function swz_write_markov_file(fname,M,options) n_chains = length(; nvars = size(options.varobs,1); fh = fopen(fname,'w'); %/******************************************************************************/ %/********************* Markov State Variable Information **********************/ %/******************************************************************************/ fprintf(fh,'//== Flat Independent Markov States and Simple Restrictions ==//\n\n'); %//This number is NOT used but read in. fprintf(fh,'//== Number Observations ==//\n'); fprintf(fh,'0\n\n'); fprintf(fh,'//== Number Independent State Variables ==//\n'); fprintf(fh,'%d\n\n',n_chains); for i_chain = 1:n_chains %//=====================================================// %//== state_variable[i] (1 <= i <= n_state_variables) ==// %//=====================================================// fprintf(fh,'//== Number of states for state_variable[%d] ==//\n', ... i_chain); n_states = length(; fprintf(fh,'%d\n\n',n_states); %//== 03/15/06: DW TVBVAR code reads the data below and overwrite the prior data read somewhere else if any. %//== Each column contains the parameters for a Dirichlet prior on the corresponding %//== column of the transition matrix. Each element must be positive. For each column, %//== the relative size of the prior elements determine the relative size of the elements %//== of the transition matrix and overall larger sizes implies a tighter prior. fprintf(fh,['//== Transition matrix prior for state_variable[%d]. ' ... '(n_states x n_states) ==//\n'],i_chain); Alpha = ones(n_states,n_states); for i_state = 1:n_states p = 1-1/; Alpha(i_state,i_state) = p*(n_states-1)/(1-p); fprintf(fh,'%22.16f',Alpha(i_state,:)); fprintf(fh,'\n'); end fprintf(fh,['\n//== Free Dirichet dimensions for state_variable[%d] ' ... '==//\n'],i_chain); % fprintf(fh,'%d ',repmat(n_states,1,n_states)); fprintf(fh,'%d ',repmat(2,1,n_states)); fprintf(fh,'\n\n'); %//== The jth restriction matrix is n_states-by-free[j]. Each row of the restriction %//== matrix has exactly one non-zero entry and the sum of each column must be one. fprintf(fh,['//== Column restrictions for state_variable[%d] ' ... '==//\n'],i_chain); for i_state = 1:n_states if i_state == 1 M = eye(n_states,2); elseif i_state == n_states M = [zeros(n_states-2,2); eye(2)]; else M = zeros(n_states,2); M(i_state+[-1 1],1) = ones(2,1)/2; M(i_state,2) = 1; end for j_state = 1:n_states fprintf(fh,'%d ',M(j_state,:)); fprintf(fh,'\n'); end fprintf(fh,'\n'); end end %/******************************************************************************/ %/******************************* VAR Parameters *******************************/ %/******************************************************************************/ %//NOT read fprintf(fh,'//== Number Variables ==//\n'); fprintf(fh,'%d\n\n',nvars); %//NOT read fprintf(fh,'//== Number Lags ==//\n'); fprintf(fh,'%d\n\n',; %//NOT read fprintf(fh,'//== Exogenous Variables ==//\n'); fprintf(fh,'1\n\n'); %//== nvar x n_state_variables matrix. In the jth row, a non-zero value implies that %this state variable controls the jth column of A0 and Aplus fprintf(fh,['//== Controlling states variables for coefficients ==//\' ... 'n']); for i_var = 1:nvars for i_chain = 1:n_chains if ~isfield(,'svar_coefficients') ... || isempty( i_equations = 0; else i_equations = ...; end if strcmp(i_equations,'ALL') || any(i_equations == i_var) fprintf(fh,'%d ',1); else fprintf(fh,'%d ',0); end end fprintf(fh,'\n'); end %//== nvar x n_state_variables matrix. In the jth row, a non-zero value implies that %this state variable controls the jth diagonal element of Xi fprintf(fh,'\n//== Controlling states variables for variance ==//\n'); for i_var = 1:nvars for i_chain = 1:n_chains if ~isfield(,'svar_variances') ... || isempty( i_equations = 0; else i_equations = ...; end if strcmp(i_equations,'ALL') || any(i_equations == i_var) fprintf(fh,'%d ',1); else fprintf(fh,'%d ',0); end end fprintf(fh,'\n'); end fclose(fh);