// This file deals with the resolution and estimation of a basic DSGE model with //employment for comparison with the benchmark in Gauss which solves with //the same particular filter but global methodology. // // January 2010 var k A c l i y; varexo e_a; parameters alp bet tet tau delt rho ; alp = 0.4; bet = 0.99; tet = 0.357 ; tau = 50 ; delt = 0.02; rho = 0.95; model; c = ((1 - alp)*tet/(1-tet))*A*(1-l)*((k(-1)/l)^alp); y = A*(k(-1)^alp)*(l^(1-alp)) ; i = y-c ; k = (1-delt)*k(-1) + i ; log(A) = rho*log(A(-1)) + e_a ; (((c^(tet))*((1-l)^(1-tet)))^(1-tau))/c - bet*((((c(+1)^(tet))*((1-l(+1))^(1-tet)))^(1-tau))/c(+1))*(1 -delt+alp*(A(1)*(k^alp)*(l(1)^(1-alp)))/k)=0 ; end; shocks; var e_a; stderr 0.035; end; steady; stoch_simul; save dsge_base2.mat oo_ M_ options_; close all, clc;