function results = prior_sampler(drsave,M_,bayestopt_,options_,oo_) % This function builds a (big) prior sample. % % INPUTS % drsave [integer] Scalar. If equal to 1, then dr structure is saved with each prior draw. % M_ [structure] Model description. % bayestopt_ [structure] Prior distribution description. % options_ [structure] Global options of Dynare. % % OUTPUTS: % results [structure] Various statistics. % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % Copyright (C) 2009 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . % Initialization. prior_draw(1,bayestopt_); PriorDirectoryName = CheckPath('prior/draws'); work = ~drsave; iteration = 1; loop_indx = 0; file_indx = []; count_bk_indeterminacy = 0; count_bk_unstability = 0; count_bk_singularity = 0; count_static_var_def = 0; count_no_steadystate = 0; count_dll_problem = 0; count_unknown_problem = 0; NumberOfSimulations = options_.prior_mc; NumberOfParameters = length(bayestopt_.pmean); NumberOfEndogenousVariables = size(M_.endo_names,1); NumberOfElementsPerFile = ceil(options_.MaxNumberOfBytes/NumberOfParameters/NumberOfEndogenousVariables/8) if NumberOfSimulations <= NumberOfElementsPerFile TableOfInformations = [ 1 , NumberOfSimulations , 1] ; else NumberOfFiles = fix(NumberOfSimulations/NumberOfElementsPerFile) ; NumberOfElementsInTheLastFile = NumberOfSimulations - NumberOfElementsPerFile*NumberOfFiles ; if ~isint(NumberOfSimulations/NumberOfElementsPerFile) NumberOfFiles = NumberOfFiles + 1 ; end TableOfInformations = NaN(NumberOfFiles,3); TableOfInformations(:,1) = transpose(1:NumberOfFiles) ; TableOfInformations(1:NumberOfFiles-1,2) = NumberOfElementsPerFile*ones(NumberOfFiles-1,1) ; TableOfInformations(NumberOfFiles,2) = NumberOfElementsInTheLastFile ; TableOfInformations(1,3) = 1; TableOfInformations(2:end,3) = cumsum(TableOfInformations(2:end,2))+1; end pdraws = cell(TableOfInformations(1,2),drsave+1) ; sampled_prior_expectation = zeros(NumberOfParameters,1); sampled_prior_covariance = zeros(NumberOfParameters,NumberOfParameters); % Simulations. while iteration <= NumberOfSimulations loop_indx = loop_indx+1; file_indx = find(TableOfInformations(:,3)==iteration); if ~isempty(file_indx) && file_indx>1 save([ PriorDirectoryName '/prior_draws' int2str(file_indx-1) '.mat' ],'pdraws'); pdraws = cell(TableOfInformations(file_indx,2),drsave+1); end params = prior_draw(); set_all_parameters(params); [dr,INFO] = resol(oo_.steady_state,work); switch INFO(1) case 0 pdraws(iteration,1) = {params}; if drsave pdraws(iteration,2) = {dr}; end iteration = iteration+1; [sampled_prior_expectation,sampled_prior_covariance] = ... recursive_prior_moments(sampled_prior_expectation,sampled_prior_covariance,params,iteration) ; case 1 count_static_undefined = count_static_undefined + 1; case 2 count_dll_problem = count_dll_problem + 1; case 3 count_bk_unstability = count_bk_unstability + 1 ; case 4 count_bk_indeterminacy = count_bk_indeterminacy + 1 ; case 5 count_bk_singularity = count_bk_singularity + 1 ; case 20 count_no_steadystate = count_no_steadystate + 1 ; otherwise % To be checked... count_unknown_problem = count_unknown_problem + 1 ; continue end end % Save last prior_draw*.mat file save([ PriorDirectoryName '/prior_draws' int2str(TableOfInformations(end,1)) '.mat' ],'pdraws'); % Get informations about BK conditions and other things... results.bk.indeterminacy_share = count_bk_indeterminacy/loop_indx; results.bk.unstability_share = count_bk_unstability/loop_indx; results.bk.singularity_share = count_bk_singularity/loop_indx; results.dll.problem_share = count_dll_problem/loop_indx; = count_no_steadystate/loop_indx; results.garbage_share = results.bk.indeterminacy_share + ... results.bk.unstability_share + ... results.bk.singularity_share + ... results.dll.problem_share + ... + ... (count_unknown_problem/loop_indx) ; results.prior.mean = sampled_prior_expectation; results.prior.variance = sampled_prior_covariance; results.prior.mass = 1-results.garbage_share; function [mu,sigma] = recursive_prior_moments(m0,s0,newobs,iter) % Recursive estimation of order one and two moments (expectation and % covariance matrix). newobs should be a row vector. I do not use the % function recursive_moments here, because this function is to be used when % newobs is a 2D array. m1 = m0 + (newobs'-m0)/iter; qq = m1*m1'; s1 = s0 + ( (newobs'*newobs-qq-s0) + (iter-1)*(m0*m0'-qq') )/iter; mu = m1; sigma = s1;