function [x,f,abscissa,dens,binf,bsup] = draw_prior_density(indx,bayestopt_); % Computes values of prior densities at many points (before plotting) % % INPUTS % indx [integer] Parameter number. % bayestopt_ [structure] Describes the prior beliefs. % % OUTPUTS % x [double] Row vector, subset of 'abscissa' such as the density is less than 10 % f [double] Row vector, subset of 'dens' such as the density is less than 10 % abscissa [double] Row vector, abscissa % dens [double] Row vector, density % binf: [double] Scalar, first element of x % bsup: [double] Scalar, last element of x % Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . pshape = bayestopt_.pshape; p3 = bayestopt_.p3; p4 = bayestopt_.p4; p6 = bayestopt_.p6; p7 = bayestopt_.p7; truncprior = 1e-3; steps = 200; switch pshape(indx) case 1% Beta prior density = @(x,a,b,aa,bb) betapdf((x-aa)/(bb-aa), a, b)/(bb-aa); infbound = betainv(truncprior,p6(indx),p7(indx))*(p4(indx)-p3(indx))+p3(indx); supbound = betainv(1-truncprior,p6(indx),p7(indx))*(p4(indx)-p3(indx))+p3(indx); stepsize = (supbound-infbound)/steps; abscissa = infbound:stepsize:supbound; dens = density(abscissa,p6(indx),p7(indx),p3(indx),p4(indx)); case 2% Generalized Gamma prior density = @(x,a,b,c) gampdf(x-c,a,b); infbound = gaminv(truncprior,p6(indx),p7(indx))+p3(indx); supbound = gaminv(1-truncprior,p6(indx),p7(indx))+p3(indx); stepsize = (supbound-infbound)/steps; abscissa = infbound:stepsize:supbound; dens = density(abscissa,p6(indx),p7(indx),p3(indx)); case 3% Gaussian prior infbound = norminv(truncprior,p6(indx),p7(indx)); supbound = norminv(1-truncprior,p6(indx),p7(indx)); stepsize = (supbound-infbound)/steps; abscissa = infbound:stepsize:supbound; dens = normpdf(abscissa,p6(indx),p7(indx)); case 4% Inverse-gamma of type 1 prior infbound = 1/sqrt(gaminv(1-10*truncprior, p7(indx)/2, 2/p6(indx)))+p3(indx); supbound = 1/sqrt(gaminv(10*truncprior, p7(indx)/2, 2/p6(indx)))+p3(indx); stepsize = (supbound-infbound)/steps; abscissa = infbound:stepsize:supbound; dens = exp(lpdfig1(abscissa-p3(indx),p6(indx),p7(indx))); case 5% Uniform prior infbound = p6(indx); supbound = p7(indx); stepsize = (supbound-infbound)/steps; abscissa = infbound:stepsize:supbound; dens = ones(1, steps) / (supbound-infbound); case 6% Inverse-gamma of type 2 prior infbound = 1/(gaminv(1-10*truncprior, p7(indx)/2, 2/p6(indx)))+p3(indx); supbound = 1/(gaminv(10*truncprior, p7(indx)/2, 2/p6(indx)))+p3(indx); stepsize = (supbound-infbound)/steps ; abscissa = infbound:stepsize:supbound; dens = exp(lpdfig2(abscissa-p3(indx),p6(indx),p7(indx))); otherwise error(sprintf('draw_prior_density: unknown distribution shape (index %d, type %d)', indx, pshape(indx))); end k = [1:length(dens)]; if pshape(indx) ~= 5 [junk,k1] = max(dens); if k1 == 1 | k1 == length(dens) k = find(dens < 10); end end binf = abscissa(k(1)); bsup = abscissa(k(length(k))); x = abscissa(k); f = dens(k); f(find(xbayestopt_.ub(indx)))=0;