function dsmh(TargetFun, xparam1, mh_bounds, dataset_, dataset_info, options_, M_, estim_params_, bayestopt_, oo_) % Dynamic Striated Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. % % INPUTS % o TargetFun [char] string specifying the name of the objective % function (posterior kernel). % o xparam1 [double] (p*1) vector of parameters to be estimated (initial values). % o mh_bounds [double] (p*2) matrix defining lower and upper bounds for the parameters. % o dataset_ data structure % o dataset_info dataset info structure % o options_ options structure % o M_ model structure % o estim_params_ estimated parameters structure % o bayestopt_ estimation options structure % o oo_ outputs structure % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % None. % % PARALLEL CONTEXT % The most computationally intensive part of this function may be executed % in parallel. The code suitable to be executed in % parallel on multi core or cluster machine (in general a 'for' cycle) % has been removed from this function and been placed in the posterior_sampler_core.m funtion. % % The DYNARE parallel packages comprise a i) set of pairs of Matlab functions that can be executed in % parallel and called name_function.m and name_function_core.m and ii) a second set of functions used % to manage the parallel computations. % % This function was the first function to be parallelized. Later, other % functions have been parallelized using the same methodology. % Then the comments write here can be used for all the other pairs of % parallel functions and also for management functions. % Copyright © 2022-2023 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . opts = options_.posterior_sampler_options.dsmh; lambda = exp(bsxfun(@minus,options_.posterior_sampler_options.dsmh.H,1:1:options_.posterior_sampler_options.dsmh.H)/(options_.posterior_sampler_options.dsmh.H-1)*log(options_.posterior_sampler_options.dsmh.lambda1)); c = 0.055 ; MM = int64(options_.posterior_sampler_options.dsmh.N*options_.posterior_sampler_options.dsmh.G/10) ; % Step 0: Initialization of the sampler [param, tlogpost_iminus1, loglik, bayestopt_] = ... smc_samplers_initialization(TargetFun, 'dsmh', opts.particles, mh_bounds, dataset_, dataset_info, options_, M_, estim_params_, bayestopt_, oo_); ESS = zeros(options_.posterior_sampler_options.dsmh.H,1) ; zhat = 1 ; % The DSMH starts here for i=2:options_.posterior_sampler_options.dsmh.H disp(''); disp('Tempered iteration'); disp(i) ; % Step 1: sort the densities and compute IS weigths [tlogpost_iminus1,loglik,param] = sort_matrices(tlogpost_iminus1,loglik,param) ; [tlogpost_i,weights,zhat,ESS,Omegachol] = compute_IS_weights_and_moments(param,tlogpost_iminus1,loglik,lambda,i,zhat,ESS) ; % Step 2: tune c_i c = tune_c(TargetFun,param,tlogpost_i,lambda,i,c,Omegachol,weights,dataset_,dataset_info,options_,M_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,mh_bounds,oo_); % Step 3: Metropolis step [param,tlogpost_iminus1,loglik] = mutation_DSMH(TargetFun,param,tlogpost_i,tlogpost_iminus1,loglik,lambda,i,c,MM,Omegachol,weights,dataset_,dataset_info,options_,M_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,mh_bounds,oo_); end weights = exp(loglik*(lambda(end)-lambda(end-1))); weights = weights/sum(weights); indx_resmpl = smc_resampling(weights,rand(1,1),options_.posterior_sampler_options.dsmh.particles); distrib_param = param(:,indx_resmpl); mean_xparam = mean(distrib_param,2); npar = length(xparam1); lb95_xparam = zeros(npar,1) ; ub95_xparam = zeros(npar,1) ; for i=1:npar temp = sortrows(distrib_param(i,:)') ; lb95_xparam(i) = temp(0.025*options_.posterior_sampler_options.dsmh.particles) ; ub95_xparam(i) = temp(0.975*options_.posterior_sampler_options.dsmh.particles) ; end TeX = options_.TeX; str = sprintf(' Param. \t Lower Bound (95%%) \t Mean \t Upper Bound (95%%)'); for l=1:npar name = get_the_name(l,TeX,M_,estim_params_,options_.varobs); str = sprintf('%s\n %s \t\t %5.4f \t\t %7.5f \t\t %5.4f', str, name, lb95_xparam(l), mean_xparam(l), ub95_xparam(l)); end disp(str) disp('') %% Plot parameters densities if TeX fidTeX = fopen([M_.fname '_param_density.tex'],'w'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% TeX eps-loader file generated by DSMH.m (Dynare).\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% ' datestr(now,0) '\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); end number_of_grid_points = 2^9; % 2^9 = 512 !... Must be a power of two. bandwidth = 0; % Rule of thumb optimal bandwidth parameter. kernel_function = 'gaussian'; % Gaussian kernel for Fast Fourier Transform approximation. plt = 1 ; %for plt = 1:nbplt, if TeX NAMES = []; TeXNAMES = []; end hh_fig = dyn_figure(options_.nodisplay,'Name','Parameters Densities'); for k=1:npar %min(nstar,npar-(plt-1)*nstar) subplot(ceil(sqrt(npar)),floor(sqrt(npar)),k) %kk = (plt-1)*nstar+k; [name,texname] = get_the_name(k,TeX,M_,estim_params_,options_.varobs); optimal_bandwidth = mh_optimal_bandwidth(distrib_param(k,:)',options_.posterior_sampler_options.dsmh.particles,bandwidth,kernel_function); [density(:,1),density(:,2)] = kernel_density_estimate(distrib_param(k,:)',number_of_grid_points,... options_.posterior_sampler_options.dsmh.particles,optimal_bandwidth,kernel_function); plot(density(:,1),density(:,2)); hold on if TeX title(texname,'interpreter','latex') else title(name,'interpreter','none') end hold off axis tight drawnow end dyn_saveas(hh_fig,[ M_.fname '_param_density' int2str(plt) ],options_.nodisplay,options_.graph_format); if TeX && any(strcmp('eps',cellstr(options_.graph_format))) % TeX eps loader file fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{figure}[H]\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\centering \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\includegraphics[width=%2.2f\\textwidth]{%_param_density%s}\n',min(k/floor(sqrt(npar)),1),M_.fname,int2str(plt)); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Parameter densities based on the Dynamic Striated Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.}'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Fig:ParametersDensities:%s}\n',int2str(plt)); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{figure}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); end %end function [tlogpost_iminus1,loglik,param] = sort_matrices(tlogpost_iminus1,loglik,param) [~,indx_ord] = sortrows(tlogpost_iminus1); tlogpost_iminus1 = tlogpost_iminus1(indx_ord); param = param(:,indx_ord); loglik = loglik(indx_ord); function [tlogpost_i,weights,zhat,ESS,Omegachol] = compute_IS_weights_and_moments(param,tlogpost_iminus1,loglik,lambda,i,zhat,ESS) if i==1 tlogpost_i = tlogpost_iminus1 + loglik*lambda(i); else tlogpost_i = tlogpost_iminus1 + loglik*(lambda(i)-lambda(i-1)); end weights = exp(tlogpost_i-tlogpost_iminus1); zhat = (mean(weights))*zhat ; weights = weights/sum(weights); ESS(i) = 1/sum(weights.^2); % estimates of mean and variance mu = param*weights; z = bsxfun(@minus,param,mu); Omega = z*diag(weights)*z'; Omegachol = chol(Omega)'; function c = tune_c(TargetFun,param,tlogpost_i,lambda,i,c,Omegachol,weights,dataset_,dataset_info,options_,M_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,mh_bounds,oo_) disp('tuning c_i...'); disp('Initial value ='); disp(c) ; npar = size(param,1); lower_prob = (.5*(options_.posterior_sampler_options.dsmh.alpha0+options_.posterior_sampler_options.dsmh.alpha1))^5; upper_prob = (.5*(options_.posterior_sampler_options.dsmh.alpha0+options_.posterior_sampler_options.dsmh.alpha1))^(1/5); stop=0 ; while stop==0 acpt = 0.0; indx_resmpl = smc_resampling(weights,rand(1,1),options_.posterior_sampler_options.dsmh.G); param0 = param(:,indx_resmpl); tlogpost0 = tlogpost_i(indx_resmpl); for j=1:options_.posterior_sampler_options.dsmh.G for l=1:options_.posterior_sampler_options.dsmh.K validate = 0; while validate == 0 candidate = param0(:,j) + sqrt(c)*Omegachol*randn(npar,1); if all(candidate >= && all(candidate <= mh_bounds.ub) [tlogpostx,loglikx] = tempered_likelihood(TargetFun,candidate,lambda(i),dataset_,dataset_info,options_,M_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,mh_bounds,oo_); if isfinite(loglikx) % if returned log-density is not Inf or Nan (penalized value) validate = 1; if rand(1,1)= && all(candidate(:) <= mh_bounds.ub) [tlogpostx,loglikx] = tempered_likelihood(TargetFun,candidate,lambda(i),dataset_,dataset_info,options_,M_,estim_params_,bayestopt_,mh_bounds,oo_); if isfinite(loglikx) % if returned log-density is not Inf or Nan (penalized value) validate = 1; if u2