function MakeAllFigures(NumberOfPlots,Caption,FigureProperties,Info) % Copyright (C) 2005 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . global M_ options_ FigHandle = figure('Name',FigureProperties.Name); NAMES = cell(NumberOfPlots,1); if options_.TeX TeXNAMES = cell(NumberOfPlots,1); end if NumberOfPlots == 9 nr = 3; nc = 3; elseif NumberOfPlots == 8 nr = 3; nc = 3; elseif NumberOfPlots == 7 nr = 3; nc = 3; elseif NumberOfPlots == 6 nr = 2; nc = 3; elseif NumberOfPlots == 5 nr = 3; nc = 2; elseif NumberOfPlots == 4 nr = 2; nc = 2; elseif NumberOfPlots == 3 nr = 2; nc = 2; elseif NumberOfPlots == 2 nr = 1; nc = 2; elseif NumberOfPlots == 1 nr = 1; nc = 1; end for plt = 1:NumberOfPlots eval(['NumberOfCurves = Info.Box' int2str(plt) '.Number;']) NumberOfObservations = zeros(2,1); x = cell(NumberOfCurves,1); y = cell(NumberOfCurves,1); PltType = cell(NumberofCurves,1); top = NaN(NumberOfCurves,1); bottom = NaN(NumberOfCurves,1); binf = NaN(NumberOfCurves,1); bsup = NaN(NumberOfCurves,1); for curve = 1:NumberOfCurves eval(['x{' curve '} = Info.Box' int2str(plt) '.Curve' int2str(curve) '.xdata;']) eval(['y{' curve '} = Info.Box' int2str(plt) '.Curve' int2str(curve) '.ydata;']) eval(['name = Info.Box' int2str(plt) '.Curve' int2str(curve) '.variablename;']) eval(['PltType{' curve '} = Info.Box' int2str(plt) '.Curve' int2str(curve) '.type']); if length(x{curve})-length(y{curve}) disp('MakeFigure :: The number of observations in x doesn''t match with ') disp(['the number of observation in y for ' name ]) return end if Info.PlotProperties.CutTop top(curve) = max(y{curve}); else Info.PlotProperties.CutBottom bottom(curve) = min(y{curve}); end binf(curve) = min(x{curve}); bsup(curve) = max(x{curve}); end ymax = max(top); ymin = min(bottom); xmin = min(binf); xmax = max(bsup); if isnan(ymin(plt)) ymin = 0; end eval(['NAMES{' int2str(plt) '} = Info.Box' int2str(plt) '.name;']) if options_.TeX eval(['TeXNAMES{' int2str(plt) '} = Info.Box' int2str(plt) '.texname;']) end subplot(nr,nc,plt) hold on for curve = 1:NumberOfCurves hh = plot(x{curve},y{curve}); if strcmpi(PltType{curve},'PriorDensity') set(hh,'Color',[0.7 0.7 0.7],'LineStyle','-','LineWidth',2) % % elseif strcmpi(PltType{curve},'DensityEstimate') set(hh,'Color','k','LineStyle','-','LineWidth',2) % % elseif strcmpi(PltType{curve},'ModeEstimate') set(hh,'Color','g','LineStyle','--','LineWidth',2) % % elseif strcmpi(PltType{curve},'SmoothVariable') set(hh,'Color','k','LineStyle','-','LineWidth',2) % % elseif strcmpi(PltType{curve},'Deciles') set(hh,'Color','g','LineStyle','-','LineWidth',1) % % elseif strcmpi(PltType{curve},'Forecasts') set(hh,'Color','','LineStyle','-','LineWidth',2) % % elseif strcmpi(PltType{curve},'ForecastsHPD') set(hh,'Color','k','LineStyle','-','LineWidth',1) % % elseif strcmpi(PltType{curve},'ForecastsDeciles') set(hh,'Color','g','LineStyle','-','LineWidth',1) % % elseif strcmpi(PltType{curve},'DiagnosticWithin') set(hh,'Color','b','LineStyle','-','LineWidth',2) % % elseif strcmpi(PltType{curve},'DiagnosticPooled') set(hh,'Color','r','LineStyle','-','LineWidth',2) % % end end axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax]) title(NAMES{plt}) drawnow hold off end if Info.SaveFormat.Eps if isempty(Info.SaveFormat.Name) eval(['print -depsc2 ' M_.fname Info.SaveFormat.GenericName int2str(Info.SaveFormat.Number) '.eps']); else eval(['print -depsc2 ' M_.fname Info.SaveFormat.GenericName Info.SaveFormat.Name '.eps']); end end if Info.SaveFormat.Pdf && ~exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') if isempty(Info.SaveFormat.Name) eval(['print -dpdf ' M_.fname Info.SaveFormat.GenericName int2str(Info.SaveFormat.Number)]); else eval(['print -dpdf ' M_.fname Info.SaveFormat.GenericName Info.SaveFormat.Name]); end end if Info.SaveFormat.Fig && ~exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') if isempty(Info.SaveFormat.Name) saveas(FigHandle,[M_.fname Info.SaveFormat.GenericName int2str(Info.SaveFormat.Number) '.fig']); else saveas(FigHandle,[M_.fname Info.SaveFormat.GenericName Info.SaveFormat.Name '.fig']); end end