function graphName = writeGraphFile(o, pg, sec, row, col, rep_dir) %function graphName = writeGraphFile(o, pg, sec, row, col, rep_dir) % Write the tikz file that contains the graph % % INPUTS % o [report_graph] report_graph object % pg [integer] this page number % sec [integer] this section number % row [integer] this row number % col [integer] this col number % rep_dir [string] directory containing report.tex % % OUTPUTS % graphName [string] name of graph written % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % Copyright © 2013-2020 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . ne = length(o.series); if ne < 1 warning('@report_graph.writeGraphFile: no series to plot, returning'); return end if exist([rep_dir '/' o.graphDirName], 'dir') ~= 7 mkdir([rep_dir '/' o.graphDirName]); end if isempty(o.graphName) graphName = sprintf([o.graphDirName '/graph_pg%d_sec%d_row%d_col%d.tex'], pg, sec, row, col); else graphName = [o.graphDirName '/' o.graphName]; end [fid, msg] = fopen([rep_dir '/' graphName], 'w'); if fid == -1 error(['@report_graph.writeGraphFile: ' msg]); end fprintf(fid, '%% Graph Object written %s\n', datestr(now)); fprintf(fid, '\\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline'); if ~isempty(o.miscTikzPictureOptions) fprintf(fid, ',%s', o.miscTikzPictureOptions); end fprintf(fid, ']'); if isempty(o.xrange) dd = getMaxRange(o.series); else dd = o.xrange; end if ispc || ismac fprintf(fid, '\\begin{axis}[%%\nset layers,\n'); else fprintf(fid, '\\begin{axis}[%%\n'); end % set tick labels if isempty(o.xTickLabels) stringsdd = strings(dd); if ~isempty(o.shade) x1 = find(strcmpi(date2string(o.shade(1)), stringsdd)); x2 = find(strcmpi(date2string(o.shade(end)), stringsdd)); if x1 == 1 x = [1 x2 dd.ndat]; xTickLabels = [stringsdd(1) stringsdd(x2) stringsdd(end)]; elseif x2 == dd.ndat x = [1 x1 dd.ndat]; xTickLabels = [stringsdd(1) stringsdd(x1) stringsdd(end)]; else x = [1 x1 x2 dd.ndat]; xTickLabels = [stringsdd(1) stringsdd(x1) stringsdd(x2) stringsdd(end)]; end else x = [1 dd.ndat]; xTickLabels = [stringsdd(1) stringsdd(end)]; end fprintf(fid, 'xminorticks=true,\nyminorticks=true,\n'); elseif iscell(o.xTickLabels) fprintf(fid,'minor xtick,\n'); x = o.xTicks; xTickLabels = o.xTickLabels; else x = 1:dd.ndat; xTickLabels = strings(dd); end fprintf(fid, 'xticklabels={'); xlen = length(x); for i = 1:xlen fprintf(fid,'%s,',lower(xTickLabels{i})); end fprintf(fid, '},\nxtick={'); for i = 1:xlen fprintf(fid, '%d',x(i)); if i ~= length(x) fprintf(fid,','); end end fprintf(fid, '},\ny tick label style={\n/pgf/number format/.cd,\n'); if o.yTickLabelFixed fprintf(fid, 'fixed,\n'); end if o.yTickLabelZeroFill fprintf(fid, 'zerofill,\n'); end fprintf(fid, 'precision=%d,\n/tikz/.cd\n},\n', o.yTickLabelPrecision); fprintf(fid, 'x tick label style={rotate=%f', o.xTickLabelRotation); if o.xTickLabelRotation ~= 0 fprintf(fid, ',anchor=%s', o.xTickLabelAnchor); end fprintf(fid, ['},\n',... 'width=%fin,\n'... 'height=%fin,\n'... 'scale only axis,\n'... 'unbounded coords=jump,\n'], o.width, o.height); if strcmpi(o.axisShape, 'box') fprintf(fid, 'axis lines=box,\n'); elseif strcmpi(o.axisShape, 'L') fprintf(fid, 'axis x line=bottom,\naxis y line=left,\n'); end if ~isempty(o.title{1}) fprintf(fid, 'title style={align=center'); if ~isempty(o.titleFormat) fprintf(fid, ',font=%s', o.titleFormat); end fprintf(fid, '},\ntitle='); nt = length(o.title); for i=1:nt fprintf(fid, '%s', o.title{i}); if i ~= nt fprintf(fid, '\\\\'); end end fprintf(fid, ',\n'); end if o.xAxisTight fprintf(fid, 'enlarge x limits=false,\n'); else fprintf(fid, 'enlarge x limits=true,\n'); end if isempty(o.yrange) nonzeroseries = false; for i=1:ne if ~o.series{i}.isZero() nonzeroseries = true; break; end end if ~nonzeroseries fprintf(fid, 'ymin=-1,\nymax=1,\n'); end if o.yAxisTight fprintf(fid, 'enlarge y limits=false,\n'); else fprintf(fid, 'enlarge y limits=true,\n'); end else fprintf(fid, 'ymin=%f,\nymax=%f,\n',o.yrange(1),o.yrange(2)); end fprintf(fid, 'xmin = 1,\nxmax = %d,\n', length(dd)); if o.showLegend fprintf(fid, 'legend style={'); if ~o.showLegendBox fprintf(fid, 'draw=none,'); end fprintf(fid, 'font=\\%s,', o.legendFontSize); if strcmp(o.legendOrientation, 'horizontal') fprintf(fid,'legend columns=-1,'); end if isempty(o.legendAt) fprintf(fid, '},\nlegend pos=%s,\n', o.legendLocation); else fprintf(fid, 'at={(%f,%f)}},\n',o.legendAt(1),o.legendAt(2)); end end fprintf(fid, 'tick label style={font=\\%s},\n', o.tickFontSize); if o.showGrid fprintf(fid, 'xmajorgrids=true,\nymajorgrids=true,\n'); end if ~isempty(o.xlabel) fprintf(fid, 'xlabel=%s,\n', o.xlabel); end if ~isempty(o.ylabel) fprintf(fid, 'ylabel=%s,\n', o.ylabel); end if ~o.yTickLabelScaled fprintf(fid, 'scaled y ticks = false,\n'); end if ~isempty(o.miscTikzAxisOptions) fprintf(fid, '%s', o.miscTikzAxisOptions); end fprintf(fid, ']\n'); if ~isempty(o.title{1}) fprintf(fid, '\\pgfplotsset{every axis title/.append style={}}=[font=\\%s]\n', o.titleFontSize); end if ~isempty(o.shade) fprintf(fid, '%%shading\n'); stringsdd = strings(dd); x1 = find(strcmpi(date2string(o.shade(1)), stringsdd)); x2 = find(strcmpi(date2string(o.shade(end)), stringsdd)); assert(~isempty(x1) && ~isempty(x2), ['@report_graph.writeGraphFile: either ' ... date2string(o.shade(1)) ' or ' date2string(o.shade(end)) ' is not in the date ' ... 'range of data selected.']); if x1 == 1 fprintf(fid,['\\begin{pgfonlayer}{axis background}\n\\fill[%s!%f]\n(axis ' ... 'cs:\\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmin},\\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})\nrectangle (axis ' ... 'cs:%f,\\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});\n\\end{pgfonlayer}\n'], ... o.shadeColor, o.shadeOpacity, x2); elseif x2 == dd.ndat fprintf(fid,['\\begin{pgfonlayer}{axis background}\n\\fill[%s!%f]\n(axis ' ... 'cs:%f,\\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})\nrectangle (axis ' ... 'cs:\\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/xmax},\\pgfkeysvalueof{/' ... 'pgfplots/ymax});\n\\end{pgfonlayer}\n'], ... o.shadeColor, o.shadeOpacity, x1); else fprintf(fid,['\\begin{pgfonlayer}{axis background}\n\\fill[%s!%f]\n(axis ' ... 'cs:%f,\\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin})\nrectangle (axis ' ... 'cs:%f,\\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});\n\\end{pgfonlayer}\n'], ... o.shadeColor, o.shadeOpacity, x1, x2); end end if o.showZeroline fprintf(fid, '%%zeroline\n\\addplot[%s,line width=.5,forget plot] coordinates {(1,0)(%d,0)};\n', ... o.zeroLineColor, dd.ndat); end if o.writeCSV csvseries = dseries(); end if isunix && ~ismac for i=1:ne isfan = ~isempty(o.series{i}.graphFanShadeColor); if isfan break end end if isfan data = dseries(); for i=1:ne tmp = o.series{i}.data; tmp = tmp.set_names(int2str(i)); data = [data tmp]; end if isempty(dd) || all(dd == data.dates) ds = data; else ds = data(dd); end for i=2:ne tmp = ds{i} - ds{i-1}; idx = find( ~= 0); assert(~isempty(idx), ... 'Problem creating fan area for data provided. Please check your data.'); split = ds(ds.dates(idx)); end idx = find(ds.dates == split.dates(1)); for i=2:ne fprintf(fid, '\\addplot[fill=%s!%d, draw=none, forget plot] coordinates {',... o.series{i}.graphFanShadeColor, o.series{i}.graphFanShadeOpacity); for j=idx-1:ds.dates.ndat fprintf(fid, '(%d, %f) ', j, ds{i-1}(ds.dates(j),1).data); end for j=ds.dates.ndat:-1:idx-1 fprintf(fid, '(%d, %f) ', j, ds{i}(ds.dates(j),1).data); end fprintf(fid, '} \\closedcycle;\n'); end end end for i=1:ne o.series{i}.writeSeriesForGraph(fid, dd, i); if o.writeCSV csvseries = [csvseries ... o.series{i}.data(dd).set_names([... o.series{i}{:} '_' ... o.series{i}.graphLegendName '_' ... o.series{i}.graphLineColor '_' ... o.series{i}.graphLineStyle '_' ... num2str(o.series{i}.graphLineWidth) '_' ... o.series{i}.graphMarker '_' ... o.series{i}.graphMarkerEdgeColor '_' ... o.series{i}.graphMarkerFaceColor '_' ... num2str(o.series{i}.graphMarkerSize)]) ... ]; end if o.showLegend le = o.series{i}.getNameForLegend(); if ~isempty(le) fprintf(fid, '\\addlegendentry{%s}\n', le); end end end if o.writeCSV, '.tex', ''), 'csv'); end fprintf(fid, '\\end{axis}\n\\end{tikzpicture}%%'); if fclose(fid) == -1 error('@report_graph.writeGraphFile: closing %s\n', o.filename); end end