// This file replicates the estimation of the CIA model from // Frank Schorfheide (2000) "Loss function-based evaluation of DSGE models" // Journal of Applied Econometrics, 15, 645-670. // the data are the ones provided on Schorfheide's web site with the programs. // http://www.econ.upenn.edu/~schorf/programs/dsgesel.ZIP // You need to have fsdat.m in the same directory as this file. // This file replicates: // -the posterior mode as computed by Frank's Gauss programs // -the parameter mean posterior estimates reported in the paper // -the model probability (harmonic mean) reported in the paper // This file was tested with dyn_mat_test_0218.zip // the smooth shocks are probably stil buggy // // The equations are taken from J. Nason and T. Cogley (1994) // "Testing the implications of long-run neutrality for monetary business // cycle models" Journal of Applied Econometrics, 9, S37-S70. // Note that there is an initial minus sign missing in equation (A1), p. S63. // // Michel Juillard, February 2004 var m P c e W R k d n l gy_obs gp_obs Y_obs P_obs y dA; varexo e_a e_m; parameters alp bet gam mst rho psi del; alp = 0.33; bet = 0.99; gam = 0.003; mst = 1.011; rho = 0.7; psi = 0.787; del = 0.02; model; dA = exp(gam+e_a); log(m) = (1-rho)*log(mst) + rho*log(m(-1))+e_m; -P/(c(+1)*P(+1)*m)+bet*P(+1)*(alp*exp(-alp*(gam+log(e(+1))))*k^(alp-1)*n(+1)^(1-alp)+(1-del)*exp(-(gam+log(e(+1)))))/(c(+2)*P(+2)*m(+1))=0; W = l/n; -(psi/(1-psi))*(c*P/(1-n))+l/n = 0; R = P*(1-alp)*exp(-alp*(gam+e_a))*k(-1)^alp*n^(-alp)/W; 1/(c*P)-bet*P*(1-alp)*exp(-alp*(gam+e_a))*k(-1)^alp*n^(1-alp)/(m*l*c(+1)*P(+1)) = 0; c+k = exp(-alp*(gam+e_a))*k(-1)^alp*n^(1-alp)+(1-del)*exp(-(gam+e_a))*k(-1); P*c = m; m-1+d = l; e = exp(e_a); y = k(-1)^alp*n^(1-alp)*exp(-alp*(gam+e_a)); gy_obs = dA*y/y(-1); gp_obs = (P/P(-1))*m(-1)/dA; Y_obs/Y_obs(-1) = gy_obs; P_obs/P_obs(-1) = gp_obs; end; initval; k = 6; m = mst; P = 2.25; c = 0.45; e = 1; W = 4; R = 1.02; d = 0.85; n = 0.19; l = 0.86; y = 0.6; gy_obs = exp(gam); gp_obs = exp(-gam); dA = exp(gam); end; shocks; var e_a; stderr 0.014; var e_m; stderr 0.005; end; steady; check; estimated_params; alp, beta_pdf, 0.356, 0.02; bet, beta_pdf, 0.993, 0.002; gam, normal_pdf, 0.0085, 0.003; mst, normal_pdf, 1.0002, 0.007; rho, beta_pdf, 0.129, 0.223; psi, beta_pdf, 0.65, 0.05; del, beta_pdf, 0.01, 0.005; stderr e_a, inv_gamma_pdf, 0.035449, inf; stderr e_m, inv_gamma_pdf, 0.008862, inf; end; varobs P_obs Y_obs; observation_trends; P_obs (log(mst)-gam); Y_obs (gam); end; unit_root_vars P_obs Y_obs; //stoch_simul(order=1,nomoments,irf=0); estimation(datafile=fsdat,nobs=192,loglinear,mh_replic=0,mh_nblocks=2,mh_drop=0.45,mode_compute=0,mode_file=fs2000b_mode,load_mh_file); stab_map_;