function pdraw = prior_draw(init,cc) % Build one draw from the prior distribution. % % INPUTS % o SampleSize [integer] Size of the sample to build % % OUTPUTS % None. % % ALGORITHM % None. % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % None. % % % part of DYNARE, copyright S. Adjemian, M. Juillard (2006) % Gnu Public License. global M_ options_ estim_params_ persistent fname npar bounds pshape pmean pstd a b p3 p4 if init nvx = estim_params_.nvx; nvn = estim_params_.nvn; ncx = estim_params_.ncx; ncn = estim_params_.ncn; np = ; npar = nvx+nvn+ncx+ncn+np; MhDirectoryName = CheckPath('metropolis'); fname = [ MhDirectoryName '/' M_.fname]; pshape = bayestopt_.pshape; pmean = bayestopt_.pmean; pstd = bayestopt_.pstdev; p1 = bayestopt_.p1; p2 = bayestopt_.p2; p3 = bayestopt_.p3; p4 = bayestopt_.p4; a = zeros(npar,1); b = zeros(npar,1); if nargin == 2 bounds = cc; else bounds = [-Inf Inf]; end for i = 1:npar if pshape(i) == 3 b(i) = pstd(i)^2/(pmean(i)-p3(i)); a(i) = (pmean(i)-p3(i))/b(i); elseif pshape(i) == 1 mu = (p1(i)-p3(i))/(p4(i)-p3(i)); stdd = p2(i)/(p4(i)-p3(i)); a(i) = (1-mu)*mu^2/stdd^2 - mu; b(i) = a*(1/mu - 1); elseif pshape(i) == end pdraw = zeros(npar,1); end condition = 1; pdraw = zeros(npar,1); return end for i = 1:npar switch pshape(i) case 5% Uniform prior. pdraw(i) = rand*(p4(i)-p3(i)) + p3(i); case 3% Gaussian prior. while condition tmp = randn*pstd(i) + pmean(i); if tmp >= bounds(i,1) && tmp <= bounds(i,2) pdraw(i) = tmp; break end end case 2% Gamma prior. while condition g = gamma_draw(a(i),b(i),p3(i)); if g >= bounds(i,1) && g <= bounds(i,2) pdraw(i) = g; break end end case 1% Beta distribution (TODO: generalized beta distribution) while condition y1 = gamma_draw(a(i),1,0); y2 = gamma_draw(b(i),1,0); tmp = y1/(y1+y2); if tmp >= bounds(i,1) && tmp <= bounds(i,2) pdraw(i) = tmp; break end end case 4% INV-GAMMA1 distribution case 6% INV-GAMMA2 distribution otherwise disp('prior_draw:: Error!') disp('Unknown prior distribution.') pdraw(i) = NaN; end end function gamma_draw(a,b,c) % Bauwens, Lubrano & Richard (page 316) if a >30 z = randn; g = b*(z+sqrt(4*a-1))^2/4 + c; else x = -1; while x<0 u1 = rand; y = tan(pi*u1); x = y*sqrt(2*a-1)+a-1; end while condition u2 = rand; if log(u2) <= log(1+y^2)+(a-1)*log(x/(a-1))-y*sqrt(2*a-1); break end end g = x*b+c; end