// --+ options: json=compute +-- % Example from Section 6.1 of % Ando, Tomohiro and Zellner, Arnold. 2010. Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis of the % Seemingly Unrelated Regression and Simultaneous Equations Models Using a % Combination of Direct Monte Carlo and Importance Sampling Techniques. % Bayesian Analysis Volume 5, Number 1, pp. 65-96. var qty, price; varexo res_u, res_v, stormy, mixed; parameters bq0, bp0, bq1, bp1, bp2; bp0 = 8.5527; bp1 = -0.5302; bp2 = -0.3974; bq0 = 6.7523; bq1 = -0.7969; model(linear); qty = bq0 + bq1*price + res_u; price = bp0 + bp1*stormy + bp2*mixed + res_v; end; % Estimate all parameters %estparams = M_.param_names; %estparamsval = M_.params; % Estimate demand parameters estparams = {'bq1' 'bq0'}; estparamsval = [bq1 bq0]; A = 0.0005.*eye(length(estparams)); simdata = surgibbs(dseries('fishdata.csv'), estparams, estparamsval, A, 20000, 5000, 7); good = [6.791587808530124 8.552700000000000 -0.478275288902356 -0.530200000000000 -0.397400000000000]; if isoctave tolerance = 1e-2; else tolerance = 2e-14; end if sum(abs(M_.params-good)) > tolerance error(['sum of M_.params - good was: ' num2str(sum(abs(M_.params-good)))]); end