function [ErrorCode] = AnalyseComputationalEnvironment(DataInput, DataInputAdd) % PARALLEL CONTEXT % In a parallel context, this function is used to check the cluster defined by the user. % If no error happen the function returns 0. The function complies with % Windows/Linux operating systems and Matlab/Octave software. % % % INPUT/OUTPUT description: % % % DataInput % is the strcture option_.parallel, with the follow fields: % % Local 1 is on local machine, 0 remote % ComputerName the computer name. % CPUnbr the CPU's % UserName the user name for the ComputerName. % Password the password for the user name in ComputerName. % RemoteDrive Drive used for Remote computation (data exchange, etc): must be contain 'RemoteFolder'. % RemoteDirectory Folder in RemoteDrive used for Remote computation. % MatlabOctavePath Path to MATLAB or Octave executable. % DynarePath Path to matlab directory within the Dynare installation directory. % % This information is typed by the user in the DYNARE configuration file and is parsed by the preprocessor, % the goal of this function is to check if configuration is correct and if dynare % can be executed successfully in parallel mode. % % % DataInputAdd % it is the structure options_.parallel_info. Currently , only the string in the % field RemoteTmpFolder (the temporary directory created/destroyed on remote % computer) is used. if ispc [~, MasterName]=system('hostname'); MasterName=deblank(MasterName); end RemoteTmpFolder=DataInputAdd.RemoteTmpFolder; dynareParallelMkDir(RemoteTmpFolder,DataInput); % The variable ErrorCode is initialized at 0. If there are non problems with % Local, ComputerName connections,... in general with parallel software execution, % the ErrorCode is unchanged, in the others cases 1, 2 , ... The values % table is below. % % % Table for ErrorCode Values. % % ErrorCode -> 0 Initial Value -> No Error Detected!!! % ErrorCode -> 1 ... When an error is detected, the values 1, 2, 3... are % used to specify the type of error or warning. % % Value 1: The variable 'Local' has a bad value! % % Value 2: The variable 'CPUnbr' has a bad value. For more information % see % 2.1 [warning] The user asks to use more CPU's than those available. % 2.2 [warning] There are unused CPU's! % 2.3 [error] NumberOfThreadsPerJob is not a divisor of CPUnbr % % % Value 3: The remote computer is unreachable!!! % % Value 4: The fields user name and/or password are/is empty! % % Value 5: Remote Drive and/or Remote Folder do not exist! % % Value 6: It is impossible write/read files on the remote computer. % % Value 7: The values user and/or passwd are incorrect or the user has % no permissions to execute a Matlab session. Or simply % Matlab path (MatlabOctavePath) is incorrect! % % Value 8: Dynare path (DynarePath) is incorrect! % % Value 9: It is impossible delete remote computational temporary files! % % % % % Currently when errors are detected execution simply stops and users can % fix configuration errors according to the error type. % Copyright © 2009-2017 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . ErrorCode=0; for Node=1:length(DataInput) % To obtain a recursive function remove the 'for' % and use AnalyseComputationalEnvironment with differents input! % Determine the operating system or software version when necessary % for different command types. OScallerUnix=~ispc; OScallerWindows=ispc; OStargetUnix=strcmpi('unix',DataInput(Node).OperatingSystem); if isempty(DataInput(Node).OperatingSystem) OStargetUnix=OScallerUnix; end OStargetWindows=strcmpi('windows',DataInput(Node).OperatingSystem); if isempty(DataInput(Node).OperatingSystem) OStargetWindows=OScallerWindows; end Environment= (OScallerUnix || OStargetUnix); skipline(2) disp(['Testing computer -> ',DataInput(Node).ComputerName,' <- ...']); skipline(2) % The function is composed by two main blocks, determined by the 'Local' % variable. % This check can be removed ... according to the dynare parser % strategy. if ((DataInput(Node).Local == 0) |(DataInput(Node).Local == 1)) % Continue it is Ok! disp('Check on Local Variable ..... Ok!'); skipline() else disp('The variable "Local" has a bad value!'); skipline() disp('ErrorCode 1.'); skipline() ErrorCode=1; return end % %%%%%%%%%% Local (No Network) Computing %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Here only the multi-core, or multi-processor avaiable on local % machine are involved in parallel computing. No network % comunications are required! % In this case we need to check only the variable 'CPUnbr'. % We run the parallel code on local computer, so the others fields are automatically % fixed by Dynare parser. Then the user can also fill them with wrong values. % %%%%%%%%%% Cluster Computing %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Here we can have many computer with multi-core, or multi-processor avaiable on the % network and involved in parallel computing. % So in this case we need more sophisticated check. if (DataInput(Node).Local == 0) % Now we verify if it is possibile to be connected with the % remote computer. si1=[]; de1=[]; if Environment if OScallerWindows [si1]=system(['ping ', DataInput(Node).ComputerName]); else [si1]=system(['ping ', DataInput(Node).ComputerName, ' -c 4']); end else [si1]=system(['ping ', DataInput(Node).ComputerName]); end if (si1) disp(['It is impossibile to ping to the computer with name "',DataInput(Node).ComputerName,'" using the network!']) skipline() disp('ErrorCode 3.') ErrorCode=3; skipline(2) else disp('Check on ComputerName Variable ..... Ok!') skipline(2) end % Now we verify if user name and password are correct and if remote % drive and remote folder exist on the remote computer and it is % possible to exchange data with them. if Environment % This check can be removed ... according to the dynare parser % strategy. if (isempty(DataInput(Node).UserName)) disp('The fields UserName is empty!') skipline() disp('ErrorCode 4.') skipline(2) ErrorCode=4; return end disp('Check on UserName Variable ..... Ok!') skipline(2) % This check can be removed ... according to the dynare parser % strategy. if (~isempty(DataInput(Node).Password)) disp('[WARNING] The field Password should be empty under unix or mac!'); skipline() disp(['Remove the string ',DataInput(Node).Password,' from this field!']) skipline() disp('ErrorCode 4.') skipline(2) ErrorCode=4; else disp('Check on Password Variable ..... Ok!') skipline(2) end else % This check can be removed ... according to the dynare parser % strategy. if (isempty(DataInput(Node).UserName)) || (isempty(DataInput(Node).Password)) disp('The fields UserName and/or Password are/is empty!'); skipline() disp('ErrorCode 4.') skipline(2) ErrorCode=4; return end disp('Check on UserName Variable ..... Ok!'); skipline() disp('Check on Password Variable ..... Ok!'); skipline() end % Now we very if RemoteDrive and/or RemoteDirectory exist on remote % computer! if Environment % This check can be removed ... according to the dynare parser strategy. if isempty(DataInput(Node).RemoteDirectory) disp('The field RemoteDirectory is empty!') skipline() disp('ErrorCode 5.') skipline() ErrorCode=5; return end % This check can be removed ... according to the dynare parser strategy. if (~isempty(DataInput(Node).RemoteDrive)) disp('[WARNING] The fields RemoteDrive should be empty under unix or mac!') skipline() disp(['remove the string ',DataInput(Node).RemoteDrive,' from this field!']) skipline() disp('ErrorCode 5.') skipline(2) ErrorCode=5; end if ~isempty(DataInput(Node).Port) ssh_token = ['-p ',DataInput(Node).Port]; else ssh_token = ''; end command_string = ['ssh ',ssh_token,' ',DataInput(Node).UserName,'@',DataInput(Node).ComputerName,' ls ',DataInput(Node).RemoteDirectory,'/',RemoteTmpFolder,'/']; else % This check can be removed ... according to the dynare parser strategy. if (isempty(DataInput(Node).RemoteDrive)||isempty(DataInput(Node).RemoteDirectory)) disp('Remote RemoteDrive and/or RemoteDirectory is/are empty!') skipline() disp('ErrorCode 5.') skipline(2) ErrorCode=5; return end command_string = ['dir \\',DataInput(Node).ComputerName,'\',DataInput(Node).RemoteDrive,'$\',DataInput(Node).RemoteDirectory,'\',RemoteTmpFolder]; end [si2, de2] = system(command_string); if (si2) disp ('Remote Directory does not exist or is not reachable!') skipline() disp('ErrorCode 5.') skipline(2) disp('The command causing the error was:') disp(command_string) disp('The system returned:') disp(de2) skipline(2) ErrorCode=5; return end disp('Check on RemoteDirectory Variable ..... Ok!') skipline(2) disp('Check on RemoteDrive Variable ..... Ok!') skipline(2) % Now we verify if it possible to exchange data with the remote computer. % Build a command file to test the matlab execution and dynare path ... fid = fopen('Tracing.m', 'w+'); s1=('fT = fopen(''MatlabOctaveIsOk.txt'',''w+'');\n'); s2='fclose(fT);\n'; SBS=strfind(DataInput(Node).DynarePath,'\'); DPStr=DataInput(Node).DynarePath; if isempty(SBS) DPStrNew=DPStr; else DPStrNew=[DPStr(1:SBS(1)),'\']; for j=2:length(SBS) DPStrNew=[DPStrNew,DPStr(SBS(j-1)+1:SBS(j)),'\']; end DPStrNew=[DPStrNew,DPStr(SBS(end)+1:end)]; end s3=['addpath(''',DPStrNew,'''),\n']; s4='try,\n dynareroot = dynare_config();\n'; s41=(' fT = fopen(''DynareIsOk.txt'',''w+'');\n'); s42=' fclose(fT);\n'; s5='catch,\n'; s51=(' fT = fopen(''DynareFailed.txt'',''w+'');\n'); s52=' fclose(fT);\n'; s6='end,\n'; s7='if ismac,\n'; s71=(' fT = fopen(''IsMac.txt'',''w+'');\n'); s72=' fclose(fT);\n'; s8='end,\n'; send='exit'; StrCommand=([s1,s2,s3,s4,s41,s42,s5,s51,s52,s6,s7,s71,s72,s8,send]); % Mettere controllo su NbW ... % if isoctave % NbW = fprintf(fid,StrCommand, '%s'); % else NbW = fprintf(fid,StrCommand, '%s'); % end fclose(fid); dynareParallelSendFiles('Tracing.m', RemoteTmpFolder,DataInput(Node)); FindTracing = dynareParallelDir('Tracing.m', RemoteTmpFolder,DataInput(Node)); delete ('Tracing.m'); if (isempty(FindTracing)) disp('It is impossible to exchange data with Remote Drive and/or Remote Directory! ErrorCode 6.') skipline() disp('ErrorCode 6.') skipline(2) ErrorCode=6; return else disp('Check on Exchange File with Remote Computer ..... Ok!') skipline(2) end % Now we verify if it is possible execute a matlab/octave section on remote % machine when the user is .UserName with password .Password and % the path is MatlabOctavePath. if Environment if ~isempty(DataInput(Node).Port) ssh_token = ['-p ',DataInput(Node).Port]; else ssh_token = ''; end if strfind([DataInput(Node).MatlabOctavePath], 'octave') % Hybrid computing Matlab(Master)->Octave(Slaves) and Vice Versa! system(['ssh ',ssh_token,' ',DataInput(Node).UserName,'@',DataInput(Node).ComputerName,' "cd ',DataInput(Node).RemoteDirectory,'/',RemoteTmpFolder, '; ', DataInput(Node).MatlabOctavePath, ' Tracing.m;" &']); else system(['ssh ',ssh_token,' ',DataInput(Node).UserName,'@',DataInput(Node).ComputerName,' "cd ',DataInput(Node).RemoteDirectory,'/',RemoteTmpFolder, '; ', DataInput(Node).MatlabOctavePath, ' -nosplash -nodesktop -minimize -r Tracing;" &']); end else if ~strcmp(DataInput(Node).ComputerName,MasterName) % run on remote machine if strfind([DataInput(Node).MatlabOctavePath], 'octave') % Hybrid computing Matlab(Master)->Octave(Slaves) and Vice Versa! system(['start /B psexec \\',DataInput(Node).ComputerName,' -e -u ',DataInput(Node).UserName,' -p ',DataInput(Node).Password,' -W ',DataInput(Node).RemoteDrive,':\',DataInput(Node).RemoteDirectory,'\',RemoteTmpFolder ' -low ',DataInput(Node).MatlabOctavePath,' Tracing.m']); else system(['start /B psexec \\',DataInput(Node).ComputerName,' -e -u ',DataInput(Node).UserName,' -p ',DataInput(Node).Password,' -W ',DataInput(Node).RemoteDrive,':\',DataInput(Node).RemoteDirectory,'\',RemoteTmpFolder ' -low ',DataInput(Node).MatlabOctavePath,' -nosplash -nodesktop -minimize -r Tracing']); end else % run on local machine via the network: user and passwd cannot be used! if strfind([DataInput(Node).MatlabOctavePath], 'octave') % Hybrid computing Matlab(Master)->Octave(Slaves) and Vice Versa! system(['start /B psexec \\',DataInput(Node).ComputerName,' -e ',' -W ',DataInput(Node).RemoteDrive,':\',DataInput(Node).RemoteDirectory,'\',RemoteTmpFolder ' -low ',DataInput(Node).MatlabOctavePath,' Tracing.m']); else system(['start /B psexec \\',DataInput(Node).ComputerName,' -e ',' -W ',DataInput(Node).RemoteDrive,':\',DataInput(Node).RemoteDirectory,'\',RemoteTmpFolder ' -low ',DataInput(Node).MatlabOctavePath,' -nosplash -nodesktop -minimize -r Tracing']); end end end % Timer da fissare, nei valori di attesa! t1=fix(clock); if t1(5)+1>60 t2=2; else t2=t1(5)+1; end Flag=0; while (1) if Flag==0 disp('Try to run matlab/octave on remote machine ... ') skipline() disp('please wait ... ') skipline() Flag=1; end nt=fix(clock); nt(5)-t2; if (~isempty (dynareParallelDir('MatlabOctaveIsOk.txt',RemoteTmpFolder,DataInput(Node)))) || ((nt(5)-t2)>0) if ((nt(5)-t2)>0) ErrorCode=7; end break end end if (ErrorCode==7) disp ('It is not possible execute a matlab session on remote machine!') skipline() disp('ErrorCode 7.') skipline(2) ErrorCode=7; dynareParallelRmDir(RemoteTmpFolder,DataInput(Node)); return else disp('Check on MatlabOctave Path and MatlabOctave Program Execution on remote machine ..... Ok!') skipline(2) % Now we verify if the DynarePath is correct ... disp('Check the Dynare path on remote machine ... ') skipline() disp('please wait ... ') skipline(2) pause(2) if isempty(dynareParallelDir('DynareIsOk.txt',RemoteTmpFolder,DataInput(Node))) ErrorCode=8; end if (ErrorCode==8) disp ('The DynarePath is incorrect!') skipline() disp('ErrorCode 8.') skipline(2) ErrorCode=8; dynareParallelRmDir(RemoteTmpFolder,DataInput(Node)); return else disp('Check on Dynare Path remote machine ..... Ok!') if isempty(dynareParallelDir('IsMac.txt',RemoteTmpFolder,DataInput(Node))) RemoteEnvironment=Environment; else RemoteEnvironment=2; end skipline(2) end end % Now we verify if it is possible delete remote computational traces! dynareParallelRmDir(RemoteTmpFolder,DataInput(Node)); si3 = dynareParallelDir('Tracing.m', RemoteTmpFolder,DataInput(Node)); if (isempty(si3)) disp ('Check on Delete Remote Computational Traces ..... Ok!') skipline(2) else disp ('It is impossible to delete temporary files on remote machine!') skipline() disp('ErrorCode 9.') skipline(2) ErrorCode=9; return end end % Now we check the variable 'CPUnbr'. % This check can be removed ... according to the dynare parser % strategy. yn=isempty(DataInput(Node).CPUnbr); if yn==1 % The field is empty! disp('The field "CPUnbr" is empty!') skipline() disp('ErrorCode 2.') skipline(2) ErrorCode=2; return end % This check can be removed ... according to the dynare parser % strategy. % We look for the information on local computer hardware. Environment1 = Environment; disp('Checking Hardware please wait ...'); if (DataInput(Node).Local == 1) if Environment if ~ismac command_string = 'nproc'; [si0, de0] = system(command_string); else command_string = 'sysctl -n hw.ncpu'; [si0, de0] = system(command_string); Environment1 = 2; end else command_string = 'psinfo \\'; [si0, de0] = system(command_string); end else if Environment if ~isempty(DataInput(Node).Port) ssh_token = ['-p ',DataInput(Node).Port]; else ssh_token = ''; end if OStargetUnix if RemoteEnvironment ==1 command_string = ['ssh ',ssh_token,' ', ... DataInput(Node).UserName,'@',DataInput(Node).ComputerName,' nproc']; else % it is MAC command_string = ['ssh ',ssh_token,' ',DataInput(Node).UserName,'@',DataInput(Node).ComputerName,' sysctl -n hw.ncpu']; Environment1 = 2; end else command_string = ['ssh ',ssh_token,' ',DataInput(Node).UserName,'@',DataInput(Node).ComputerName,' psinfo']; end else command_string = ['psinfo \\',DataInput(Node).ComputerName,' -u ',DataInput(Node).UserName,' -p ',DataInput(Node).Password]; end [si0, de0] = system(command_string); end if (si0) disp('The command causing the error was:') disp(command_string) disp('The system returned:') disp(de0) skipline(2) end RealCPUnbr=''; RealCPUnbr=GiveCPUnumber(de0,Environment1); % Questo controllo penso che si possa MIGLIORARE!!!!! if isempty (RealCPUnbr) && Environment1==0 [~, de0]=system(['psinfo \\',DataInput(Node).ComputerName]); end RealCPUnbr=GiveCPUnumber(de0,Environment1); if isempty (RealCPUnbr) % An error occurred when we try to know the Cpu/Cores % numbers. disp('It is impossible determine the number of Cpu/Processor available on this machine!') skipline() disp('ErrorCode 2.') skipline() if Environment disp('Check the command "$grep - /proc/cpuinfo" ... !') else disp('Check if the pstools are installed and are in machine path! And check the command "psinfo \\"') end skipline() ErrorCode=2; return end % Trasforming the input data provided in a form [n1:n2] in a single numerical % value. CPUnbrUser=length(DataInput(Node).CPUnbr); maxCPUnbrUser=max(DataInput(Node).CPUnbr)+1; disp(['Hardware has ', num2str(RealCPUnbr),' Cpu/Cores!']) disp(['User requires ',num2str(CPUnbrUser),' Cpu/Cores!']) if CPUnbrUser==RealCPUnbr % It is Ok! disp('Check on CPUnbr Variable ..... Ok!') skipline(3) end if CPUnbrUser > RealCPUnbr disp('Warning! The user asks to use more CPU''s than those available.') skipline(2) ErrorCode=2.1; end if CPUnbrUser < RealCPUnbr disp('Warning! There are unused CPU''s!') skipline(2) ErrorCode=2.2; end if mod(length(DataInput(Node).CPUnbr),DataInput(Node).NumberOfThreadsPerJob) skipline() disp(['NumberOfThreadsPerJob = ',int2str(DataInput(Node).NumberOfThreadsPerJob),' is not an exact divisor of number of CPUs = ',int2str(DataInput(Node).CPUnbr),'!']) disp([' You must re-set properly NumberOfThreadsPerJob of node ' int2str(Node) ' ' DataInput(Node).ComputerName]) disp(' in your configuration file') skipline() ErrorCode=2.3; end disp(['Test for Cluster computation, computer ',DataInput(Node).ComputerName, ' ..... Passed!']) skipline(2) end