function [G1pi,C,impact,nmat,TT1,TT2,gev,eu, DD, E2, E5, GAMMA, FL_RANK ]=PI_gensys(a0,a1,a2,a3,c,PSI,NX,NETA,FL_RANK,M_,options_) % System given as % a0*E_t[y(t+1])+a1*y(t)=a2*y(t-1)+c+psi*eps(t) % with z an exogenous variable process. % Returned system is % [s(t)' x(t)' E_t x(t+1)']'=G1pi [s(t-1)' x(t-1)' x(t)]'+C+impact*eps(t), % and (a) the matrix nmat satisfying nmat*E_t z(t)+ E_t x(t+1)=0 % (b) matrices TT1, TT2 that relate y(t) to these states: y(t)=[TT1 TT2][s(t)' x(t)']'. % Note that the dimension of the state vector = dim(a0)+NO_FL_EQS % % If div is omitted from argument list, a div>1 is calculated. % eu(1)=1 for existence, eu(2)=1 for uniqueness. eu(1)=-1 for % existence only with not-s.c. z; eu=[-2,-2] for coincident zeros. % Based on % Christopher A. Sims % Corrected 10/28/96 by CAS % Copyright (C) 1996-2009 Christopher Sims % Copyright (C) 2010 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . lastwarn(''); global lq_instruments; eu=[0;0];C=c; realsmall=1e-6; fixdiv=(nargin==6); n=size(a0,1); DD=[];E2=[]; E5=0; GAMMA=[]; % % Find SVD of a0, and create partitions of U, S and V % [U0,S0,V0] = svd(a0); FL_RANK=rank(S0); U01=U0(1:n,1:FL_RANK); U02=U0(1:n,FL_RANK+1:n); V01=V0(1:n,1:FL_RANK); V02=V0(1:n,FL_RANK+1:n); S01=S0(1:FL_RANK,1:FL_RANK); C1=U02'*a1*V01; C2=U02'*a1*V02; C3=U02'*a2*V01; C4=U02'*a2*V02; C5=U02'*PSI; Sinv=eye(FL_RANK); for i=1:FL_RANK Sinv(i,i)=1/S01(i,i); end F1=Sinv*U01'*a1*V01; F2=Sinv*U01'*a1*V02; F3=Sinv*U01'*a2*V01; F4=Sinv*U01'*a2*V02; F5=Sinv*U01'*PSI; %if isempty(V02) & isempty(U02) % no only backward looking variables model warning('', ''); try warning('off','MATLAB:nearlySingularMatrix'); warning('off','MATLAB:singularMatrix'); UAVinv=inv(C2); % i.e. inv(U02'*a1*V02) [LastWarningTxt LastWarningID]=lastwarn; if (strcmp('MATLAB:nearlySingularMatrix',LastWarningID) | ... strcmp('MATLAB:illConditionedMatrix',LastWarningID) | ... strcmp('MATLAB:singularMatrix',LastWarningID) | isinf(UAVinv)) %display(LastWarningTxt); [C1,C2,C3,C4, C5, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, M1, M2, UAVinv, FL_RANK] = PI_gensys_singularC(C1,C2,C3,C4, C5, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, 0); V02=[V02 V01*M2]; V01=V01*M1; end warning('on','MATLAB:singularMatrix'); warning('on','MATLAB:nearlySingularMatrix'); if (isinf(UAVinv) | isnan(UAVinv)) if(options_.useACES==1) disp('ERROR! saving PI_gensys_data_dump'); save PI_gensys_data_dump error('PI_gensys: Inversion of poss. zero matrix UAVinv=inv(U02''*a1*V02)!'); else warning('PI_gensys: Evading inversion of zero matrix UAVinv=inv(U02''*a1*V02)!'); eu=[0,0]; return; end end % catch [errmsg, errcode]=lasterror; warning(['error callig PI_gensys_singularC: ' errmsg ],'errcode'); warning('',''); end % % Define TT1, TT2 % TT1=V02; TT2=V01; % %Set up the system matrix for the variables s(t)=V02*Y(t), x(t)=V01*Y(t) and E_t x(t+1) % and define z(t)'=[s(t)' x(t)] % %UAVinv=inv(U02'*a1*V02); FF=F2; %=Sinv*U01'*a1*V02; G11=UAVinv*C4; G12=UAVinv*C3; G13=-UAVinv*C1; G31=-FF*G11+F4; % +Sinv*U01'*a2*V02; G32=-FF*G12+F3; % +Sinv*U01'*a2*V01; G33=-FF*G13-F1; % -Sinv*U01'*a1*V01; P1=UAVinv*C5; % *U02'*PSI; P3=-FF*P1+F5; % + Sinv*U01'*PSI; % This should equal 0 G21=zeros(FL_RANK,(n-FL_RANK)); G22=zeros(FL_RANK,FL_RANK); G23=eye(FL_RANK); %H2=zeros(FL_RANK,NX); num_inst=0; % New Definitions Ze11=zeros(NX,NX); Ze12=zeros(NX,(n-FL_RANK)); Ze134=zeros(NX,FL_RANK); Ze31=zeros(FL_RANK,NX); % End of New Definitions % % System matrix is called 'G1pi'; Shock matrix is called 'impact' % G1pi=[Ze11 Ze12 Ze134 Ze134; P1 G11 G12 G13; Ze31 G21 G22 G23; P3 G31 G32 G33]; impact=[eye(NX,NX); zeros(n+FL_RANK,NX)]; if(options_.ACES_solver==1) if isfield(lq_instruments,'names') num_inst=size(lq_instruments.names,1); if num_inst>0 i_var=lq_instruments.inst_var_indices; N1=UAVinv*U02'*lq_instruments.B1; N3=-FF*N1+Sinv*U01'*lq_instruments.B1; else error('WARNING: There are no instrumnets for ACES!'); end lq_instruments.N1=N1; lq_instruments.N3=N3; else error('WARNING: There are no instrumnets for ACES!'); end E3=V02*[P1 G11 G12 G13]; E3= E3+ [zeros(size(V01,1),size(E3,2)-size(V01,2)) V01]; E2=-E3; E5=-V02*N1; DD=[zeros(NX,size(N1,2));N1; zeros(FL_RANK,size(N1,2));N3]; II=eye(num_inst); GAMMA=[ E3 -E5 %zeros(size(E3,1),num_inst); zeros(num_inst,size(E3,2)), II; ]; eu =[1; 1], nmat=[], gev=[]; return; % do not check B&K compliancy end G0pi=eye(n+FL_RANK+NX); try % In Matlab: [aa bb q z v w] = qz(a,b) s.t. qaz = aa, qbz = bb % % In Octave: [aa bb q z v w] = qz(a,b) s.t. q'az = aa, q'bz=bb % % and qzcomplex() extension based on lapack zgges produces same % qz output for Octave as Matlab qz() does for Matlab thus: if exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') [a b q z]=qzcomplex(G0pi,G1pi); q=q'; else [a b q z]=qz(G0pi,G1pi); end catch try lerror=lasterror; disp(['PI_Gensys: ' lerror.message]); if 0==strcmp('MATLAB:qz:matrixWithNaNInf',lerror.identifier) disp '** Unexpected Error PI_Gensys:qz: ** :'; button=questdlg('Continue Y/N?','Unexpected Error in qz','No','Yes','Yes'); switch button case 'No' error ('Terminated') %case 'Yes' end end G1pi=[];impact=[];nmat=[]; gev=[]; eu=[-2;-2]; return catch disp '** Unexpected Error in qz ** :'; disp lerror.message; button=questdlg('Continue Y/N?','Unexpected Error in qz','No','Yes','Yes'); switch button case 'No' error ('Terminated') case 'Yes' G1pi=[];impact=[];nmat=[]; gev=[]; eu=[-2;-2]; return end end end if ~fixdiv, div=1.01; end nunstab=0; zxz=0; nn=size(a,1); for i=1:nn % ------------------div calc------------ if ~fixdiv if abs(a(i,i)) > 0 divhat=abs(b(i,i))/abs(a(i,i)); % bug detected by Vasco Curdia and Daria Finocchiaro, 2/25/2004 A root of % exactly 1.01 and no root between 1 and 1.02, led to div being stuck at 1.01 % and the 1.01 root being misclassified as stable. Changing < to <= below fixes this. if 1+realsmalldiv*abs(a(i,i))); if abs(a(i,i))