function [pdraws, TAU, GAM, H, JJ] = dynare_identification(options_ident, pdraws0) % main % % Copyright (C) 2008 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global M_ options_ oo_ bayestopt_ estim_params_ options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'load_ident_files',0); options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'useautocorr',1); options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'ar',3); options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'prior_mc',2000); if nargin==2, options_ident.prior_mc=size(pdraws0,1); end iload = options_ident.load_ident_files; nlags =; useautocorr = options_ident.useautocorr;; options_.prior_mc = options_ident.prior_mc; options_.options_ident = options_ident; options_ = set_default_option(options_,'datafile',[]); options_.mode_compute = 0; [data,rawdata]=dynare_estimation_init([],1); % computes a first linear solution to set up various variables SampleSize = options_ident.prior_mc; % results = prior_sampler(0,M_,bayestopt_,options_,oo_); prior_draw(1,bayestopt_); if ~(exist('sylvester3mr','file')==2), dynareroot = strrep(which('dynare'),'dynare.m',''); addpath([dynareroot 'gensylv']) end IdentifDirectoryName = CheckPath('identification'); indx = estim_params_.param_vals(:,1); indexo=[]; if ~isempty(estim_params_.var_exo) indexo = estim_params_.var_exo(:,1); end nparam = length(; MaxNumberOfBytes=options_.MaxNumberOfBytes; if iload <=0, iteration = 0; burnin_iteration = 0; loop_indx = 0; file_index = 0; run_index = 0; h = waitbar(0,'Monte Carlo identification checks ...'); while iteration < SampleSize, loop_indx = loop_indx+1; if nargin==2, if burnin_iteration>=50, params = pdraws0(iteration+1,:); else params = pdraws0(burnin_iteration+1,:); end else params = prior_draw(); end set_all_parameters(params); [A,B,ys,info]=dynare_resolve; if info(1)==0, oo0=oo_; % [Aa,Bb] = kalman_transition_matrix(oo0.dr, ... % bayestopt_.restrict_var_list, ... % bayestopt_.restrict_columns, ... % bayestopt_.restrict_aux, M_.exo_nbr); % tau=[vec(Aa); vech(Bb*M_.Sigma_e*Bb')]; tau=[oo_.dr.ys(oo_.dr.order_var); vec(A); vech(B*M_.Sigma_e*B')]; if burnin_iteration<50, burnin_iteration = burnin_iteration + 1; pdraws(burnin_iteration,:) = params; TAU(:,burnin_iteration)=tau; [gam,stationary_vars] = th_autocovariances(oo0.dr,bayestopt_.mfys,M_,options_); sdy = sqrt(diag(gam{1})); sy = sdy*sdy'; if useautocorr, sy=sy-diag(diag(sy))+eye(length(sy)); gam{1}=gam{1}./sy; else for j=1:nlags, gam{j+1}=gam{j+1}.*sy; end end dum = vech(gam{1}); for j=1:nlags, dum = [dum; vec(gam{j+1})]; end GAM(:,burnin_iteration)=[oo_.dr.ys(bayestopt_.mfys); dum]; else iteration = iteration + 1; run_index = run_index + 1; if iteration==1, indJJ = (find(std(GAM')>1.e-8)); indH = (find(std(TAU')>1.e-8)); TAU = zeros(length(indH),SampleSize); GAM = zeros(length(indJJ),SampleSize); MAX_tau = min(SampleSize,ceil(MaxNumberOfBytes/(length(indH)*nparam)/8)); MAX_gam = min(SampleSize,ceil(MaxNumberOfBytes/(length(indJJ)*nparam)/8)); stoH = zeros([length(indH),nparam,MAX_tau]); stoJJ = zeros([length(indJJ),nparam,MAX_tau]); delete([IdentifDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_identif_*.mat']) end end if iteration, TAU(:,iteration)=tau(indH); [JJ, H, gam] = getJJ(A, B, M_,oo0,options_,0,indx,indexo,bayestopt_.mf2,nlags,useautocorr); GAM(:,iteration)=gam(indJJ); stoH(:,:,run_index) = H(indH,:); stoJJ(:,:,run_index) = JJ(indJJ,:); % use relative changes % siJ = abs(JJ(indJJ,:).*(1./gam(indJJ)*params)); % siH = abs(H(indH,:).*(1./tau(indH)*params)); % use prior uncertainty siJ = abs(JJ(indJJ,:)); siH = abs(H(indH,:)); % siJ = abs(JJ(indJJ,:).*(ones(length(indJJ),1)*bayestopt_.p2')); % siH = abs(H(indH,:).*(ones(length(indH),1)*bayestopt_.p2')); % siJ = abs(JJ(indJJ,:).*(1./mGAM'*bayestopt_.p2')); % siH = abs(H(indH,:).*(1./mTAU'*bayestopt_.p2')); if iteration ==1, siJmean = siJ./SampleSize; siHmean = siH./SampleSize; else siJmean = siJ./SampleSize+siJmean; siHmean = siH./SampleSize+siHmean; end pdraws(iteration,:) = params; [idemodel.Mco(:,iteration), idemoments.Mco(:,iteration), ... idemodel.Pco(:,:,iteration), idemoments.Pco(:,:,iteration), ... idemodel.cond(iteration), idemoments.cond(iteration), ...,:,iteration),,:,iteration), ... idemodel.ind(:,iteration), idemoments.ind(:,iteration), ... idemodel.indno{iteration}, idemoments.indno{iteration}] = ... identification_checks(H(indH,:),JJ(indJJ,:), bayestopt_); if run_index==MAX_tau | iteration==SampleSize, file_index = file_index + 1; if run_index3 & iload, filnam = dir([IdentifDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_identif_*.mat']); H=[]; JJ = []; for j=1:length(filnam), load([IdentifDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_identif_',int2str(j),'.mat']); H = cat(3,H, stoH(:,abs(iload),:)); JJ = cat(3,JJ, stoJJ(:,abs(iload),:)); end end % mTAU = mean(TAU'); % mGAM = mean(GAM'); % sTAU = std(TAU'); % sGAM = std(GAM'); % if nargout>=3, % GAM0=GAM; % end % if useautocorr, % idiag = find(vech(eye(size(options_.varobs,1)))); % GAM(idiag,:) = GAM(idiag,:)./(sGAM(idiag)'*ones(1,SampleSize)); % % siJmean(idiag,:) = siJmean(idiag,:)./(sGAM(idiag)'*ones(1,nparam)); % % siJmean = siJmean./(max(siJmean')'*ones(size(params))); % end % % [pcc, dd] = eig(cov(GAM')); % [latent, isort] = sort(-diag(dd)); % latent = -latent; % pcc=pcc(:,isort); % siPCA = (siJmean'*abs(pcc')).^2'; % siPCA = siPCA./(max(siPCA')'*ones(1,nparam)).*(latent*ones(1,nparam)); % siPCA = sum(siPCA,1); % siPCA = siPCA./max(siPCA); % % [pcc, dd] = eig(corrcoef(GAM')); % [latent, isort] = sort(-diag(dd)); % latent = -latent; % pcc=pcc(:,isort); % siPCA2 = (siJmean'*abs(pcc')).^2'; % siPCA2 = siPCA2./(max(siPCA2')'*ones(1,nparam)).*(latent*ones(1,nparam)); % siPCA2 = sum(siPCA2,1); % siPCA2 = siPCA2./max(siPCA2); % % [pcc, dd] = eig(cov(TAU')); % [latent, isort] = sort(-diag(dd)); % latent = -latent; % pcc=pcc(:,isort); % siHPCA = (siHmean'*abs(pcc')).^2'; % siHPCA = siHPCA./(max(siHPCA')'*ones(1,nparam)).*(latent*ones(1,nparam)); % siHPCA = sum(siHPCA,1); % siHPCA = siHPCA./max(siHPCA); % % [pcc, dd] = eig(corrcoef(TAU')); % [latent, isort] = sort(-diag(dd)); % latent = -latent; % pcc=pcc(:,isort); % siHPCA2 = (siHmean'*abs(pcc')).^2'; % siHPCA2 = siHPCA2./(max(siHPCA2')'*ones(1,nparam)).*(latent*ones(1,nparam)); % siHPCA2 = sum(siHPCA2,1); % siHPCA2 = siHPCA2./max(siHPCA2); disp_identification(pdraws, idemodel, idemoments) % figure, % % myboxplot(siPCA(1:(max(find(cumsum(latent)./length(indJJ)<0.99))+1),:)) % subplot(221) % bar(siHPCA) % % set(gca,'ylim',[0 1]) % set(gca,'xticklabel','') % set(gca,'xlim',[0.5 nparam+0.5]) % for ip=1:nparam, % text(ip,-0.02,{ip},'rotation',90,'HorizontalAlignment','right','interpreter','none') % end % title('Sensitivity in TAU''s PCA') % % subplot(222) % % myboxplot(siPCA(1:(max(find(cumsum(latent)./length(indJJ)<0.99))+1),:)) % bar(siHPCA2) % % set(gca,'ylim',[0 1]) % set(gca,'xticklabel','') % set(gca,'xlim',[0.5 nparam+0.5]) % for ip=1:nparam, % text(ip,-0.02,{ip},'rotation',90,'HorizontalAlignment','right','interpreter','none') % end % title('Sensitivity in standardized TAU''s PCA') % % % subplot(223) % % myboxplot(siPCA(1:(max(find(cumsum(latent)./length(indJJ)<0.99))+1),:)) % bar(siPCA) % % set(gca,'ylim',[0 1]) % set(gca,'xticklabel','') % set(gca,'xlim',[0.5 nparam+0.5]) % for ip=1:nparam, % text(ip,-0.02,{ip},'rotation',90,'HorizontalAlignment','right','interpreter','none') % end % title('Sensitivity in moments'' PCA') % % subplot(224) % % myboxplot(siPCA(1:(max(find(cumsum(latent)./length(indJJ)<0.99))+1),:)) % bar(siPCA2) % % set(gca,'ylim',[0 1]) % set(gca,'xticklabel','') % set(gca,'xlim',[0.5 nparam+0.5]) % for ip=1:nparam, % text(ip,-0.02,{ip},'rotation',90,'HorizontalAlignment','right','interpreter','none') % end % title('Sensitivity in standardized moments'' PCA') figure, subplot(221) myboxplot(siHmean) set(gca,'ylim',[0 1.05]) set(gca,'xticklabel','') for ip=1:nparam, text(ip,-0.02,{ip},'rotation',90,'HorizontalAlignment','right','interpreter','none') end title('Sensitivity in the model') subplot(222) myboxplot(siJmean) set(gca,'ylim',[0 1.05]) set(gca,'xticklabel','') for ip=1:nparam, text(ip,-0.02,{ip},'rotation',90,'HorizontalAlignment','right','interpreter','none') end title('Sensitivity in the moments') subplot(223) myboxplot(idemodel.Mco') set(gca,'ylim',[0 1]) set(gca,'xticklabel','') for ip=1:nparam, text(ip,-0.02,{ip},'rotation',90,'HorizontalAlignment','right','interpreter','none') end title('Multicollinearity in the model') subplot(224) myboxplot(idemoments.Mco') set(gca,'ylim',[0 1]) set(gca,'xticklabel','') for ip=1:nparam, text(ip,-0.02,{ip},'rotation',90,'HorizontalAlignment','right','interpreter','none') end title('Multicollinearity in the moments') saveas(gcf,[IdentifDirectoryName,'/',M_.fname,'_ident']) eval(['print -depsc2 ' IdentifDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_ident']); eval(['print -dpdf ' IdentifDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_ident']); figure, subplot(221) hist(log10(idemodel.cond)) title('log10 of Condition number in the model') subplot(222) hist(log10(idemoments.cond)) title('log10 of Condition number in the moments') saveas(gcf,[IdentifDirectoryName,'/',M_.fname,'_ident_COND']) eval(['print -depsc2 ' IdentifDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_ident_COND']); eval(['print -dpdf ' IdentifDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_ident_COND']);