// See fs2000.mod in the examples/ directory for details on the model // Tests that setting scale and value in same period for same shock is correctly filtered out @#include "fs2000_het_model.inc" shocks; var e_a; stderr 0.014; var e_m; stderr 0.005; end; steady; check; options_.solve_tolf = 1e-12; heteroskedastic_shocks; var e_b; periods 100:120; values 0.01; var e_a; periods 100:120; scales 0; // Wrongly set scale on top of value for the same shock and period var e_a; periods 110; values 0.01; end; estimation(order=1,datafile='../fsdat_simul',nobs=192,loglinear,mh_replic=0,smoother,filtered_vars,forecast=8,filter_step_ahead=[1:8],consider_all_endogenous,heteroskedastic_filter);