function oo_ = disp_th_moments(dr, var_list, M_, options_, oo_) %oo_ = disp_th_moments(dr, var_list, M_, options_, oo_) % Display theoretical moments of variables % INPUTS: % dr : [struct] Dynare decision rules structure % var_list [cell] list of variables considered % M_ [struct] structure describing the Model % options_ [struct] structure describing the options % oo_ [struct] structure describing the Model % % OUTPUTS: % oo_ [struct] structure describing the Model, containing % gamma_y [cell] Matlab cell of nar+1 arrays, where nar is the order of the autocorrelation function. % gamma_y{1} [double] Covariance matrix. % gamma_y{i+1} [double] Autocorrelation function (for i=1,..., % mean [vector] Unconditional mean % var [matrix] Unconditional covariance matrix % autocorr [cell] Cell storing the theoretical autocorrelation % contemporaneous_correlation [matrix] matrix of contemporaneous correlations % autocorr [cell] Cell storing the theoretical autocorrelation % variance_decomposition [matrix] Unconditional variance decomposition matrix % variance_decomposition_ME [matrix] Unconditional variance decomposition matrix with measurement error % conditional_variance_decomposition [array] Conditional variance decomposition array % conditional_variance_decomposition_ME [array] Conditional variance decomposition array with measurement error % Copyright © 2001-2023 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . nodecomposition = options_.nodecomposition; if options_.one_sided_hp_filter error('disp_th_moments:: theoretical moments incompatible with one-sided HP filter. Use simulated moments instead') end if isempty(var_list) var_list = M_.endo_names(1:M_.orig_endo_nbr); end nvar = length(var_list); ivar=zeros(nvar,1); for i=1:nvar i_tmp = strmatch(var_list{i}, M_.endo_names, 'exact'); if isempty(i_tmp) error ('One of the variable specified does not exist'); else ivar(i) = i_tmp; end end [oo_.gamma_y,stationary_vars] = th_autocovariances(dr, ivar, M_, options_, nodecomposition); m = dr.ys(ivar); non_stationary_vars = setdiff(1:length(ivar),stationary_vars); m(non_stationary_vars) = NaN; i1 = find(abs(diag(oo_.gamma_y{1})) > 1e-12); s2 = diag(oo_.gamma_y{1}); sd = sqrt(s2); if options_.order == 2 && ~M_.hessian_eq_zero m = m+oo_.gamma_y{}; end z = [ m sd s2 ]; oo_.mean = m; oo_.var = oo_.gamma_y{1}; if size(stationary_vars, 1) > 0 if ~options_.noprint if options_.order == 2 title = 'APPROXIMATED THEORETICAL MOMENTS'; else title = 'THEORETICAL MOMENTS'; end title = add_filter_subtitle(title, options_); headers = {'VARIABLE';'MEAN';'STD. DEV.';'VARIANCE'}; labels=get_labels_transformed_vars(M_.endo_names,ivar,options_,false); lh = cellofchararraymaxlength(labels)+2; dyntable(options_, title, headers, labels, z, lh, 11, 4); if options_.TeX labels=get_labels_transformed_vars(M_.endo_names_tex,ivar,options_,true); lh = cellofchararraymaxlength(labels)+2; dyn_latex_table(M_, options_, title, 'th_moments', headers, labels, z, lh, 11, 4); end end [ME_present,observable_pos_requested_vars,index_subset,index_observables]=check_measurement_error_requested_vars(M_,options_,ivar); %store unconditional variance decomposition if ~nodecomposition oo_.variance_decomposition=100*oo_.gamma_y{}; if ME_present ME_Variance=diag(M_.H); oo_.variance_decomposition_ME=oo_.variance_decomposition(index_subset,:).*repmat(diag(oo_.var(index_subset,index_subset))./(diag(oo_.var(index_subset,index_subset))+ME_Variance(index_observables)),1,M_.exo_nbr); oo_.variance_decomposition_ME(:,end+1)=100-sum(oo_.variance_decomposition_ME,2); end end if ~options_.noprint %options_.nomoments == 0 if M_.exo_nbr > 1 && ~nodecomposition display_unconditional_variance_decomposition(M_,options_,oo_,ivar,stationary_vars,index_subset,ME_present) end end end %% Conditional variance decomposition conditional_variance_steps = options_.conditional_variance_decomposition; if ~isempty(conditional_variance_steps) [oo_.conditional_variance_decomposition, oo_.conditional_variance_decomposition_ME] = ... conditional_variance_decomposition(M_,options_,dr, conditional_variance_steps, ivar); if ~options_.noprint display_conditional_variance_decomposition(oo_.conditional_variance_decomposition, conditional_variance_steps, ivar, M_, options_); if ME_present display_conditional_variance_decomposition(oo_.conditional_variance_decomposition_ME, conditional_variance_steps, ... observable_pos_requested_vars, M_, options_); end end end if isempty(i1) if ~options_.noprint skipline() disp('All endogenous are constant or non stationary, not displaying correlations and auto-correlations') skipline() end return end if ~options_.nocorr && size(stationary_vars, 1)>0 corr = NaN(size(oo_.gamma_y{1})); corr(i1,i1) = oo_.gamma_y{1}(i1,i1)./(sd(i1)*sd(i1)'); if options_.contemporaneous_correlation oo_.contemporaneous_correlation = corr; end if ~options_.noprint skipline() if options_.order==2 title = 'APPROXIMATED MATRIX OF CORRELATIONS'; else title = 'MATRIX OF CORRELATIONS'; end title = add_filter_subtitle(title, options_); labels=get_labels_transformed_vars(M_.endo_names,ivar(i1),options_,false); headers = vertcat('Variables', labels); lh = cellofchararraymaxlength(labels)+2; dyntable(options_, title, headers, labels, corr(i1,i1), lh, 8, 4); if options_.TeX labels=get_labels_transformed_vars(M_.endo_names_tex,ivar(i1),options_,true); headers = vertcat('Variables', labels); lh = cellofchararraymaxlength(labels)+2; dyn_latex_table(M_, options_, title, 'th_corr_matrix', headers, labels, corr(i1,i1), lh, 8, 4); end end end if > 0 && size(stationary_vars, 1) > 0 z=NaN(length(i1),; for oo_.autocorr{i} = oo_.gamma_y{i+1}; z(:,i) = diag(oo_.gamma_y{i+1}(i1,i1)); end if ~options_.noprint skipline() if options_.order == 2 title = 'APPROXIMATED COEFFICIENTS OF AUTOCORRELATION'; else title = 'COEFFICIENTS OF AUTOCORRELATION'; end title = add_filter_subtitle(title, options_); labels=get_labels_transformed_vars(M_.endo_names,ivar(i1),options_,false); headers = vertcat('Order ', cellstr(int2str(('))); lh = cellofchararraymaxlength(labels)+2; dyntable(options_, title, headers, labels, z, lh, 8, 4); if options_.TeX labels=get_labels_transformed_vars(M_.endo_names_tex,ivar(i1),options_,true); headers = vertcat('Order ', cellstr(int2str(('))); lh = cellofchararraymaxlength(labels)+2; dyn_latex_table(M_, options_, title, 'th_autocorr_matrix', headers, labels, z, lh, 8, 4); end end end