function [dr,info,M_,options_,oo_] = dr_block(dr,task,M_,options_,oo_,varargin) % function [dr,info,M_,options_,oo_] = dr_block(dr,task,M_,options_,oo_,varargin) % computes the reduced form solution of a rational expectations model % (first order approximation of the stochastic model around the deterministic steady state). % % INPUTS % dr [matlab structure] Decision rules for stochastic simulations. % task [integer] if task = 0 then dr_block computes decision rules. % if task = 1 then dr_block computes eigenvalues. % M_ [matlab structure] Definition of the model. % options_ [matlab structure] Global options. % oo_ [matlab structure] Results % oo_ [matlab cell] Other input arguments % % OUTPUTS % dr [matlab structure] Decision rules for stochastic simulations. % info [integer] info=1: the model doesn't define current variables uniquely % info=2: problem in mjdgges.dll info(2) contains error code. % info=3: BK order condition not satisfied info(2) contains "distance" % absence of stable trajectory. % info=4: BK order condition not satisfied info(2) contains "distance" % indeterminacy. % info=5: BK rank condition not satisfied. % info=6: The jacobian matrix evaluated at the steady state is complex. % M_ [matlab structure] % options_ [matlab structure] % oo_ [matlab structure] % % ALGORITHM % first order block relaxation method applied to the model % E[A Yt-1 + B Yt + C Yt+1 + ut] = 0 % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none. % % Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . info = 0; verbose = 0; if nargin > 5 verbose = varargin{1}; end %verbose = options_.verbosity; if options_.order > 1 error('2nd and 3rd order approximation not implemented with block option') end z = repmat(dr.ys,1,M_.maximum_lead + M_.maximum_lag + 1); zx = repmat([oo_.exo_simul oo_.exo_det_simul],M_.maximum_lead + M_.maximum_lag + 1, 1); if (isfield(M_,'block_structure')) data = M_.block_structure.block; Size = length(M_.block_structure.block); else data = M_; Size = 1; end if options_.bytecode [~, data]= bytecode('dynamic','evaluate', z, zx, M_.params, dr.ys, 1, data); else T=NaN(M_.block_structure.dyn_tmp_nbr, 1); it_=M_.maximum_lag+1; y=dynvars_from_endo_simul(z, it_, M_); for blk = 1:length(M_.block_structure.block) funcname = sprintf('%s.block.dynamic_%d', M_.fname, blk); [~, T, data(blk).g1, data(blk).g1_x, data(blk).g1_xd, data(blk).g1_o]=feval(funcname, y, zx, M_.params, dr.ys, T, it_, true); end end dr.full_rank = 1; dr.eigval = []; dr.nd = 0; dr.ghx = []; dr.ghu = []; %Determine the global list of state variables: dr.state_var = M_.state_var; M_.block_structure.state_var = dr.state_var; n_sv = size(dr.state_var, 2); dr.ghx = zeros(M_.endo_nbr, length(dr.state_var)); dr.exo_var = 1:M_.exo_nbr; dr.ghu = zeros(M_.endo_nbr, M_.exo_nbr); for i = 1:Size ghx = []; indexi_0 = 0; if (verbose) disp('======================================================================'); disp(['Block ' int2str(i)]); disp('-----------'); data(i) end n_pred = data(i).n_backward; n_fwrd = data(i).n_forward; n_both = data(i).n_mixed; n_static = data(i).n_static; nd = n_pred + n_fwrd + 2*n_both; dr.nd = dr.nd + nd; n_dynamic = n_pred + n_fwrd + n_both; exo_nbr = M_.block_structure.block(i).exo_nbr; exo_det_nbr = M_.block_structure.block(i).exo_det_nbr; other_endo_nbr = M_.block_structure.block(i).other_endo_nbr; jacob = full(data(i).g1); lead_lag_incidence = data(i).lead_lag_incidence; endo = data(i).variable; exo = data(i).exogenous; if (verbose) disp('jacob'); disp(jacob); disp('lead_lag_incidence'); disp(lead_lag_incidence); end maximum_lag = data(i).maximum_endo_lag; maximum_lead = data(i).maximum_endo_lead; n = n_dynamic + n_static; block_type = M_.block_structure.block(i).Simulation_Type; if task ~= 1 if block_type == 2 || block_type == 4 || block_type == 7 block_type = 8; end end if maximum_lag > 0 && (n_pred > 0 || n_both > 0) && block_type ~= 1 indexi_0 = min(lead_lag_incidence(2,:)); end switch block_type case 1 %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %Evaluate Forward if maximum_lag > 0 && n_pred > 0 indx_r = find(M_.block_structure.block(i).lead_lag_incidence(1,:)); indx_c = M_.block_structure.block(i).lead_lag_incidence(1,indx_r); data(i).eigval = diag(jacob(indx_r, indx_c)); data(i).rank = 0; else data(i).eigval = []; data(i).rank = 0; end dr.eigval = [dr.eigval ; data(i).eigval]; %First order approximation if task ~= 1 [tmp1, tmp2, indx_c] = find(M_.block_structure.block(i).lead_lag_incidence(2,:)); B = jacob(:,indx_c); if (maximum_lag > 0 && n_pred > 0) [indx_r, tmp1, indx_r_v] = find(M_.block_structure.block(i).lead_lag_incidence(1,:)); ghx = - B \ jacob(:,indx_r_v); end if other_endo_nbr fx = data(i).g1_o; % retrieves the derivatives with respect to endogenous % variable belonging to previous blocks fx_tm1 = zeros(n,other_endo_nbr); fx_t = zeros(n,other_endo_nbr); fx_tp1 = zeros(n,other_endo_nbr); % stores in fx_tm1 the lagged values of fx [r, c, lag] = find(data(i).lead_lag_incidence_other(1,:)); fx_tm1(:,c) = fx(:,lag); % stores in fx the current values of fx [r, c, curr] = find(data(i).lead_lag_incidence_other(2,:)); fx_t(:,c) = fx(:,curr); % stores in fx_tp1 the leaded values of fx [r, c, lead] = find(data(i).lead_lag_incidence_other(3,:)); fx_tp1(:,c) = fx(:,lead); l_x = dr.ghx(data(i).other_endogenous,:); l_x_sv = dr.ghx(dr.state_var, 1:n_sv); selector_tm1 = M_.block_structure.block(i).tm1; ghx_other = - B \ (fx_t * l_x + (fx_tp1 * l_x * l_x_sv) + fx_tm1 * selector_tm1); dr.ghx(endo, :) = dr.ghx(endo, :) + ghx_other; end if exo_nbr fu = data(i).g1_x; exo = dr.exo_var; if other_endo_nbr > 0 l_u_sv = dr.ghu(dr.state_var,:); l_x = dr.ghx(data(i).other_endogenous,:); l_u = dr.ghu(data(i).other_endogenous,:); fu_complet = zeros(n, M_.exo_nbr); fu_complet(:,data(i).exogenous) = fu; ghu = - B \ (fu_complet + fx_tp1 * l_x * l_u_sv + (fx_t) * l_u ); else fu_complet = zeros(n, M_.exo_nbr); fu_complet(:,data(i).exogenous) = fu; ghu = - B \ fu_complet; end else exo = dr.exo_var; if other_endo_nbr > 0 l_u_sv = dr.ghu(dr.state_var,:); l_x = dr.ghx(data(i).other_endogenous,:); l_u = dr.ghu(data(i).other_endogenous,:); ghu = -B \ (fx_tp1 * l_x * l_u_sv + (fx_t) * l_u ); else ghu = []; end end end case 2 %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %Evaluate Backward if maximum_lead > 0 && n_fwrd > 0 indx_r = find(M_.block_structure.block(i).lead_lag_incidence(3,:)); indx_c = M_.block_structure.block(i).lead_lag_incidence(3,indx_r); data(i).eigval = 1 ./ diag(jacob(indx_r, indx_c)); data(i).rank = sum(abs(data(i).eigval) > 0); full_rank = (rcond(jacob(indx_r, indx_c)) > 1e-9); else data(i).eigval = []; data(i).rank = 0; full_rank = 1; end dr.eigval = [dr.eigval ; data(i).eigval]; dr.full_rank = dr.full_rank && full_rank; %First order approximation if task ~= 1 if (maximum_lag > 0) indx_r = find(M_.block_structure.block(i).lead_lag_incidence(3,:)); indx_c = M_.block_structure.block(i).lead_lag_incidence(3,indx_r); ghx = - inv(jacob(indx_r, indx_c)); end ghu = - inv(jacob(indx_r, indx_c)) * data(i).g1_x; end case 3 %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %Solve Forward single equation if maximum_lag > 0 && n_pred > 0 data(i).eigval = - jacob(1 , 1 : n_pred) / jacob(1 , n_pred + n_static + 1 : n_pred + n_static + n_pred + n_both); data(i).rank = 0; else data(i).eigval = []; data(i).rank = 0; end dr.eigval = [dr.eigval ; data(i).eigval]; %First order approximation if task ~= 1 if (maximum_lag > 0) ghx = - jacob(1 , 1 : n_pred) / jacob(1 , n_pred + n_static + 1 : n_pred + n_static + n_pred + n_both); else ghx = 0; end if other_endo_nbr fx = data(i).g1_o; % retrieves the derivatives with respect to endogenous % variable belonging to previous blocks fx_tm1 = zeros(n,other_endo_nbr); fx_t = zeros(n,other_endo_nbr); fx_tp1 = zeros(n,other_endo_nbr); % stores in fx_tm1 the lagged values of fx [r, c, lag] = find(data(i).lead_lag_incidence_other(1,:)); fx_tm1(:,c) = fx(:,lag); % stores in fx the current values of fx [r, c, curr] = find(data(i).lead_lag_incidence_other(2,:)); fx_t(:,c) = fx(:,curr); % stores in fx_tm1 the leaded values of fx [r, c, lead] = find(data(i).lead_lag_incidence_other(3,:)); fx_tp1(:,c) = fx(:,lead); l_x = dr.ghx(data(i).other_endogenous,:); l_x_sv = dr.ghx(dr.state_var, 1:n_sv); selector_tm1 = M_.block_structure.block(i).tm1; ghx_other = - (fx_t * l_x + (fx_tp1 * l_x * l_x_sv) + fx_tm1 * selector_tm1) / jacob(1 , n_pred + 1 : n_pred + n_static + n_pred + n_both); dr.ghx(endo, :) = dr.ghx(endo, :) + ghx_other; end if exo_nbr fu = data(i).g1_x; if other_endo_nbr > 0 l_u_sv = dr.ghu(dr.state_var,:); l_x = dr.ghx(data(i).other_endogenous,:); l_u = dr.ghu(data(i).other_endogenous,:); fu_complet = zeros(n, M_.exo_nbr); fu_complet(:,data(i).exogenous) = fu; ghu = -(fu_complet + fx_tp1 * l_x * l_u_sv + (fx_t) * l_u ) / jacob(1 , n_pred + 1 : n_pred + n_static + n_pred + n_both); exo = dr.exo_var; else ghu = - fu / jacob(1 , n_pred + 1 : n_pred + n_static + n_pred + n_both); end else if other_endo_nbr > 0 l_u_sv = dr.ghu(dr.state_var,:); l_x = dr.ghx(data(i).other_endogenous,:); l_u = dr.ghu(data(i).other_endogenous,:); ghu = -(fx_tp1 * l_x * l_u_sv + (fx_t) * l_u ) / jacob(1 , n_pred + 1 : n_pred + n_static + n_pred + n_both); exo = dr.exo_var; else ghu = []; end end end case 4 %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %Solve Backward single equation if maximum_lead > 0 && n_fwrd > 0 data(i).eigval = - jacob(1 , n_pred + n - n_fwrd + 1 : n_pred + n) / jacob(1 , n_pred + n + 1 : n_pred + n + n_fwrd) ; data(i).rank = sum(abs(data(i).eigval) > 0); full_rank = (abs(jacob(1,n_pred+n+1: n_pred+n+n_fwrd)) > 1e-9); else data(i).eigval = []; data(i).rank = 0; full_rank = 1; end dr.full_rank = dr.full_rank && full_rank; dr.eigval = [dr.eigval ; data(i).eigval]; case 6 %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %Solve Forward complete if (maximum_lag > 0) ghx = - jacob(: , n_pred + 1 : n_pred + n_static ... + n_pred + n_both) \ jacob(: , 1 : n_pred); else ghx = 0; end if maximum_lag > 0 && n_pred > 0 data(i).eigval = -eig(ghx(n_static+1:end,:)); data(i).rank = 0; full_rank = (rcond(ghx(n_static+1:end,:)) > 1e-9); else data(i).eigval = []; data(i).rank = 0; full_rank = 1; end dr.eigval = [dr.eigval ; data(i).eigval]; dr.full_rank = dr.full_rank && full_rank; if task ~= 1 if other_endo_nbr fx = data(i).g1_o; % retrieves the derivatives with respect to endogenous % variable belonging to previous blocks fx_tm1 = zeros(n,other_endo_nbr); fx_t = zeros(n,other_endo_nbr); fx_tp1 = zeros(n,other_endo_nbr); % stores in fx_tm1 the lagged values of fx [r, c, lag] = find(data(i).lead_lag_incidence_other(1,:)); fx_tm1(:,c) = fx(:,lag); % stores in fx the current values of fx [r, c, curr] = find(data(i).lead_lag_incidence_other(2,:)); fx_t(:,c) = fx(:,curr); % stores in fx_tm1 the leaded values of fx [r, c, lead] = find(data(i).lead_lag_incidence_other(3,:)); fx_tp1(:,c) = fx(:,lead); l_x = dr.ghx(data(i).other_endogenous,:); l_x_sv = dr.ghx(dr.state_var, 1:n_sv); selector_tm1 = M_.block_structure.block(i).tm1; ghx_other = - (fx_t * l_x + (fx_tp1 * l_x * l_x_sv) + fx_tm1 * selector_tm1) / jacob(: , n_pred + 1 : n_pred + n_static + n_pred + n_both); dr.ghx(endo, :) = dr.ghx(endo, :) + ghx_other; end if exo_nbr fu = data(i).g1_x; if other_endo_nbr > 0 l_u_sv = dr.ghu(dr.state_var,:); l_x = dr.ghx(data(i).other_endogenous,:); l_u = dr.ghu(data(i).other_endogenous,:); fu_complet = zeros(n, M_.exo_nbr); fu_complet(:,data(i).exogenous) = fu; ghu = -(fu_complet + fx_tp1 * l_x * l_u_sv + (fx_t) * l_u ) / jacob(: , n_pred + 1 : n_pred + n_static + n_pred + n_both); exo = dr.exo_var; else ghu = - fu / jacob(: , n_pred + 1 : n_pred + n_static + n_pred + n_both); end else if other_endo_nbr > 0 l_u_sv = dr.ghu(dr.state_var,:); l_x = dr.ghx(data(i).other_endogenous,:); l_u = dr.ghu(data(i).other_endogenous,:); ghu = -(fx_tp1 * l_x * l_u_sv + (fx_t) * l_u ) / jacob(1 , n_pred + 1 : n_pred + n_static + n_pred + n_both); exo = dr.exo_var; else ghu = []; end end end case 7 %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %Solve Backward complete if maximum_lead > 0 && n_fwrd > 0 data(i).eigval = eig(- jacob(: , n_pred + n - n_fwrd + 1: n_pred + n))/ ... jacob(: , n_pred + n + 1 : n_pred + n + n_fwrd); data(i).rank = sum(abs(data(i).eigval) > 0); full_rank = (rcond(jacob(: , n_pred + n + 1 : n_pred + n + ... n_fwrd)) > 1e-9); else data(i).eigval = []; data(i).rank = 0; full_rank = 1; end dr.full_rank = dr.full_rank && full_rank; dr.eigval = [dr.eigval ; data(i).eigval]; case {5,8} %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %The lead_lag_incidence contains columns in the following order: % static variables, backward variable, mixed variables and forward variables % %Proceeds to a QR decomposition on the jacobian matrix in order to reduce the problem size index_c = lead_lag_incidence(2,:); % Index of all endogenous variables present at time=t index_s = lead_lag_incidence(2,1:n_static); % Index of all static endogenous variables present at time=t if n_static > 0 [Q, ~] = qr(jacob(:,index_s)); aa = Q'*jacob; else aa = jacob; end index_0m = (n_static+1:n_static+n_pred) + indexi_0 - 1; index_0p = (n_static+n_pred+1:n) + indexi_0 - 1; index_m = 1:(n_pred+n_both); index_p = lead_lag_incidence(3,find(lead_lag_incidence(3,:))); nyf = n_fwrd + n_both; A = aa(:,index_m); % Jacobain matrix for lagged endogeneous variables B = aa(:,index_c); % Jacobian matrix for contemporaneous endogeneous variables C = aa(:,index_p); % Jacobain matrix for led endogeneous variables row_indx = n_static+1:n; if task ~= 1 && options_.dr_cycle_reduction A1 = [aa(row_indx,index_m ) zeros(n_dynamic,n_fwrd)]; B1 = [aa(row_indx,index_0m) aa(row_indx,index_0p) ]; C1 = [zeros(n_dynamic,n_pred) aa(row_indx,index_p)]; [ghx, info] = cycle_reduction(A1, B1, C1, options_.dr_cycle_reduction_tol); %ghx ghx = ghx(:,index_m); hx = ghx(1:n_pred+n_both,:); gx = ghx(1+n_pred:end,:); end if (task ~= 1 && ((options_.dr_cycle_reduction && info ==1) || ~options_.dr_cycle_reduction)) || task == 1 D = [[aa(row_indx,index_0m) zeros(n_dynamic,n_both) aa(row_indx,index_p)] ; [zeros(n_both, n_pred) eye(n_both) zeros(n_both, n_both + n_fwrd)]]; E = [-aa(row_indx,[index_m index_0p]) ; [zeros(n_both, n_both + n_pred) eye(n_both, n_both + n_fwrd) ] ]; [ss, tt, w, sdim, data(i).eigval, info1] = mjdgges(E,D,options_.qz_criterium,options_.qz_zero_threshold); if (verbose) disp('eigval'); disp(data(i).eigval); end if info1 if info1 == -30 % one eigenvalue is close to 0/0 info(1) = 7; else info(1) = 2; info(2) = info1; info(3) = size(E,2); end return end nba = nd-sdim; if task == 1 data(i).rank = rank(w(nd-nyf+1:end,nd-nyf+1:end)); dr.full_rank = dr.full_rank && (rcond(w(nd-nyf+1:end,nd- ... nyf+1:end)) > 1e-9); dr.eigval = [dr.eigval ; data(i).eigval]; end if (verbose) disp(['sum eigval > 1 = ' int2str(sum(abs(data(i).eigval) > 1.)) ' nyf=' int2str(nyf) ' and dr.rank=' int2str(data(i).rank)]); disp(['data(' int2str(i) ').eigval']); disp(data(i).eigval); end %First order approximation if task ~= 1 if nba ~= nyf if isfield(options_,'indeterminacy_continuity') if options_.indeterminacy_msv == 1 [ss,tt,w,q] = qz(E',D'); [ss,tt,w,~] = reorder(ss,tt,w,q); ss = ss'; tt = tt'; w = w'; nba = nyf; end else sorted_roots = sort(abs(data(i).eigval)); if nba > nyf temp = sorted_roots(nd-nba+1:nd-nyf)-1-options_.qz_criterium; info(1) = 3; elseif nba < nyf temp = sorted_roots(nd-nyf+1:nd-nba)-1-options_.qz_criterium; info(1) = 4; end info(2) = temp'*temp; return end end indx_stable_root = 1: (nd - nyf); %=> index of stable roots indx_explosive_root = n_pred + n_both + 1:nd; %=> index of explosive roots % derivatives with respect to dynamic state variables % forward variables Z = w'; Z11t = Z(indx_stable_root, indx_stable_root)'; Z21 = Z(indx_explosive_root, indx_stable_root); Z22 = Z(indx_explosive_root, indx_explosive_root); if ~isfloat(Z21) && (condest(Z21) > 1e9) % condest() fails on a scalar under Octave info(1) = 5; info(2) = condest(Z21); return else %gx = -inv(Z22) * Z21; gx = - Z22 \ Z21; end % predetermined variables hx = Z11t * inv(tt(indx_stable_root, indx_stable_root)) * ss(indx_stable_root, indx_stable_root) * inv(Z11t); k1 = 1:(n_pred+n_both); k2 = 1:(n_fwrd+n_both); ghx = [hx(k1,:); gx(k2(n_both+1:end),:)]; end end if task~= 1 %lead variables actually present in the model j4 = n_static+n_pred+1:n_static+n_pred+n_both+n_fwrd; % Index on the forward and both variables j3 = nonzeros(lead_lag_incidence(2,j4)) - n_static - 2 * n_pred - n_both; % Index on the non-zeros forward and both variables j4 = find(lead_lag_incidence(2,j4)); if n_static > 0 B_static = B(:,1:n_static); % submatrix containing the derivatives w.r. to static variables else B_static = []; end %static variables, backward variable, mixed variables and forward variables B_pred = B(:,n_static+1:n_static+n_pred+n_both); B_fyd = B(:,n_static+n_pred+n_both+1:end); % static variables if n_static > 0 temp = - C(1:n_static,j3)*gx(j4,:)*hx; j5 = index_m; b = aa(:,index_c); b10 = b(1:n_static, 1:n_static); b11 = b(1:n_static, n_static+1:n); temp(:,j5) = temp(:,j5)-A(1:n_static,:); temp = b10\(temp-b11*ghx); ghx = [temp; ghx]; temp = []; end A_ = real([B_static C(:,j3)*gx+B_pred B_fyd]); % The state_variable of the block are located at [B_pred B_both] if other_endo_nbr if n_static > 0 fx = Q' * data(i).g1_o; else fx = data(i).g1_o; end % retrieves the derivatives with respect to endogenous % variable belonging to previous blocks fx_tm1 = zeros(n,other_endo_nbr); fx_t = zeros(n,other_endo_nbr); fx_tp1 = zeros(n,other_endo_nbr); % stores in fx_tm1 the lagged values of fx [r, c, lag] = find(data(i).lead_lag_incidence_other(1,:)); fx_tm1(:,c) = fx(:,lag); % stores in fx the current values of fx [r, c, curr] = find(data(i).lead_lag_incidence_other(2,:)); fx_t(:,c) = fx(:,curr); % stores in fx_tp1 the leaded values of fx [r, c, lead] = find(data(i).lead_lag_incidence_other(3,:)); fx_tp1(:,c) = fx(:,lead); l_x = dr.ghx(data(i).other_endogenous,:); l_x_sv = dr.ghx(dr.state_var, :); selector_tm1 = M_.block_structure.block(i).tm1; B_ = [zeros(size(B_static)) zeros(n,n_pred) C(:,j3) ]; C_ = l_x_sv; D_ = (fx_t * l_x + fx_tp1 * l_x * l_x_sv + fx_tm1 * selector_tm1 ); % Solve the Sylvester equation: % A_ * gx + B_ * gx * C_ + D_ = 0 if block_type == 5 vghx_other = - inv(kron(eye(size(D_,2)), A_) + kron(C_', B_)) * vec(D_); ghx_other = reshape(vghx_other, size(D_,1), size(D_,2)); elseif options_.sylvester_fp ghx_other = gensylv_fp(A_, B_, C_, D_, i, options_.sylvester_fixed_point_tol); else ghx_other = gensylv(1, A_, B_, C_, -D_); end if options_.aim_solver ~= 1 % Necessary when using Sims' routines for QZ ghx_other = real(ghx_other); end dr.ghx(endo, :) = dr.ghx(endo, :) + ghx_other; end if exo_nbr if n_static > 0 fu = Q' * data(i).g1_x; else fu = data(i).g1_x; end if other_endo_nbr > 0 l_u_sv = dr.ghu(dr.state_var,:); l_x = dr.ghx(data(i).other_endogenous,:); l_u = dr.ghu(data(i).other_endogenous,:); fu_complet = zeros(n, M_.exo_nbr); fu_complet(:,data(i).exogenous) = fu; % Solve the equation in ghu: % A_ * ghu + (fu_complet + fx_tp1 * l_x * l_u_sv + (fx_t + B_ * ghx_other) * l_u ) = 0 ghu = -A_\ (fu_complet + fx_tp1 * l_x * l_u_sv + fx_t * l_u + B_ * ghx_other * l_u_sv ); exo = dr.exo_var; else ghu = - A_ \ fu; end else if other_endo_nbr > 0 l_u_sv = dr.ghu(dr.state_var,:); l_x = dr.ghx(data(i).other_endogenous,:); l_u = dr.ghu(data(i).other_endogenous,:); % Solve the equation in ghu: % A_ * ghu + (fx_tp1 * l_x * l_u_sv + (fx_t + B_ * ghx_other) * l_u ) = 0 ghu = -real(A_)\ (fx_tp1 * l_x * l_u_sv + (fx_t * l_u + B_ * ghx_other * l_u_sv) ); exo = dr.exo_var; else ghu = []; end end if options_.loglinear error('The loglinear option is not yet supported in first order approximation for a block decomposed model'); % k = find(dr.kstate(:,2) <= M_.maximum_endo_lag+1); % klag = dr.kstate(k,[1 2]); % k1 = dr.order_var; % % ghx = repmat(1./dr.ys(k1),1,size(ghx,2)).*ghx.* ... % repmat(dr.ys(k1(klag(:,1)))',size(ghx,1),1); % ghu = repmat(1./dr.ys(k1),1,size(ghu,2)).*ghu; end if options_.aim_solver ~= 1 % Necessary when using Sims' routines for QZ ghx = real(ghx); ghu = real(ghu); end %exogenous deterministic variables if exo_det_nbr > 0 error('Deterministic exogenous variables are not yet implemented in first order approximation for a block decomposed model'); % f1 = sparse(jacobia_(:,nonzeros(M_.lead_lag_incidence(M_.maximum_endo_lag+2:end,order_var)))); % f0 = sparse(jacobia_(:,nonzeros(M_.lead_lag_incidence(M_.maximum_endo_lag+1,order_var)))); % fudet = data(i).g1_xd; % M1 = inv(f0+[zeros(n,n_static) f1*gx zeros(n,nyf-n_both)]); % M2 = M1*f1; % dr.ghud = cell(M_.exo_det_length,1); % dr.ghud{1} = -M1*fudet; % for i = 2:M_.exo_det_length % dr.ghud{i} = -M2*dr.ghud{i-1}(end-nyf+1:end,:); % end end end end if task ~=1 if (maximum_lag > 0 && (n_pred > 0 || n_both > 0)) sorted_col_dr_ghx = M_.block_structure.block(i).sorted_col_dr_ghx; dr.ghx(endo, sorted_col_dr_ghx) = dr.ghx(endo, sorted_col_dr_ghx) + ghx; data(i).ghx = ghx; data(i).pol.i_ghx = sorted_col_dr_ghx; else data(i).pol.i_ghx = []; end data(i).ghu = ghu; dr.ghu(endo, exo) = ghu; data(i).pol.i_ghu = exo; end if (verbose) disp('dr.ghx'); dr.ghx disp('dr.ghu'); dr.ghu end end M_.block_structure.block = data ; if (verbose) disp('dr.ghx'); disp(real(dr.ghx)); disp('dr.ghu'); disp(real(dr.ghu)); end if (task == 1) return end