function [freq, init, data, varlist] = load_csv_file_data(file, withtime, withnames, noemptycell) % Loads data in a csv file. % % INPUTS % o file string, name of the csv file (with path). % o withtime integer scalar, nonzero iff the first column is for the dates of the observations. % o withnames integer scalar, nonzero iff the first row is for the names of the variables. % o noemptycell integer scalar, nonzero the csv file does not have empty cells. % % OUTPUTS % o freq integer scalar equal to 1, 4, 12 or 52 (for annual, quaterly, monthly or weekly frequencies). % o init dates object, initial date in the dataset. % o data matrix of doubles, the data. % o varlist cell of strings, names of the variables. % Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % Set defaults. if nargin<4 noemptycell = 1; if nargin<3 withnames = 1; if nargin <2 withtime = 1; if nargin<1 error('load_csv_file_data:: I need at least one input (name of the csv file)!') end end end end if ~withtime && ~withnames && noemptycell % Use matlab builtin routine! data = csvread(file); end if ~( isequal(withtime,0) || isequal(withtime,1) ) error('load_csv_file_data:: Second input argument has to be equal to 1 or 0!') end if ~( isequal(withnames,0) || isequal(withnames,1) ) error('load_csv_file_data:: Third input argument has to be equal to 1 or 0!') end % Output initialization freq = 1; % Default frequency is annual. init = dates(1,1); % Default initial date is year one. varlist = []; if ~isoctave % Under Matlab, save time by using importdata assert(exist(file, 'file') == 2, ['load_csv_file_data: I can''t find file ' file '!']); A = importdata(file, ',', withnames); if withnames && withtime if size(A.textdata, 1) == 1 % year dates confused for data varlist = A.textdata(1, 2:end); init = dates([num2str(, 1)) 'Y']); data =, 2:end); else varlist = A.textdata(1, 2:end); init = dates(A.textdata{2, 1}); data =; end elseif withnames && ~withtime varlist = A.textdata; data =; elseif ~withnames && withtime if ~isstruct(A) % year dates confused for data init = dates([num2str(, 1)) 'Y']); data = A(:, 2:end); else init = dates(A.textdata{1, 1}); data =; end else error('load_csv_file_data:: Shouldn''t arrive here'); end freq = init.freq; varlist = transpose(varlist); return end % Check if file exists. if check_file_extension(file,'csv') try fid = fopen(file,'r'); catch error(['load_csv_file_data: I can''t find file ' file '!']) end else error('load_csv_file_data: Wrong file extension!') end % bfile contains a vector of ascii codes. bfile = fread(fid); % Close (csv) file. fclose(fid); % Set newline code (ok for *nix, check for mac and windows) if isunix newline_code = 10; elseif ispc newline_code = 13; elseif ismac newline_code = 10; else error('load_csv_file_data:: Not implemented for your OS!') end % Get the positions of the end-of-line code; end_of_line_locations = find(bfile==newline_code); if ispc && isempty(end_of_line_locations) newline_code=10; end_of_line_locations = find(bfile==newline_code); end; tmp = find(bfile==newline_code); % Get the number of lines in the file. ndx = length(tmp); % Create a cell of indices for each line. b = [1; end_of_line_locations+1]; c = [end_of_line_locations-1; length(bfile)+1]; b = b(1:end-1); c = c(1:end-1); linea = 1; if withnames % Get the first line of the csv file (names of the variables). linee = char(transpose(bfile(b(linea):c(linea)))); % Get the content of the first line and determine the number of variables and their names. [B,C] = get_cells_id(linee,','); if withtime B = B(2:end); C = C(2:end); end varlist = cell(length(B),1); number_of_variables = length(varlist); for i=1:number_of_variables varlist(i) = {linee(B(i):C(i))}; end varlist = strtrim(varlist); linea = linea+1; end % Get following line (number 1 or 2 depending on withnames flag) linee = char(transpose(bfile(b(linea):c(linea)))); comma_locations = transpose(strfind(linee,',')); B = 1; C = comma_locations(1)-1; if withtime tmp = linee(B:C); % Check the dates formatting if isnumeric(tmp) && isint(tmp) tmp = [num2str(tmp) 'Y']; end if isdate(tmp) error('load_csv_file_data:: Formatting error. I can''t read the dates!') end init = dates(tmp); freq = init.freq; first = 2; else first = 1; end if ~withnames number_of_variables = length(tmp)-withtime; end % Initialization of matrix data. data = zeros(ndx,number_of_variables); % Populate data. for linea = 1+withnames:ndx linee = char(transpose(bfile(b(linea):c(linea)))); [B,C] = get_cells_id(linee,','); for i=first:length(B) data(linea,i-withtime) = str2double(linee(B(i):C(i))); end end % Remove first line if withnames data = data(1+withnames:ndx,:);