function [flag,endo_simul,err] = solve_stochastic_perfect_foresight_model(endo_simul,exo_simul,pfm,nnodes,order) % Copyright © 2012-2017 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . flag = 0; err = 0; stop = 0; params = pfm.params; steady_state = pfm.steady_state; ny = pfm.ny; periods = pfm.periods; dynamic_model = pfm.dynamic_model; lead_lag_incidence = pfm.lead_lag_incidence; lead_lag_incidence_t = transpose(lead_lag_incidence); nyp = pfm.nyp; nyf = pfm.nyf; i_cols_1 = pfm.i_cols_1; i_cols_j = pfm.i_cols_j; i_cols_T = nonzeros(lead_lag_incidence(1:2,:)'); maxit = pfm.maxit_; tolerance = pfm.tolerance; verbose = pfm.verbose; number_of_shocks = size(exo_simul,2); [nodes,weights] = gauss_hermite_weights_and_nodes(nnodes); if number_of_shocks>1 nodes = repmat(nodes,1,number_of_shocks)*chol(pfm.Sigma); % to be fixed for Sigma ~= I for i=number_of_shocks:-1:1 rr(i) = {nodes(:,i)}; ww(i) = {weights}; end nodes = cartesian_product_of_sets(rr{:}); weights = prod(cartesian_product_of_sets(ww{:}),2); nnodes = nnodes^number_of_shocks; else nodes = nodes*sqrt(pfm.Sigma); end if verbose disp (' -----------------------------------------------------'); disp ('MODEL SIMULATION :'); fprintf('\n'); end z = endo_simul(lead_lag_incidence_t(:)>0); [~, jacobian] = dynamic_model(z, exo_simul, params,steady_state, 2); % Each column of Y represents a different world % The upper right cells are unused % The first row block is ny x 1 % The second row block is ny x nnodes % The third row block is ny x nnodes^2 % and so on until size ny x nnodes^order world_nbr = nnodes^order; Y = repmat(endo_simul(:),1,world_nbr); % The columns of A map the elements of Y such that % each block of Y with ny rows are unfolded column wise dimension = ny*(sum(nnodes.^(0:order-1),2)+(periods-order)*world_nbr); if order == 0 i_upd_r = (1:ny*periods); i_upd_y = i_upd_r + ny; else i_upd_r = zeros(dimension,1); i_upd_y = i_upd_r; i_upd_r(1:ny) = (1:ny); i_upd_y(1:ny) = ny+(1:ny); i1 = ny+1; i2 = 2*ny; n1 = ny+1; n2 = 2*ny; for i=2:periods for j=1:nnodes^min(i-1,order) i_upd_r(i1:i2) = (n1:n2)+(j-1)*ny*periods; i_upd_y(i1:i2) = (n1:n2)+ny+(j-1)*ny*(periods+2); i1 = i2+1; i2 = i2+ny; end n1 = n2+1; n2 = n2+ny; end end if rows(lead_lag_incidence)>2 icA = [find(lead_lag_incidence(1,:)) find(lead_lag_incidence(2,:))+world_nbr*ny ... find(lead_lag_incidence(3,:))+2*world_nbr*ny]'; else if nyf icA = [find(lead_lag_incidence(2,:))+world_nbr*ny find(lead_lag_incidence(3,:))+2*world_nbr*ny ]'; else icA = [find(lead_lag_incidence(1,:)) find(lead_lag_incidence(2,:))+world_nbr*ny ]'; end end h1 = clock; for iter = 1:maxit A1 = sparse([],[],[],ny*(sum(nnodes.^(0:order-1),2)+1),dimension,(order+1)*world_nbr*nnz(jacobian)); res = zeros(ny,periods,world_nbr); i_rows = 1:ny; i_cols = find(lead_lag_incidence'); i_cols_p = i_cols(1:nyp); i_cols_s = i_cols(nyp+(1:ny)); i_cols_f = i_cols(nyp+ny+(1:nyf)); i_cols_Ap = i_cols_p; i_cols_As = i_cols_s; i_cols_Af = i_cols_f - ny; for i = 1:order+1 i_w_p = 1; for j = 1:nnodes^(i-1) innovation = exo_simul; if i > 1 innovation(i+1,:) = nodes(mod(j-1,nnodes)+1,:); end if i <= order for k=1:nnodes y = [Y(i_cols_p,i_w_p); Y(i_cols_s,j); Y(i_cols_f,(j-1)*nnodes+k)]; [d1,jacobian] = dynamic_model(y,innovation,params,steady_state,i+1); if i == 1 % in first period we don't keep track of % predetermined variables i_cols_A = [i_cols_As - ny; i_cols_Af]; A1(i_rows,i_cols_A) = A1(i_rows,i_cols_A) + weights(k)*jacobian(:,i_cols_1); else i_cols_A = [i_cols_Ap; i_cols_As; i_cols_Af]; A1(i_rows,i_cols_A) = A1(i_rows,i_cols_A) + weights(k)*jacobian(:,i_cols_j); end res(:,i,j) = res(:,i,j)+weights(k)*d1; i_cols_Af = i_cols_Af + ny; end else y = [Y(i_cols_p,i_w_p); Y(i_cols_s,j); Y(i_cols_f,j)]; [d1,jacobian] = dynamic_model(y,innovation,params,steady_state,i+1); if i == 1 % in first period we don't keep track of % predetermined variables i_cols_A = [i_cols_As - ny; i_cols_Af]; A1(i_rows,i_cols_A) = jacobian(:,i_cols_1); else i_cols_A = [i_cols_Ap; i_cols_As; i_cols_Af]; A1(i_rows,i_cols_A) = jacobian(:,i_cols_j); end res(:,i,j) = d1; i_cols_Af = i_cols_Af + ny; end i_rows = i_rows + ny; if mod(j,nnodes) == 0 i_w_p = i_w_p + 1; end if i > 1 if mod(j,nnodes) == 0 i_cols_Ap = i_cols_Ap + ny; end i_cols_As = i_cols_As + ny; end end i_cols_p = i_cols_p + ny; i_cols_s = i_cols_s + ny; i_cols_f = i_cols_f + ny; end nzA = cell(periods,world_nbr); for j=1:world_nbr i_rows_y = find(lead_lag_incidence')+(order+1)*ny; offset_c = ny*(sum(nnodes.^(0:order-1),2)+j-1); offset_r = (j-1)*ny; for i=order+2:periods [d1,jacobian] = dynamic_model(Y(i_rows_y,j), ... exo_simul,params, ... steady_state,i+1); if i == periods [ir,ic,v] = find(jacobian(:,i_cols_T)); else [ir,ic,v] = find(jacobian(:,i_cols_j)); end nzA{i,j} = [offset_r+ir,offset_c+icA(ic), v]'; res(:,i,j) = d1; i_rows_y = i_rows_y + ny; offset_c = offset_c + world_nbr*ny; offset_r = offset_r + world_nbr*ny; end end err = max(abs(res(i_upd_r))); if err < tolerance stop = 1; if verbose fprintf('\n') ; disp([' Total time of simulation :' num2str(etime(clock,h1))]) ; fprintf('\n') ; disp(' Convergency obtained.') ; fprintf('\n') ; end flag = 0;% Convergency obtained. endo_simul = reshape(Y(:,1),ny,periods+2); break end A2 = [nzA{:}]'; A = [A1; sparse(A2(:,1),A2(:,2),A2(:,3),ny*(periods-order-1)*world_nbr,dimension)]; dy = -A\res(i_upd_r); Y(i_upd_y) = Y(i_upd_y) + dy; end if ~stop if verbose fprintf('\n') ; disp([' Total time of simulation :' num2str(etime(clock,h1))]) ; fprintf('\n') ; disp('WARNING : maximum number of iterations is reached (modify options_.simul.maxit).') ; fprintf('\n') ; end flag = 1;% more iterations are needed. endo_simul = 1; end if verbose disp ('-----------------------------------------------------') ; end