function PosteriorOddsTable = model_comparison(ModelNames,ModelPriors,oo,options_,fname) % Bayesian model comparison. This function computes Odds ratios and % estimate a posterior density over a colletion of models. % % INPUTS % ModelNames [string] m*1 cell array of string. % ModelPriors [double] m*1 vector of prior probabilities % % OUTPUTS % none % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . NumberOfModels = size(ModelNames,2); disp(' ') disp(' ') if isempty(ModelPriors) prior_flag = 0;% empty_prior=0 ModelPriors = ones(NumberOfModels,1)/NumberOfModels; else % The prior density has to sum up to one. prior_flag = 1; improper = abs(sum(ModelPriors)-1)>1e-6; if improper disp('model_comparison:: The user supplied prior distribution over models is improper...') disp('model_comparison:: The distribution is automatically rescaled!') ModelPriors=ModelPriors/sum(ModelPriors); end end % The marginal densities are based on Laplace approxiations (default) or % modified harmonic mean estimators. if isfield(options_,'model_comparison_approximation') type = options_.model_comparison_approximation; if strcmp(type,'Laplace') type = 'LaplaceApproximation'; end else type = 'LaplaceApproximation'; end % Get the estimated logged marginal densities. MarginalLogDensity = zeros(NumberOfModels,1); ShortModelNames = get_short_names(ModelNames); iname = strmatch(fname,ShortModelNames,'exact'); for i=1:NumberOfModels if i==iname mstruct.oo_ = oo; else if strcmpi(ModelNames{i}(end-3:end),'.mod') | strcmpi(ModelNames{i}(end-3:end),'.dyn') mstruct = load([ModelNames{i}(1:end-4) '_results.mat' ],'oo_'); else mstruct = load([ModelNames{i} '_results.mat' ],'oo_'); end end try eval(['MarginalLogDensity(i) = mstruct.oo_.MarginalDensity.' type ';']) catch if strcmpi(type,'LaplaceApproximation') disp(['MODEL_COMPARISON: I cant''t find the Laplace approximation associated to model ' ModelNames{i}]) return elseif strcmpi(type,'ModifiedHarmonicMean') disp(['MODEL_COMPARISON: I cant''t find the modified harmonic mean estimate associated to model ' ModelNames{i}]) return end end end % In order to avoid overflow, we divide the numerator and the denominator % of the Posterior Odds Ratio by the largest Marginal Posterior Density lmpd = log(ModelPriors)+MarginalLogDensity; [maxval,k] = max(lmpd); elmpd = exp(lmpd-maxval); % Now I display the posterior probabilities. title = 'Model Comparison'; headers = strvcat('Model',ShortModelNames{:}); if prior_flag labels = strvcat('Priors','Log Marginal Density','Bayes Ratio', ... 'Posterior Model Probability'); values = [ModelPriors';MarginalLogDensity';exp(lmpd-lmpd(1))'; ... elmpd'/sum(elmpd)]; else labels = strvcat('Priors','Log Marginal Density','Bayes Ratio','Posterior Odds Ratio', ... 'Posterior Model Probability'); values = [ModelPriors';MarginalLogDensity'; exp(MarginalLogDensity-MarginalLogDensity(1))'; ... exp(lmpd-lmpd(1))'; elmpd'/sum(elmpd)]; end dyntable(title,headers,labels,values, 0, 15, 6); function name = get_model_name_without_path(modelname) idx = strfind(modelname,'\'); if isempty(idx) idx = strfind(modelname,'/'); end if isempty(idx) name = modelname; return end name = modelname(idx(end)+1:end); function name = get_model_name_without_extension(modelname) idx = strfind(modelname,'.mod'); if isempty(idx) idx = strfind(modelname,'.dyn') end if isempty(idx) name = modelname; return end name = modelname(1:end-4); function modellist = get_short_names(modelnames) n = length(modelnames); modellist = {}; for i=1:n name = get_model_name_without_extension(modelnames{i}); name = get_model_name_without_path(name); modellist = {modellist{:} name}; end