/* Test Occbin with 1 constraint; Note that the reference regime is one where the borrowing constraint is binding, i.e. the relax condition specifies the condition where we return to the reference regime with a binding constraint. */ var b ${b}$ (long_name='borrowing') c ${c}$ (long_name='vonsumption') ec ${E(c_t)}$ (long_name='expected consumption') lb ${\lambda}$ (long_name='Lagrange multiplier') y ${y}$ (long_name='Output') c_hat ${\hat c}$ b_hat ${\hat b}$ y_hat ${\hat y}$ ; varexo u $u$; parameters RHO ${\rho}$, BETA ${\beta}$, M $M$, R $R$, SIGMA ${\sigma}$, GAMMAC $\gamma_c$; model; ec = c(1); c = y + b - R*b(-1) ; [name = 'borrowing', bind='borrcon'] lb = 0; [name = 'borrowing', relax='borrcon'] b = M*y; lb = 1/c^GAMMAC - BETA*R/c(+1)^GAMMAC ; log(y) = RHO*log(y(-1)) + u ; c_hat = log(c) - log(steady_state(c)); b_hat = log(b) - log(steady_state(b)); y_hat = log(y) - log(steady_state(y)); end; occbin_constraints; name 'borrcon'; bind lb<0; relax b>M*y; error_bind abs(lb); error_relax abs(b-M*y); %name 'borrcon'; bind lb<-STEADY_STATE(lb); relax b>M*y; end; steady_state_model; b=M; c=1+M-R*M; ec=c; lb=(1-BETA*R)/c^GAMMAC; y=1; end; R = 1.05; BETA = 0.945; RHO = 0.9; SIGMA = 0.05; M = 1; GAMMAC = 1; shocks; var u; stderr SIGMA; end; @#include "borrcon_common.inc"