top_test_dir = getenv('TOP_TEST_DIR'); addpath([top_test_dir filesep '..' filesep 'matlab/']); dynare_config; cd('histval_initval_file'); num_tests = 0; failed_tests = {}; ds = dseries(randn(10,4)); M = struct(); M.fname = ''; M.endo_nbr = 3; M.orig_endo_nbr = 3; M.endo_names = {'Variable_1','Variable_2','Variable_3'}; M.exo_nbr = 1; M.exo_names = {'Variable_4'}; M.exo_det_nbr = 0; caller = 'INITVAL'; options = struct(); options.series = ds; ds1 = histvalf_initvalf(caller, M, options); failed_tests = my_assert(failed_tests, all(all(ds1 == ds)), 'basic test'); num_tests = num_tests + 1; options = struct(); options.series = ds; options.first_obs = 2; ds1 = histvalf_initvalf(caller, M, options); failed_tests = my_assert(failed_tests, ds1.init == dates('2Y'), ... 'init test 1'); num_tests = num_tests + 1; options = struct(); options.series = ds; options.first_obs = 2; options.last_obs = 9; ds1 = histvalf_initvalf(caller, M, options); failed_tests = my_assert(failed_tests, ds1.init == dates('2Y'), ... 'first_obs last_obs test 1'); failed_tests = my_assert(failed_tests, ds1.last == dates('9Y'), ... 'first_obs last_obs test 2'); num_tests = num_tests + 2; options = struct(); options.series = ds; options.last_obs = 9; ds1 = histvalf_initvalf(caller, M, options); failed_tests = my_assert(failed_tests, ds1.init == dates('1Y'), ... 'last_obs test 1'); failed_tests = my_assert(failed_tests, ds1.last == dates('9Y'), ... 'last_obs test 2'); num_tests = num_tests + 2; options = struct(); options.series = ds; options.first_obs = 2; options.last_obs = 9; options.nobs = 8; ds1 = histvalf_initvalf(caller, M, options); failed_tests = my_assert(failed_tests, ds1.init == dates('2Y'), ... 'first_obs, last_obs, nobs test 1'); failed_tests = my_assert(failed_tests, ds1.last == dates('9Y'), ... 'first_obs, last_obs, nobs test 2'); num_tests = num_tests + 2; options = struct(); options.series = ds; options.last_obs = 9; options.nobs = 8; ds1 = histvalf_initvalf(caller, M, options); failed_tests = my_assert(failed_tests, ds1.init == dates('2Y'), ... 'last_obs, nobs test 1'); failed_tests = my_assert(failed_tests, ds1.last == dates('9Y'), ... 'last_obs, nobs test 2'); num_tests = num_tests + 2; options = struct(); options.series = ds; options.first_obs = 2; options.last_obs = 9; options.nobs = 7; try ds1 = histvalf_initvalf(caller, M, options); error('This test didn''t catch the error') catch me if strcmp(me.message, ['INITVAL_FILE: FIST_OBS, LAST_OBS and NOBS contain', ... ' inconsistent information. Use only two of these', ... ' options.']) == false failed_tests = cat(1, failed_tests, 'Wrong nobs error message' ); end end num_tests = num_tests + 1; options = struct(); options.series = ds; options.first_obs = -1; try ds1 = histvalf_initvalf(caller, M, options); error('This test didn''t catch the error') catch me if strcmp(me.message, [caller, '_FILE: the first requested period is', ... ' before available data.']) == false failed_tests = cat(1, failed_tests, ... 'Wrong first period error message'); end end num_tests = num_tests + 1; options = struct(); options.series = ds; options.last_obs = 11; try ds1 = histvalf_initvalf(caller, M, options); error('This test didn''t catch the error') catch me if strcmp(me.message, [caller, '_FILE: the last requested period is', ... ' after available data.']) == false failed_tests = cat(1, failed_tests, ... 'Wrong last period error message'); end end num_tests = num_tests + 1; fh = fopen('data.m', 'w'); init__ = 'INIT__ = ''1Y'';'; fprintf(fh, [init__ '\n']); eval(init__); names__ = 'NAMES__ = {''x'', ''y''};'; fprintf(fh, [names__ '\n']); eval(names__); tex__ = 'TEX__ = {''x'', ''y''};'; fprintf(fh, [tex__ '\n']); eval(tex__); x = randn(10, 1); fprintf(fh, 'x = ['); fprintf(fh, '%f ', x); fprintf(fh, '];\n'); y = randn(10, 1); fprintf(fh, 'y = ['); fprintf(fh, '%f ', y); fprintf(fh, '];\n'); fclose(fh); M.endo_nbr = 1; M.orig_endo_nbr = 1; M.endo_names = {'y'}; M.exo_nbr = 1; M.exo_names = {'x'}; M.exo_det_nbr = 0; options = struct(); options.datafile = 'data.m'; series = histvalf_initvalf('INITVAL_FILE', M, options); failed_tests = my_assert(failed_tests, series.init == dates('1Y'), ... '*.m file first_obs test'); failed_tests = my_assert(failed_tests, series.nobs == 10, ... '*.m file nobs test'); save('data.mat', 'INIT__', 'NAMES__', 'TEX__', 'x', 'y'); options = struct(); options.datafile = 'data.mat'; series = histvalf_initvalf('INITVAL_FILE', M, options); failed_tests = my_assert(failed_tests, series.init == dates('1Y'), ... '*.mat file first_obs test'); failed_tests = my_assert(failed_tests, series.nobs == 10, ... '*.mat file nobs test'); fh = fopen('data.csv', 'w'); fprintf(fh, 'x,y\n'); for i = 1:size(x,1) fprintf(fh, '%f,%f\n', x(i), y(i)); end fclose(fh); if ~verLessThan('matlab', '8.2') writetable(table(x,y), 'data.xlsx') options = struct(); options.datafile = 'data.xlsx'; series = histvalf_initvalf('INITVAL_FILE', M, options); failed_tests = my_assert(failed_tests, series.init == dates('1Y'), ... '*.xlsx file first_obs test'); failed_tests = my_assert(failed_tests, series.nobs == 10, ... '*.xlsx file nobs test'); num_tests = num_tests + 2; if ispc writetable(table(x,y), 'data.xls') options = struct(); options.datafile = 'data.xls'; series = histvalf_initvalf('INITVAL_FILE', M, options); failed_tests = my_assert(failed_tests, series.init == dates('1Y'), ... '*.xls file first_obs test'); failed_tests = my_assert(failed_tests, series.nobs == 10, ... '*.xls file nobs test'); num_tests = num_tests + 2; end end cd(getenv('TOP_TEST_DIR')); fid = fopen('histval_initval_file_unit_tests.m.trs', 'w+'); num_failed_tests = length(failed_tests) if num_failed_tests > 0 fprintf(fid,':test-result: FAIL\n'); fprintf(fid,':number-tests: %d\n', num_tests); fprintf(fid,':number-failed-tests: %d\n', num_failed_tests); fprintf(fid,':list-of-failed-tests: %s\n', failed_tests{:}); else fprintf(fid,':test-result: PASS\n'); fprintf(fid,':number-tests: %d\n', num_tests); fprintf(fid,':number-failed-tests: 0\n'); end fclose(fid); exit;