//Tests Identification command with ML and unit roots/diffuse filter option; //Should not work because of observed unit root variable var y delta_y x z; varexo eps_x eps_z; parameters rho sigma_z sigma_x; // set parameter values sigma_z=0.001; sigma_x=0.01; rho=0.9; model; z=rho*z(-1)+sigma_z*eps_z; x=x(-1)+sigma_x*eps_x; y=x+z; delta_y=y-y(-1); end; steady_state_model; x=0; z=0; y=0; delta_y=0; end; //set shock variances shocks; var eps_z=1; var eps_x=1; end; steady; check; varobs y delta_y; stoch_simul(order=1,irf=0); estimated_params; rho, 0.9; sigma_z, 0.01; sigma_x, 0.01; end; identification(diffuse_filter,advanced=1,prior_trunc=0);