% % SYNOPSIS % % r = dynare_simul(name, shocks) % r = dynare_simul(name, prefix, shocks) % r = dynare_simul(name, shocks, start) % r = dynare_simul(name, prefix, shocks, start) % % name name of MAT-file produced by dynare++ % prefix prefix of variables in the MAT-file % shocks matrix of shocks % start zero period value % % Note that this file requires the dynare_simul_ DLL to be in the path. % This DLL is distributed with Dynare, under the mex/matlab or mex/octave % subdirectory. % % SEMANTICS % % The command reads a decision rule from the MAT-file having the given % prefix. Then it starts simulating the decision rule with zero time value % equal to the given start. It uses the given shocks for the simulation. If % the start is not given, the state about which the decision rule is % centralized is taken (called fix point, or stochastic steady state, take % your pick). % % prefix Use the prefix with which you called dynare++, the default % prefix in dynare++ is 'dyn'. % shocks Number of rows must be a number of exogenous shocks, % number of columns gives the number of simulated % periods. NaNs and Infs in the matrix are substitued by % draws from the normal distribution using the covariance % matrix given in the model file. % start Vector of endogenous variables in the ordering given by % _vars. % % Seed for random generator is derived from calling rand(1,1). Therefore, % seeding can be controlled with rand('state') and rand('state',some_seed). % % EXAMPLES % % All examples suppose that the prefix is 'dyn' and that your_model.mat % has been loaded into Matlab. % % 1. response to permanent negative shock to the third exo var EPS3 for % 100 periods % % shocks = zeros(4,100); % 4 exogenous variables in the model % shocks(dyn_i_EPS3,:) = -0.1; % the permanent shock to EPS3 % r = dynare_simul('your_model.mat',shocks); % % 2. one stochastic simulation for 100 periods % % shocks = zeros(4,100)./0; % put NaNs everywhere % r = dynare_simul('your_model.mat',shocks); % % 3. one stochastic simulation starting at 75% undercapitalized economy % % shocks = zeros(4,100)./0; % put NaNs everywhere % ystart = dyn_ss; % get copy of DR fix point % ystart(dyn_i_K) = 0.75*dyn_ss(dyn_i_K); % scale down the capital % r = dynare_simul('your_model.mat',shocks,ystart); % % % SEE ALSO % % "DSGE Models with Dynare++. A Tutorial.", Ondra Kamenik, 2005 % Copyright (C) 2005-2011, Ondra Kamenik % Copyright (C) 2020, Dynare Team function r = dynare_simul(varargin) if ~exist('dynare_simul_','file') error('Can''t find dynare_simul_ DLL in the path. The simplest way to add it is to run Dynare once in this session.') end % get the file name and load data fname = varargin{1}; load(fname); % set prefix, shocks, ystart if ischar(varargin{2}) prefix = varargin{2}; if length(varargin) == 3 shocks = varargin{3}; ystart = NaN; elseif length(varargin) == 4 shocks = varargin{3}; ystart = varargin{4}; else error('Wrong number of parameters.'); end else prefix = 'dyn'; if length(varargin) == 2 shocks = varargin{2}; ystart = NaN; elseif length(varargin) == 3 shocks = varargin{2}; ystart = varargin{3}; else error('Wrong number of parameters.'); end end % load all needed variables but prefix_g_* if exist([prefix '_nstat'],'var') nstat = eval([prefix '_nstat']); else error(['Could not find variable ' prefix '_nstat in workspace']); end if exist([prefix '_npred'],'var') npred = eval([prefix '_npred']); else error(['Could not find variable ' prefix '_npred in workspace']); end if exist([prefix '_nboth'],'var') nboth = eval([prefix '_nboth']); else error(['Could not find variable ' prefix '_nboth in workspace']); end if exist([prefix '_nforw'],'var') nforw = eval([prefix '_nforw']); else error(['Could not find variable ' prefix '_nforw in workspace']); end if exist([prefix '_ss'],'var') ss = eval([prefix '_ss']); else error(['Could not find variable ' prefix '_ss in workspace']); end if exist([prefix '_vcov_exo'],'var') vcov_exo = eval([prefix '_vcov_exo']); else error(['Could not find variable ' prefix '_vcov_exo in workspace']); end nexog = size(vcov_exo,1); if isnan(ystart) ystart = ss; end % newer version of dynare++ doesn't return prefix_g_0, we make it here if % it does not exist in workspace g_zero = [prefix '_g_0']; if ~exist(g_zero,'var') dr.g_0=zeros(nstat+npred+nboth+nforw,1); else dr.g_0=eval(g_zero); end % make derstr a string of comma seperated existing prefix_g_* order = 1; cont = 1; while cont == 1 g_ord = [prefix '_g_' num2str(order)]; if exist(g_ord,'var') dr.(['g_' num2str(order)])=eval(g_ord); order = order + 1; else cont = 0; end end % set seed seed = ceil(10000*rand(1,1)); % call dynare_simul_ [err,r]=dynare_simul_(order-1,nstat,npred,nboth,nforw,... nexog,ystart,shocks,vcov_exo,seed,ss,dr); if err error('Simulation failed') end