// --+ options: stochastic,json=compute +-- var foo z x y; varexo e_x e_y e_z; parameters a b c d e f beta ; a = .9; b = -.2; c = .3; f = .8; d = .5; e = .4; beta = 1/(1+.02); // Define a VAR model from a subset of equations in the model block. var_model(structural, model_name = toto, eqtags = [ 'X' 'Y' 'Z' ]); // Define a VAR_EXPECTATION_MODEL var_expectation_model(model_name = varexp, expression = diff(log(x)), auxiliary_model_name = toto, horizon = 1, discount = beta) ; model; [ name = 'X' ] diff(log(x)) = b*diff(z) + a*diff(log(x(-1))) + (1-a)*diff(log(x(-2))) + c*diff(z(-2)) + e_x; [ name = 'Z' ] diff(z) = f*(diff(z(-1))-diff(log(x)))+c*diff(z(-2)) + e_z; [ name = 'Y' ] log(y) = diff(log(x)) + d*log(y(-2)) + e*diff(z(-1)) + e_y; foo = var_expectation(varexp); end; // Initialize the VAR expectation model, will build the companion matrix of the VAR. var_expectation.initialize('varexp') // Update VAR_EXPECTATION reduced form parameters var_expectation.update('varexp'); // Print expanded VAR_EXPECTATION expression in a file (to be included in substitution.mod). var_expectation.print('varexp'); shocks; var e_x = .01; var e_y = .01; var e_z = .01; end; verbatim; initialconditions =zeros(3,4); initialconditions(3,1) = .1; % foo(-1) initialconditions(:,2) = .2; % y(-1) initialconditions(3,3) = .3; % z(-1) initialconditions(2,3) = .4; % z(-2) initialconditions(3,4) = .5; % x(-1) initialconditions(2,4) = .6; % x(-2) initialconditions(1,4) = .7; % x(-3) initialconditions = ... dseries(initialconditions, dates('2000Q1'), {'foo', 'y','z', 'x'}); set_dynare_seed('default'); ts = simul_backward_model(initialconditions, 15); foo = ts.foo.data; % Evaluate the (VAR) expectation term ts{'toto'} = example1.var_expectations.varexp.evaluate(ts); % Check that the evaluation is correct. range = dates('2000Q4'):dates('2004Q2'); if max(abs(ts(range).foo.data-ts(range).toto.data))>1e-5 error('Expectation term evaluations do not match!') end end;