function [z,zss]=dyn2vec(s1,s2) z=[];zss=[]; [nargout,nargin] = argn(0) // Copyright (C) 2001 Michel Juillard // if dsmpl_==0 then %kk = 1:size(y_,2); else %kk = ykmin_+dsmpl_(1):ykmin_+dsmpl_(2); end if nargin==0 then if nargout>1 then t = 'DYNARE dyn2vec error: the function doesn''t return values when'+' used without input argument'; error(t); end for %i = 1:size(y_,1) tt = ['global '+string(lgy_(%i,:)) ; string(lgy_(%i,:))+' = y_(%i,%kk);']; deff('[]=assignin()',tt); assignin(); clear('assignin') end return else j = grep_exact(lgy_,s1); if ~(j==[]) then %z = y_(j,%kk)'; else j = grep_exact(lgx_,s1); if ~(j==[]) then if dsmpl_==0 then %z = ex_(:,j); else %z = ex_(xkmin_+dsmpl_(1):xkmin_+dsmpl_(2)); end else t = 'DYNARE dyn2vec error: variable '+string(s1(%i,:))+' doesn''t'+' exist.'; error(t); end end end if nargout==1 then deff('[]=assignin()',['global '+string(s1) ; string(s1)+' = %z;']); assignin(); clear('assignin') else zss = ys_(j); end // 02/23/01 MJ redone, incorporating FC's improvements // 08/24/01 MJ replaced globalize by internal assignin // 08/24/01 MJ added 'exact' to strmatch (thanks to David Vavra) // 09/24/01 MJ translated to SciLab