function [YtY,XtY,YtX,XtX,Y,X] = ... var_sample_moments(FirstObservation,LastObservation,qlag,var_trend_order,datafile,varobs,xls_sheet,xls_range) % Computes the sample moments of a VAR model. % % The VAR(p) model is defined by: % % y_t = \sum_{k=1}^p y_{t-k} A_k + z_t C + e_t for t = 1,...,T % % where y_t is a 1*m vector of observed endogenous variables, p is the % number of lags, A_k is an m*m real matrix, z_t is a 1*q vector of % exogenous (deterministic) variables, C is a q*m real matrix and % e_t is a vector of exogenous stochastic shocks. T is the number % of observations. The deterministic exogenous variables are assumed to % be a polynomial trend of order q = "var_trend_order". % % We define: % % <> Y = (y_1',y_2',...,y_T')' a T*m matrix, % % <> x_t = (y_{t-1},y_{t-2},...,y_{t-p},z_t) a 1*(mp+q) row vector, % % <> X = (x_1',x_2',...,x_T')' a T*(mp+q) matrix, % % <> E = (e_1',e_2',...,e_T')' a T*m matrix and % % <> A = (A_1',A_2',...,A_p',C')' an (mp+q)*m matrix of coefficients. % % So that we can equivalently write the VAR(p) model using the following % matrix representation: % % Y = X * A +E % % % INPUTS % o FirstObservation [integer] First observation. % o LastObservation [integer] Last observation. % o qlag [integer] Number of lags in the VAR model. % o var_trend_order [integer] Order of the polynomial exogenous trend: % = -1 no constant and no linear trend, % = 0 constant and no linear trend, % = 1 constant and linear trend. % % OUTPUTS % o YtY [double] Y'*Y an m*m matrix. % o XtY [double] X'*Y an (mp+q)*m matrix. % o YtX [double] Y'*X an m*(mp+q) matrix. % o XtX [double] X'*X an (mp+q)*(mp+q) matrix. % o Y [double] Y a T*m matrix. % o X [double] X a T*(mp+q) matrix. % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % None. % Copyright (C) 2007 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . X = []; Y = []; YtY = []; YtX = []; XtY = []; XtX = []; data = read_variables(datafile,varobs,[],xls_sheet,xls_range); if qlag > FirstObservation disp('VarSampleMoments :: not enough data to initialize! Try to increase FirstObservation.') return end NumberOfObservations = LastObservation-FirstObservation+1;% This is T. NumberOfVariables = size(varobs,1);% This is m. if var_trend_order == -1% No constant no linear trend case. X = zeros(NumberOfObservations,NumberOfVariables*qlag); elseif var_trend_order == 0% Constant and no linear trend case. X = ones(NumberOfObservations,NumberOfVariables*qlag+1); indx = NumberOfVariables*qlag+1; elseif var_trend_order == 1;% Constant and linear trend case. X = ones(NumberOfObservations,NumberOfVariables*qlag+2); indx = NumberOfVariables*qlag+1:NumberOfVariables*qlag+2; else disp('var_sample_moments :: trend must be equal to -1,0 or 1!') return end % I build matrices Y and X Y = data(FirstObservation:LastObservation,:); for t=1:NumberOfObservations line = t + FirstObservation-1; for lag = 1:qlag X(t,(lag-1)*NumberOfVariables+1:lag*NumberOfVariables) = data(line-lag,:); end end if (var_trend_order == 1) X(:,end) = transpose(1:NumberOfObservations) end YtY = Y'*Y; YtX = Y'*X; XtY = X'*Y; XtX = X'*X;