all: guide.pdf manual-html/index.html manual.pdf bvar-a-la-sims.pdf make -C preprocessor make -C macroprocessor make -C userguide guide.pdf: guide.tex guide.bbl bibmad.sty pdflatex guide pdflatex guide bvar-a-la-sims.pdf: bvar-a-la-sims.tex pdflatex bvar-a-la-sims pdflatex bvar-a-la-sims manual-html/index.html: manual.xml dynare_html.xsl # Make sure that you have installed the docbook-xsl package, otherwise xsltproc will take a very long time xsltproc -stringparam base.dir ./manual-html/ dynare_html.xsl manual.xml manual.pdf: manual.xml dblatex manual.xml clean: rm -f *~ *.pdf *.log *.aux rm -rf manual-html make -C preprocessor clean make -C macroprocessor clean make -C userguide clean