/* * This file replicates the model studied in: * Lawrence J. Christiano, Roberto Motto and Massimo Rostagno (2007): * "Notes on Ramsey-Optimal Monetary Policy", Section 2 * The paper is available at http://faculty.wcas.northwestern.edu/~lchrist/d16/d1606/ramsey.pdf * * Notes: * - This mod-files allows to simulate a simple New Keynesian Model with Rotemberg price * adjustment costs under three different monetary policy arrangements: * 1. a Taylor rule with a fixed inflation feedback coefficient alpha * -> set the Optimal_policy switch to 0 * 2. a Taylor rule where the inflation feedback coefficient alpha is chosen * optimally to minimize a quadratic loss function (optimal simple rule (OSR)) * -> set the Optimal_policy switch to 1 and the Ramsey switch to 0 * 3. fully optimal monetary under commitment (Ramsey) * -> set the Optimal_policy switch to 1 and the Ramsey switch to 1 * * - The Efficent_steady_state switch can be used to switch from an distorted steady state * due to a monopolistic distortion to one where a labor subsidy counteracts this * distortion. Note that the purely quadratic loss function in the OSR case does not capture * the full welfare losses with a distorted steady state as there would be a linear term * appearing. * * - This files shows how to use a conditional steady state file in the Ramsey case. It takes * the value of the defined instrument R as given and then computes the rest of the steady * state, including the steady state inflation rate, based on this value. The initial value * of the instrument for steady state search must then be defined in an initval-block. * * - The optim_weights in the OSR case are based on a second order approximation to the welfare function * as in Gali (2015). The relative weight between inflation and output gap volatility is essentially * given by the slope of the New Keynesian Phillips Curve. Note that the linear terms that would be * present in case of a distorted steady state need to be dropped for OSR. * * - Due to divine coincidence, the first best policy involves fully stabilizing inflation * and thereby the output gap. As a consequence, the optimal inflation feedback coefficient * in a Taylor rule would be infinity. The OSR command therefore estimates it to be at the * upper bound defined via osr_params_bounds. * * - The mod-file also allows to conduct estimation under Ramsey policy by setting the * Estimation_under_Ramsey switch to 1. * * This implementation was written by Johannes Pfeifer. * * If you spot mistakes, email me at jpfeifer@gmx.de * * Please note that the following copyright notice only applies to this Dynare * implementation of the model. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2019 Dynare Team * * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * For a copy of the GNU General Public License, * see . */ //**********Define which monetary policy setup to use *********** @#ifndef Optimal_policy @#define Optimal_policy=1 @#ifndef Ramsey @#define Ramsey=1 @#endif @#endif //**********Define whether to use distorted steady state*********** @#ifndef Efficent_steady_state @#define Efficent_steady_state=0 @#endif @#ifndef Estimation_under_Ramsey @#define Estimation_under_Ramsey=1 @#endif var C $C$ (long_name='Consumption') pi $\pi$ (long_name='Gross inflation') h $h$ (long_name='hours worked') Z $Z$ (long_name='TFP') R $R$ (long_name='Net nominal interest rate') log_C ${\ln C}$ (long_name='Log Consumption') log_h ${\ln h}$ (long_name='Log hours worked') pi_ann ${\pi^{ann}}$ (long_name='Annualized net inflation') R_ann ${R^{ann}}$ (long_name='Annualized net nominal interest rate') r_real ${r^{ann,real}}$ (long_name='Annualized net real interest rate') y_nat ${y^{nat}}$ (long_name='Natural (flex price) output') y_gap ${r^{gap}}$ (long_name='Output gap') ; varexo epsilon ${\varepsilon}$ (long_name='TFP shock') ; parameters beta ${\beta}$ (long_name='discount factor') theta ${\theta}$ (long_name='substitution elasticity') tau ${\tau}$ (long_name='labor subsidy') chi ${\chi}$ (long_name='labor disutility') phi ${\phi}$ (long_name='price adjustment costs') rho ${\rho}$ (long_name='TFP autocorrelation') @# if !defined(Ramsey) || Ramsey==0 pi_star ${\pi^*}$ (long_name='steady state inflation') alpha ${\alpha}$ (long_name='inflation feedback Taylor rule') @# endif ; beta=0.99; theta=5; phi=100; rho=0.9; @# if !defined(Ramsey) || Ramsey==0 alpha=1.5; pi_star=1; @# endif @# if Efficent_steady_state tau=1/(theta-1); @# else tau=0; @# endif chi=1; model; [name='Euler equation'] 1/(1+R)=beta*C/(C(+1)*pi(+1)); [name='Firm FOC'] (tau-1/(theta-1))*(1-theta)+theta*(chi*h*C/(exp(Z))-1)=phi*(pi-1)*pi-beta*phi*(pi(+1)-1)*pi(+1); [name='Resource constraint'] C*(1+phi/2*(pi-1)^2)=exp(Z)*h; [name='TFP process'] Z=rho*Z(-1)+epsilon; @#if !defined(Ramsey) || Ramsey==0 [name='Taylor rule'] R=pi_star/beta-1+alpha*(pi-pi_star); @#endif [name='Definition log consumption'] log_C=log(C); [name='Definition log hours worked'] log_h=log(h); [name='Definition annualized inflation rate'] pi_ann=4*log(pi); [name='Definition annualized nominal interest rate'] R_ann=4*R; [name='Definition annualized real interest rate'] r_real=4*log((1+R)/pi(+1)); [name='Definition natural output'] y_nat=exp(Z)*sqrt((theta-1)/theta*(1+tau)/chi); [name='output gap'] y_gap=log_C-log(y_nat); end; steady_state_model; Z=0; @# if !defined(Ramsey) || Ramsey==0 R=pi_star/beta-1; %only set this if not conditional steady state file for Ramsey @# endif pi=(R+1)*beta; C=sqrt((1+1/theta*((1-beta)*(pi-1)*pi-(tau-1/(theta-1))*(1-theta)))/(chi*(1+phi/2*(pi-1)^2))); h=C*(1+phi/2*(pi-1)^2); log_C=log(C); log_h=log(h); pi_ann=4*log(pi); R_ann=4*R; r_real=4*log((1+R)/pi); y_nat=sqrt((theta-1)/theta*(1+tau)/chi); y_gap=log_C-log(y_nat); end; @# if defined(Ramsey) && Ramsey==1 //define initial value of instrument for Ramsey initval; R=1/beta-1; end; @# endif shocks; var epsilon = 0.01^2; end; @#if Optimal_policy==0 //use Taylor rule stoch_simul(order=2) pi_ann log_h R_ann log_C Z r_real y_nat; @#else @# if !defined(Ramsey) || Ramsey==0 //use OSR Taylor rule //set weights on (co-)variances for OSR optim_weights; pi theta/((theta-1)/phi); y_gap 1; end; //define OSR parameters to be optimized osr_params alpha; //starting value for OSR parameter alpha = 1.5; //define bounds for OSR during optimization osr_params_bounds; alpha, 0, 100; end; //compute OSR and provide output osr(opt_algo=9) pi_ann log_h R_ann log_C Z r_real; @# else //use Ramsey optimal policy //define planner objective, which corresponds to utility function of agents planner_objective log(C)-chi/2*h^2; //set up Ramsey optimal policy problem with interest rate R as the instrument,... // defining the discount factor in the planner objective to be the one of private agents ramsey_model(instruments=(R),planner_discount=beta,planner_discount_latex_name=$\beta$); //conduct stochastic simulations of the Ramsey problem stoch_simul(order=1,irf=20,periods=500) pi_ann log_h R_ann log_C Z r_real; evaluate_planner_objective; @# if Estimation_under_Ramsey==1 datatomfile('ramsey_simulation',{'log_C'}) estimated_params; rho,0.5,uniform_pdf, , ,0,1; end; varobs log_C; estimation(datafile=ramsey_simulation,mode_compute=5,mh_nblocks=1,mh_replic=0); @# endif @# endif @# endif write_latex_static_model(write_equation_tags); write_latex_dynamic_model(write_equation_tags); write_latex_original_model(write_equation_tags); write_latex_steady_state_model; collect_latex_files; if system(['pdflatex -halt-on-error -interaction=batchmode ' M_.fname '_TeX_binder.tex']) error('TeX-File did not compile.') end