%@info: %! @deftypefn {Mex File} {[@var{a}, @var{s}, @var{info}] =} qmc_sequence (@var{d}, @var{s}, @var{t}, @var{n}, @var{lu}) %! @anchor{qmc_sequence} %! @sp 1 %! Computes quasi Monte-Carlo sequence (Sobol numbers). %! @sp 2 %! @strong{Inputs} %! @sp 1 %! @table @ @var %! @item d %! Integer scalar, dimension. %! @item s %! Integer scalar (int64), seed. %! @item t %! Integer scalar, sequence type: %! @sp 1 %! @table @ @samp %! @item @var{t}=0 %! Uniform numbers in a n-dimensional (unit by default) hypercube %! @item @var{t}=1 %! Gaussian numbers %! @item @var{t}=2 %! Uniform numbers on a n-dimensional (unit by default) hypersphere %! @end table %! @item n %! Integer scalar, number of elements in the sequence. %! @item lu %! Optional argument, the interpretation depends on its size: %! @sp 1 %! @table @ @samp %! @item @var{d}x2 array of doubles %! Lower and upper bounds of the hypercube (default is 0-1 in all dimensions). @var{t} must be equal to zero. %! @item @var{d}x@var{d} array of doubles %! Lower cholesky of the covariance matrix of the Gaussian variates (default is the identity matrix). @var{t} must be equal to one. %! @item scalar double %! Radius of the hypershere (default is one). @var{t} must be equal to two. %! @end table %! @end table %! @sp 2 %! @strong{Outputs} %! @sp 1 %! @table @ @var %! @item a %! @var{n}x@var{d} matrix of doubles, the Sobol sequence. %! @item s %! Integer scalar (int64), current value of the seed. %! @item info %! Integer scalar, equal to 1 if mex routine fails, 0 otherwise. %! @end table %! @sp 2 %! @strong{This function is called by:} %! @sp 2 %! @strong{This function calls:} %! @sp 2 %! @end deftypefn %@eod: % Copyright (C) 2012 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . %@test:1 %$ t = ones(3,1); %$ %$ d = 2; %$ n = 100; %$ s = int64(0); %$ %$ try %$ [draws, S] = qmc_sequence(d,s,0,n); %$ catch %$ t(1) = 0; %$ end %$ %$ try %$ [draws, S] = qmc_sequence(d,s,1,n); %$ catch %$ t(2) = 0; %$ end %$ %$ try %$ [draws, S] = qmc_sequence(d,s,2,n); %$ catch %$ t(3) = 0; %$ end %$ %$ T = all(t); %@eof:1 %@test:2 %$ t = ones(3,1); %$ %$ d = 2; %$ n = 100; %$ s = int64(0); %$ %$ [draws1, S] = qmc_sequence(d,s,0,n); %$ [draws2, Q] = qmc_sequence(d,S,0,n); %$ [draws3, P] = qmc_sequence(d,s,0,2*n); %$ %$ t(1) = dyn_assert(s,int64(0)); %$ t(2) = dyn_assert(P,Q); %$ t(3) = dyn_assert([draws1,draws2],draws3); %$ T = all(t); %@eof:2 %@test:3 %$ %$ d = 2; %$ n = 100; %$ s = int64(0); %$ %$ [draws1, S] = qmc_sequence(d,s,0,n,[0 , 2; -1, 2]); %$ [draws2, Q] = qmc_sequence(d,s,0,n); %$ %$ draws3 = draws2; %$ draws3(1,:) = 2*draws2(1,:); %$ draws3(2,:) = 3*draws2(2,:)-1; %$ t(1) = dyn_assert(S,Q); %$ t(2) = dyn_assert(draws1,draws3); %$ T = all(t); %@eof:3 %@test:4 %$ %$ d = 2; %$ n = 100; %$ s = int64(0); %$ radius = pi; %$ %$ [draws, S] = qmc_sequence(d,s,2,n,radius); %$ %$ t(1) = dyn_assert(sqrt(draws(:,3)'*draws(:,3)),radius,1e-14); %$ t(2) = dyn_assert(sqrt(draws(:,5)'*draws(:,5)),radius,1e-14); %$ t(3) = dyn_assert(sqrt(draws(:,7)'*draws(:,7)),radius,1e-14); %$ t(4) = dyn_assert(sqrt(draws(:,11)'*draws(:,11)),radius,1e-14); %$ t(5) = dyn_assert(sqrt(draws(:,13)'*draws(:,13)),radius,1e-14); %$ t(6) = dyn_assert(sqrt(draws(:,17)'*draws(:,17)),radius,1e-14); %$ t(7) = dyn_assert(sqrt(draws(:,19)'*draws(:,19)),radius,1e-14); %$ t(8) = dyn_assert(sqrt(draws(:,23)'*draws(:,23)),radius,1e-14); %$ t(9) = dyn_assert(sqrt(draws(:,29)'*draws(:,29)),radius,1e-14); %$ T = all(t); %@eof:4 %@test:5 %$ %$ d = 2; %$ n = 100000; %$ b = 100; %$ s = int64(5); %$ %$ covariance = [.4 -.1; -.1 .2]; %$ chol_covariance = transpose(chol(covariance)); %$ %$ draws = []; %$ %$ for i=1:b %$ [tmp, s] = qmc_sequence(d,s,1,n,chol_covariance); %$ draws = [draws, tmp]; %$ end %$ %$ COVARIANCE = draws*draws'/(b*n); %$ %$ t(1) = dyn_assert(covariance,COVARIANCE,1e-6); %$ T = all(t); %@eof:5