function McMCDiagnostics(options_, estim_params_, M_) % function McMCDiagnostics % Computes convergence tests % % INPUTS % options_ [structure] % estim_params_ [structure] % M_ [structure] % % OUTPUTS % none % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . DirectoryName = CheckPath('Output'); MhDirectoryName = CheckPath('metropolis'); TeX = options_.TeX; nblck = options_.mh_nblck; % Brooks and Gelman tests need more than one block if nblck == 1 return; end npar = estim_params_.nvx; npar = npar + estim_params_.nvn; npar = npar + estim_params_.ncx; npar = npar + estim_params_.ncn; npar = npar + ; MAX_nruns = ceil(options_.MaxNumberOfBytes/(npar+2)/8); load([MhDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_mh_history.mat']) NumberOfMcFilesPerBlock = size(dir([MhDirectoryName ,filesep, M_.fname '_mh*_blck1.mat']),1); for blck = 2:nblck tmp = size(dir([MhDirectoryName ,filesep, M_.fname '_mh*_blck' int2str(blck) '.mat']),1); if tmp~=NumberOfMcFilesPerBlock disp(['McMCDiagnostics:: The number of mh files in chain ' int2str(blck) ' is ' int2str(tmp) ' while']) disp([' the number of mh files in chain 1 is ' int2str(mcfiles) '!']) error('The number of mh files has to be constant across chains!') end end PastDraws = sum(record.MhDraws,1); LastFileNumber = PastDraws(2); LastLineNumber = record.MhDraws(end,3); NumberOfDraws = PastDraws(1); Origin = 1000; StepSize = ceil((NumberOfDraws-Origin)/100);% So that the computational time does not ALPHA = 0.2; % increase too much with the number of simulations. time = 1:NumberOfDraws; xx = Origin:StepSize:NumberOfDraws; NumberOfLines = length(xx); tmp = zeros(NumberOfDraws*nblck,3); UDIAG = zeros(NumberOfLines,6,npar); if NumberOfDraws < Origin disp('MCMC Diagnostics :: The number of simulations is to small to compute the MCMC convergence diagnostics.') return end if TeX fidTeX = fopen([DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_UnivariateDiagnostics.TeX'],'w'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% TeX eps-loader file generated by McmcDiagnostics.m (Dynare).\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% ' datestr(now,0) '\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); end disp('MCMC Diagnostics: Univariate convergence diagnostic, Brooks and Gelman (1998):') localVars.MhDirectoryName = MhDirectoryName; localVars.nblck = nblck; localVars.NumberOfMcFilesPerBlock = NumberOfMcFilesPerBlock; localVars.Origin = Origin; localVars.StepSize = StepSize; localVars.NumberOfDraws = NumberOfDraws; localVars.NumberOfLines = NumberOfLines; localVars.time = time; localVars.M_ = M_; if isnumeric(options_.parallel), fout = McMCDiagnostics_core(localVars,1,npar,0); UDIAG = fout.UDIAG; clear fout else [fout, nBlockPerCPU, totCPU] = masterParallel(options_.parallel, 1, npar,{},'McMCDiagnostics_core', localVars); UDIAG = fout(1).UDIAG; for j=2:totCPU, UDIAG = cat(3,UDIAG ,fout(j).UDIAG); end end UDIAG(:,[2 4 6],:) = UDIAG(:,[2 4 6],:)/nblck; disp(' ') clear pmet temp moyenne CSUP CINF csup cinf n linea iter tmp; pages = floor(npar/3); k = 0; for i = 1:pages if options_.nograph h = figure('Name','MCMC univariate diagnostic (Brooks and Gelman,1998)','Visible','off'); else h = figure('Name','MCMC univariate diagnostic (Brooks and Gelman,1998)'); end boxplot = 1; if TeX NAMES = []; TEXNAMES = []; end for j = 1:3 % Loop over parameters k = k+1; [nam,namtex] = get_the_name(k,TeX); for crit = 1:3% Loop over criteria if crit == 1 plt1 = UDIAG(:,1,k); plt2 = UDIAG(:,2,k); namnam = [nam , ' (Interval)']; elseif crit == 2 plt1 = UDIAG(:,3,k); plt2 = UDIAG(:,4,k); namnam = [nam , ' (m2)']; elseif crit == 3 plt1 = UDIAG(:,5,k); plt2 = UDIAG(:,6,k); namnam = [nam , ' (m3)']; end if TeX NAMES = strvcat(NAMES,deblank(namnam)); TEXNAMES = strvcat(TEXNAMES,deblank(namtex)); end subplot(3,3,boxplot); plot(xx,plt1,'-b'); % Pooled hold on; plot(xx,plt2,'-r'); % Within (mean) hold off; xlim([xx(1) xx(NumberOfLines)]) title(namnam,'Interpreter','none') boxplot = boxplot + 1; end end eval(['print -depsc2 ' DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_udiag' int2str(i) '.eps']); if ~exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') eval(['print -dpdf ' DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_udiag' int2str(i)]); end if options_.nograph, set(h,'visible','on'), end if ~exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') saveas(h,[DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_udiag' int2str(i) '.fig']); end if options_.nograph, close(h), end if TeX fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{figure}[H]\n'); for jj = 1:size(NAMES,1) fprintf(fidTeX,'\\psfrag{%s}[1][][0.5][0]{%s}\n',deblank(NAMES(jj,:)),deblank(TEXNAMES(jj,:))); end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\centering \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{%s_udiag%s}\n',M_.fname,int2str(i)); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Univariate convergence diagnostics for the Metropolis-Hastings.\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'The first, second and third columns are respectively the criteria based on\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'the eighty percent interval, the second and third moments.}'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Fig:UnivariateDiagnostics:%s}\n',int2str(i)); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{figure}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\n'); end end reste = npar-k; if reste if reste == 1 nr = 3; nc = 1; elseif reste == 2; nr = 2; nc = 3; end if TeX NAMES = []; TEXNAMES = []; end if options_.nograph h = figure('Name','MCMC univariate diagnostic (Brooks and Gelman, 1998)','Visible','off'); else h = figure('Name','MCMC univariate diagnostic (Brooks and Gelman, 1998)'); end boxplot = 1; for j = 1:reste k = k+1; [nam,namtex] = get_the_name(k,TeX); for crit = 1:3 if crit == 1 plt1 = UDIAG(:,1,k); plt2 = UDIAG(:,2,k); namnam = [nam , ' (Interval)']; elseif crit == 2 plt1 = UDIAG(:,3,k); plt2 = UDIAG(:,4,k); namnam = [nam , ' (m2)']; elseif crit == 3 plt1 = UDIAG(:,5,k); plt2 = UDIAG(:,6,k); namnam = [nam , ' (m3)']; end if TeX NAMES = strvcat(NAMES,deblank(namnam)); TEXNAMES = strvcat(TEXNAMES,deblank(namtex)); end subplot(nr,nc,boxplot); plot(xx,plt1,'-b'); % Pooled hold on; plot(xx,plt2,'-r'); % Within (mean) hold off; xlim([xx(1) xx(NumberOfLines)]); title(namnam,'Interpreter','none'); boxplot = boxplot + 1; end end eval(['print -depsc2 ' DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_udiag' int2str(pages+1) '.eps']); if ~exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') eval(['print -dpdf ' DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_udiag' int2str(pages+1)]); end if options_.nograph, set(h,'visible','on'), end if ~exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') saveas(h,[DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_udiag' int2str(pages+1) '.fig']); end if options_.nograph, close(h), end if TeX fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{figure}[H]\n'); for jj = 1:size(NAMES,1); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\psfrag{%s}[1][][0.5][0]{%s}\n',deblank(NAMES(jj,:)),deblank(TEXNAMES(jj,:))); end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\centering \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{%s_udiag%s}\n',M_.fname,int2str(pages+1)); if reste == 2 fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Univariate convergence diagnostics for the Metropolis-Hastings.\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'The first, second and third columns are respectively the criteria based on\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'the eighty percent interval, the second and third moments.}'); elseif reste == 1 fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Univariate convergence diagnostics for the Metropolis-Hastings.\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'The first, second and third rows are respectively the criteria based on\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'the eighty percent interval, the second and third moments.}'); end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Fig:UnivariateDiagnostics:%s}\n',int2str(pages+1)); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{figure}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'% End Of TeX file.'); fclose(fidTeX); end end % if reste > 0 clear UDIAG; %% %% Multivariate diagnostic. %% if TeX fidTeX = fopen([DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_MultivariateDiagnostics.TeX'],'w'); fprintf(fidTeX,'%% TeX eps-loader file generated by McmcDiagnostics.m (Dynare).\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,['%% ' datestr(now,0) '\n']); fprintf(fidTeX,' \n'); NAMES = []; end tmp = zeros(NumberOfDraws*nblck,3); MDIAG = zeros(NumberOfLines,6); for b = 1:nblck startline = 0; for n = 1:NumberOfMcFilesPerBlock %load([MhDirectoryName '/' mcfiles(n,1,b).name],'logpo2'); load([MhDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_mh',int2str(n),'_blck' int2str(b) '.mat'],'logpo2'); nlogpo2 = size(logpo2,1); tmp((b-1)*NumberOfDraws+startline+(1:nlogpo2),1) = logpo2; startline = startline+nlogpo2; end % $$$ %load([MhDirectoryName '/' mcfiles(NumberOfMcFilesPerBlock,1,b).name],'logpo2'); % $$$ load([MhDirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_mh',int2str(NumberOfMcFilesPerBlock),'_blck' int2str(b) '.mat'],'logpo2'); % $$$ tmp((b-1)*NumberOfDraws+startline+1:(b-1)*NumberOfDraws+ MAX_nruns*(LastFileNumber-1)+LastLineNumber,1) = logpo2; end clear logpo2; tmp(:,2) = kron(transpose(1:nblck),ones(NumberOfDraws,1)); tmp(:,3) = kron(ones(nblck,1),time'); tmp = sortrows(tmp,1); ligne = 0; for iter = Origin:StepSize:NumberOfDraws ligne = ligne+1; linea = ceil(0.5*iter); n = iter-linea+1; cinf = round(n*ALPHA/2); csup = round(n*(1-ALPHA/2)); CINF = round(nblck*n*ALPHA/2); CSUP = round(nblck*n*(1-ALPHA/2)); temp = tmp(find((tmp(:,3)>=linea) & (tmp(:,3)<=iter)),1:2); MDIAG(ligne,1) = temp(CSUP,1)-temp(CINF,1); moyenne = mean(temp(:,1));%% Pooled mean. MDIAG(ligne,3) = sum((temp(:,1)-moyenne).^2)/(nblck*n-1); MDIAG(ligne,5) = sum(abs(temp(:,1)-moyenne).^3)/(nblck*n-1); for i=1:nblck pmet = temp(find(temp(:,2)==i)); MDIAG(ligne,2) = MDIAG(ligne,2) + pmet(csup,1)-pmet(cinf,1); moyenne = mean(pmet,1); %% Within mean. MDIAG(ligne,4) = MDIAG(ligne,4) + sum((pmet(:,1)-moyenne).^2)/(n-1); MDIAG(ligne,6) = MDIAG(ligne,6) + sum(abs(pmet(:,1)-moyenne).^3)/(n-1); end end MDIAG(:,[2 4 6],:) = MDIAG(:,[2 4 6],:)/nblck; if options_.nograph h = figure('Name','Multivatiate diagnostic','Visible','off'); else h = figure('Name','Multivatiate diagnostic'); end boxplot = 1; for crit = 1:3 if crit == 1 plt1 = MDIAG(:,1); plt2 = MDIAG(:,2); namnam = 'Interval'; elseif crit == 2 plt1 = MDIAG(:,3); plt2 = MDIAG(:,4); namnam = 'm2'; elseif crit == 3 plt1 = MDIAG(:,5); plt2 = MDIAG(:,6); namnam = 'm3'; end if TeX NAMES = strvcat(NAMES,namnam); end subplot(3,1,boxplot); plot(xx,plt1,'-b'); % Pooled hold on plot(xx,plt2,'-r'); % Within (mean) hold off xlim([xx(1) xx(NumberOfLines)]) title(namnam,'Interpreter','none'); boxplot = boxplot + 1; end eval(['print -depsc2 ' DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_mdiag.eps']); if ~exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') eval(['print -dpdf ' DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_mdiag']); end if options_.nograph, set(h,'visible','on'), end if ~exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') saveas(h,[DirectoryName '/' M_.fname '_mdiag.fig']); end if options_.nograph, close(h), end if TeX fprintf(fidTeX,'\\begin{figure}[H]\n'); for jj = 1:3 fprintf(fidTeX,'\\psfrag{%s}[1][][0.5][0]{%s}\n',deblank(NAMES(jj,:)),' '); end fprintf(fidTeX,'\\centering \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{%s_mdiag}\n',M_.fname); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\caption{Multivariate convergence diagnostics for the Metropolis-Hastings.\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'The first, second and third rows are respectively the criteria based on\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'the eighty percent interval, the second and third moments. The different \n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'parameters are aggregated using the posterior kernel.}'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\label{Fig:MultivariateDiagnostics}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\\end{figure}\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'\n'); fprintf(fidTeX,'% End Of TeX file.'); fclose(fidTeX); end