnan(ys))) info(1) = 22; info(2) = NaN; return end function [resids,jac] = static_problem(y,x,params,nvar,fh_static_model) [r,j] = fh_static_model(y,x,params); resids = r(1:nvar); jac = j(1:nvar,1:nvar);