// --+ options: json=compute, stochastic +-- var y x z v; varexo ex ey ez ; parameters a_y_1 a_y_2 b_y_1 b_y_2 b_x_1 b_x_2 d_y cst; // VAR parameters parameters beta e_c_m c_z_1 c_z_2; // PAC equation parameters a_y_1 = .2; a_y_2 = .3; b_y_1 = .1; b_y_2 = .4; b_x_1 = -.1; b_x_2 = -.2; d_y = .5; beta = .9; e_c_m = .1; c_z_1 = .7; c_z_2 = -.3; cst = .1; var_model(model_name=toto, structural, eqtags=['eq:x', 'eq:y']); pac_model(auxiliary_model_name=toto, discount=beta, model_name=pacman); pac_target_info(pacman); target v; auxname_target_nonstationary vns; component y; auxname pv_y_; kind ll; component x; growth diff(x(-1)); auxname pv_dx_; kind dd; end; model; [name='eq:y'] y = a_y_1*y(-1) + a_y_2*diff(x(-1)) + b_y_1*y(-2) + b_y_2*diff(x(-2)) + ey ; [name='eq:x'] diff(x) = b_x_1*y(-2) + b_x_2*diff(x(-1)) + ex ; [name='eq:v'] v = .01 + x + d_y*y ; [name='zpac'] diff(z) = e_c_m*(pac_target_nonstationary(pacman)-z(-1)) + c_z_1*diff(z(-1)) + c_z_2*diff(z(-2)) + pac_expectation(pacman) + ez; end; shocks; var ex = 1.0; var ey = 1.0; var ez = 1.0; end; // Initialize the PAC model (build the Companion VAR representation for the auxiliary model). pac.initialize('pacman'); // Update the parameters of the PAC expectation model (h0 and h1 vectors). pac.update.expectation('pacman'); // Set initial conditions to zero. Please use more sensible values if any... initialconditions = dseries(zeros(10, M_.endo_nbr+M_.exo_nbr), 2000Q1, vertcat(M_.endo_names,M_.exo_names)); // Simulate the model for 500 periods TrueData = simul_backward_model(initialconditions, 5000); // Print expanded PAC_EXPECTATION term. pac.print('pacman', 'eq:pac'); clear eparams eparams.e_c_m = .9; eparams.c_z_1 = .5; eparams.c_z_2 = .2; // Define the dataset used for estimation edata = TrueData; edata.ez = dseries(NaN(TrueData.nobs, 1), 2000Q1, 'ez'); pac.estimate.nls('zpac', eparams, edata, 2005Q1:2005Q1+4000, 'fmincon');