function draw = rand_multivariate_student(Mean,Sigma_upper_chol,df) % Pseudo random draws from a multivariate student distribution, % with expectation Mean, variance Sigma*df/(df-2) and degrees of freedom df>0. % % INPUTS % % Mean [double] 1*n vector, expectation of the multivariate random variable. % Sigma_upper_chol [double] n*n matrix, upper triangular Cholesky decomposition of Sigma % (the covariance matrix up to a factor df/(df-2)). % df [integer] degrees of freedom. % % OUTPUTS % draw [double] 1*n vector drawn from a multivariate normal distribution with expectation Mean and % covariance Sigma. % % REMARK This is certainly not the most efficient way... % % NOTE See Zellner (appendix B.2, 1971) for a definition. % % part of DYNARE, copyright Dynare Team (2003-2008) % Gnu Public License. n = length(Mean); draw = Mean + randn(1,n) * Sigma_upper_chol * sqrt(df/sum(randn(df,1).^2));