function options = simpsaset(varargin) %SIMPSASET Create/alter simpsa optimization OPTIONS structure. % OPTIONS = SIMPSASET('PARAM1',VALUE1,'PARAM2',VALUE2,...) creates an % optimization options structure OPTIONS in which the named parameters have % the specified values. Any unspecified parameters are set to [] (parameters % with value [] indicate to use the default value for that parameter when % OPTIONS is passed to the optimization function). It is sufficient to type % only the leading characters that uniquely identify the parameter. Case is % ignored for parameter names. % NOTE: For values that are strings, the complete string is required. % % OPTIONS = SIMPSASET(OLDOPTS,'PARAM1',VALUE1,...) creates a copy of OLDOPTS % with the named parameters altered with the specified values. % % OPTIONS = SIMPSASET(OLDOPTS,NEWOPTS) combines an existing options structure % OLDOPTS with a new options structure NEWOPTS. Any parameters in NEWOPTS % with non-empty values overwrite the corresponding old parameters in % OLDOPTS. % % SIMPSASET with no input arguments and no output arguments displays all % parameter names and their possible values, with defaults shown in {} % when the default is the same for all functions that use that option -- use % SIMPSASET(OPTIMFUNCTION) to see options for a specific function. % % OPTIONS = SIMPSASET (with no input arguments) creates an options structure % OPTIONS where all the fields are set to []. % Copyright (C) 2005 Henning Schmidt, FCC, % Copyright (C) 2006 Brecht Donckels, BIOMATH, % Copyright (C) 2013 Dynare Team. % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % Print out possible values of properties. if (nargin == 0) && (nargout == 0) fprintf(' TEMP_START: [ positive scalar ]\n'); fprintf(' TEMP_END: [ positive scalar ]\n'); fprintf(' COOL_RATE: [ positive scalar ]\n'); fprintf(' INITIAL_ACCEPTANCE_RATIO: [ positive scalar < 1 {0.95} ]\n'); fprintf(' MIN_COOLING_FACTOR: [ positive scalar < 1 {0.9}]\n'); fprintf(' MAX_ITER_TEMP_FIRST: [ positive scalar {100} ]\n'); fprintf(' MAX_ITER_TEMP_LAST: [ positive scalar {20} ]\n'); fprintf(' MAX_ITER_TOTAL: [ positive scalar {2500} ]\n'); fprintf(' MAX_TIME: [ positive scalar {2500} ]\n'); fprintf(' MAX_FUN_EVALS: [ positive scalar {2500} ]\n'); fprintf(' TOLX: [ positive scalar {1e-6} ]\n'); fprintf(' TOLFUN: [ positive scalar {1e-6} ]\n'); fprintf(' DISPLAY: [ ''iter'' or ''none'' {''iter''} ]\n'); fprintf(' OUTPUT_FCN: [ function_handle ]\n'); fprintf('\n'); return; end Names = [ 'TEMP_START ' 'TEMP_END ' 'COOL_RATE ' 'INITIAL_ACCEPTANCE_RATIO ' 'MIN_COOLING_FACTOR ' 'MAX_ITER_TEMP_FIRST ' 'MAX_ITER_TEMP_LAST ' 'MAX_ITER_TEMP ' 'MAX_ITER_TOTAL ' 'MAX_TIME ' 'MAX_FUN_EVALS ' 'TOLX ' 'TOLFUN ' 'DISPLAY ' 'OUTPUT_FCN ' ]; m = size(Names,1); names = lower(Names); % Combine all leading options structures o1, o2, ... in odeset(o1,o2,...). options = []; for j = 1:m options.(deblank(Names(j,:))) = []; end i = 1; while i <= nargin arg = varargin{i}; if ischar(arg) % arg is an option name break; end if ~isempty(arg) % [] is a valid options argument if ~isa(arg,'struct') error('MATLAB:odeset:NoPropNameOrStruct',... ['Expected argument %d to be a string property name ' ... 'or an options structure\ncreated with SIMANSET.'], i); end for j = 1:m if any(strcmp(fieldnames(arg),deblank(Names(j,:)))) val = arg.(deblank(Names(j,:))); else val = []; end if ~isempty(val) options.(deblank(Names(j,:))) = val; end end end i = i + 1; end % A finite state machine to parse name-value pairs. if rem(nargin-i+1,2) ~= 0 error('MATLAB:odeset:ArgNameValueMismatch',... 'Arguments must occur in name-value pairs.'); end expectval = 0; % start expecting a name, not a value while i <= nargin arg = varargin{i}; if ~expectval if ~ischar(arg) error('MATLAB:odeset:NoPropName',... 'Expected argument %d to be a string property name.', i); end lowArg = lower(arg); j = strmatch(lowArg,names); if isempty(j) % if no matches error('MATLAB:odeset:InvalidPropName',... 'Unrecognized property name ''%s''.', arg); elseif length(j) > 1 % if more than one match % Check for any exact matches (in case any names are subsets of others) k = strmatch(lowArg,names,'exact'); if length(k) == 1 j = k; else msg = sprintf('Ambiguous property name ''%s'' ', arg); msg = [msg '(' deblank(Names(j(1),:))]; for k = j(2:length(j))' msg = [msg ', ' deblank(Names(k,:))]; end msg = sprintf('%s).', msg); error('MATLAB:odeset:AmbiguousPropName', msg); end end expectval = 1; % we expect a value next else options.(deblank(Names(j,:))) = arg; expectval = 0; end i = i + 1; end if expectval error('MATLAB:odeset:NoValueForProp',... 'Expected value for property ''%s''.', arg); end end