function [dataset_,xparam1, M_, options_, oo_, estim_params_,bayestopt_, fake] = dynare_estimation_init(var_list_, dname, gsa_flag, M_, options_, oo_, estim_params_, bayestopt_) % function dynare_estimation_init(var_list_, gsa_flag) % preforms initialization tasks before estimation or % global sensitivity analysis % % INPUTS % var_list_: selected endogenous variables vector % dname: alternative directory name % gsa_flag: flag for GSA operation (optional) % % OUTPUTS % data: data after required transformation % rawdata: data as in the data file % xparam1: initial value of estimated parameters as returned by % set_prior() % % SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS % none % Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . if isempty(gsa_flag) gsa_flag = 0; else% Decide if a DSGE or DSGE-VAR has to be estimated. if ~isempty(strmatch('dsge_prior_weight',M_.param_names)) options_.dsge_var = 1; end var_list_ = check_list_of_variables(options_, M_, var_list_); options_.varlist = var_list_; end % Get the indices of the observed variables in M_.endo_names. options_.lgyidx2varobs = zeros(size(M_.endo_names,1),1); for i = 1:size(M_.endo_names,1) tmp = strmatch(deblank(M_.endo_names(i,:)),options_.varobs,'exact'); if ~isempty(tmp) if length(tmp)>1 disp(' ') error(['Multiple declarations of ' deblank(M_.endo_names(i,:)) ' as an observed variable is not allowed!']) end options_.lgyidx2varobs(i) = tmp; end end % Set the order of approximation to one (if needed). if options_.order > 1 & isempty(options_.nonlinear_filter) disp('This version of Dynare cannot estimate non linearized models!') disp('Set "order" equal to 1.') disp(' ') options_.order = 1; end % Set options_.lik_init equal to 3 if diffuse filter is used. if (options_.diffuse_filter==1) && (options_.lik_init==1) options_.lik_init = 3; end % If options_.lik_init == 1 % set by default options_.qz_criterium to 1-1e-6 % and check options_.qz_criterium < 1-eps if options_.lik_init == 1 % Else set by default options_.qz_criterium to 1+1e-6 if options_.lik_init == 1 if isempty(options_.qz_criterium) options_.qz_criterium = 1-1e-6; elseif options_.qz_criterium > 1-eps error(['estimation: option qz_criterium is too large for estimating ' ... 'a stationary model. If your model contains unit roots, use ' ... 'option diffuse_filter']) end elseif isempty(options_.qz_criterium) options_.qz_criterium = 1+1e-6; end % If the data are prefiltered then there must not be constants in the % measurement equation of the DSGE model or in the DSGE-VAR model. if options_.prefilter == 1 options_.noconstant = 1; end % Set options related to filtered variables. if ~isequal(options_.filtered_vars,0) && isempty(options_.filter_step_ahead) options_.filter_step_ahead = 1; end if ~isequal(options_.filtered_vars,0) && isequal(options_.filter_step_ahead,0) options_.filter_step_ahead = 1; end if ~isequal(options_.filter_step_ahead,0) options_.nk = max(options_.filter_step_ahead); end % Set the name of the directory where (intermediary) results will be saved. if isempty(dname) M_.dname = M_.fname; else M_.dname = dname; end % Set the number of observed variables. n_varobs = size(options_.varobs,1); % Set priors over the estimated parameters. if ~isempty(estim_params_) [xparam1,estim_params_,bayestopt_,lb,ub,M_] = set_prior(estim_params_,M_,options_); if any(bayestopt_.pshape > 0) % Plot prior densities. if options_.plot_priors plot_priors(bayestopt_,M_,estim_params_,options_) end % Set prior bounds bounds = prior_bounds(bayestopt_,options_); bounds(:,1)=max(bounds(:,1),lb); bounds(:,2)=min(bounds(:,2),ub); else % No priors are declared so Dynare will estimate the model by % maximum likelihood with inequality constraints for the parameters. options_.mh_replic = 0;% No metropolis. bounds(:,1) = lb; bounds(:,2) = ub; end % Test if initial values of the estimated parameters are all between % the prior lower and upper bounds. if any(xparam1 < bounds(:,1)) || any(xparam1 > bounds(:,2)) find(xparam1 < bounds(:,1)) find(xparam1 > bounds(:,2)) error('Initial parameter values are outside parameter bounds') end lb = bounds(:,1); ub = bounds(:,2); = lb; bayestopt_.ub = ub; else% If estim_params_ is empty... xparam1 = []; = []; bayestopt_.ub = []; bayestopt_.jscale = []; bayestopt_.pshape = []; bayestopt_.p1 = []; bayestopt_.p2 = []; bayestopt_.p3 = []; bayestopt_.p4 = []; bayestopt_.p5 = []; bayestopt_.p6 = []; bayestopt_.p7 = []; estim_params_.nvx = 0; estim_params_.nvn = 0; estim_params_.ncx = 0; estim_params_.ncn = 0; = 0; end %% Is there a linear trend in the measurement equation? if ~isfield(options_,'trend_coeffs') % No! bayestopt_.with_trend = 0; else% Yes! bayestopt_.with_trend = 1; bayestopt_.trend_coeff = {}; trend_coeffs = options_.trend_coeffs; nt = length(trend_coeffs); for i=1:n_varobs if i > length(trend_coeffs) bayestopt_.trend_coeff{i} = '0'; else bayestopt_.trend_coeff{i} = trend_coeffs{i}; end end end %% Set the "size" of penalty. bayestopt_.penalty = 1e8; %% Get informations about the variables of the model. dr = set_state_space(oo_.dr,M_); oo_.dr = dr; nstatic = dr.nstatic; % Number of static variables. npred = dr.npred; % Number of predetermined variables. nspred = dr.nspred; % Number of predetermined variables in the state equation. %% Test if observed variables are declared. if isempty(options_.varobs) error('VAROBS is missing') end %% Setting resticted state space (observed + predetermined variables) var_obs_index = []; k1 = []; for i=1:n_varobs var_obs_index = [var_obs_index strmatch(deblank(options_.varobs(i,:)),M_.endo_names(dr.order_var,:),'exact')]; k1 = [k1 strmatch(deblank(options_.varobs(i,:)),M_.endo_names, 'exact')]; end k3 = []; k3p = []; if options_.selected_variables_only for i=1:size(var_list_,1) k3 = [k3; strmatch(var_list_(i,:),M_.endo_names(dr.order_var,:), ... 'exact')]; k3p = [k3; strmatch(var_list_(i,:),M_.endo_names, ... 'exact')]; end else k3 = (1:M_.endo_nbr)'; k3p = (1:M_.endo_nbr)'; end % Define union of observed and state variables if options_.block == 1 [k2, i_posA, i_posB] = union(k1', M_.state_var', 'rows'); % Set restrict_state to postion of observed + state variables in expanded state vector. oo_.dr.restrict_var_list = [k1(i_posA) M_.state_var(sort(i_posB))]; % set mf0 to positions of state variables in restricted state vector for likelihood computation. [junk,bayestopt_.mf0] = ismember(M_.state_var',oo_.dr.restrict_var_list); % Set mf1 to positions of observed variables in restricted state vector for likelihood computation. [junk,bayestopt_.mf1] = ismember(k1,oo_.dr.restrict_var_list); % Set mf2 to positions of observed variables in expanded state vector for filtering and smoothing. bayestopt_.mf2 = var_obs_index; bayestopt_.mfys = k1; oo_.dr.restrict_columns = [size(i_posA,1)+(1:size(M_.state_var,2))]; [k2, i_posA, i_posB] = union(k3p, M_.state_var', 'rows'); bayestopt_.smoother_var_list = [k3p(i_posA); M_.state_var(sort(i_posB))']; [junk,bayestopt_.smoother_saved_var_list] = intersect(k3p,bayestopt_.smoother_var_list(:)); [junk,ic] = intersect(bayestopt_.smoother_var_list,M_.state_var); bayestopt_.smoother_restrict_columns = ic; [junk,bayestopt_.smoother_mf] = ismember(k1, ... bayestopt_.smoother_var_list); else k2 = union(var_obs_index',[dr.nstatic+1:dr.nstatic+dr.npred]', 'rows'); % Set restrict_state to postion of observed + state variables in expanded state vector. oo_.dr.restrict_var_list = k2; % set mf0 to positions of state variables in restricted state vector for likelihood computation. [junk,bayestopt_.mf0] = ismember([dr.nstatic+1:dr.nstatic+dr.npred]',k2); % Set mf1 to positions of observed variables in restricted state vector for likelihood computation. [junk,bayestopt_.mf1] = ismember(var_obs_index,k2); % Set mf2 to positions of observed variables in expanded state vector for filtering and smoothing. bayestopt_.mf2 = var_obs_index; bayestopt_.mfys = k1; [junk,ic] = intersect(k2,nstatic+(1:npred)'); oo_.dr.restrict_columns = [ic; length(k2)+(1:nspred-npred)']; bayestopt_.smoother_var_list = union(k2,k3); [junk,bayestopt_.smoother_saved_var_list] = intersect(k3,bayestopt_.smoother_var_list(:)); [junk,ic] = intersect(bayestopt_.smoother_var_list,nstatic+(1:npred)'); bayestopt_.smoother_restrict_columns = ic; [junk,bayestopt_.smoother_mf] = ismember(var_obs_index, ... bayestopt_.smoother_var_list); end; %% Initialization with unit-root variables. if ~isempty(options_.unit_root_vars) n_ur = size(options_.unit_root_vars,1); i_ur = zeros(n_ur,1); for i=1:n_ur i1 = strmatch(deblank(options_.unit_root_vars(i,:)),M_.endo_names(dr.order_var,:),'exact'); if isempty(i1) error('Undeclared variable in unit_root_vars statement') end i_ur(i) = i1; end bayestopt_.var_list_stationary = setdiff((1:M_.endo_nbr)',i_ur); [junk,bayestopt_.restrict_var_list_nonstationary] = ... intersect(oo_.dr.restrict_var_list,i_ur); bayestopt_.restrict_var_list_stationary = ... setdiff((1:length(oo_.dr.restrict_var_list))', ... bayestopt_.restrict_var_list_nonstationary); if M_.maximum_lag > 1 l1 = flipud([cumsum(M_.lead_lag_incidence(1:M_.maximum_lag-1,dr.order_var),1);ones(1,M_.endo_nbr)]); l2 = l1(:,oo_.dr.restrict_var_list); il2 = find(l2' > 0); l2(il2) = (1:length(il2))'; bayestopt_.restrict_var_list_stationary = ... nonzeros(l2(:,bayestopt_.restrict_var_list_stationary)); bayestopt_.restrict_var_list_nonstationary = ... nonzeros(l2(:,bayestopt_.restrict_var_list_nonstationary)); end options_.lik_init = 3; end % if ~isempty(options_.unit_root_vars) %% Test if the data file is declared. if isempty(options_.datafile) if gsa_flag data = []; rawdata = []; data_info = []; return else error('datafile option is missing') end end %% If jscale isn't specified for an estimated parameter, use global option options_.jscale, set to 0.2, by default. k = find(isnan(bayestopt_.jscale)); bayestopt_.jscale(k) = options_.mh_jscale; %% Load and transform data. rawdata = read_variables(options_.datafile,options_.varobs,[],options_.xls_sheet,options_.xls_range); % Set the number of observations (nobs) and build a subsample between first_obs and nobs. options_ = set_default_option(options_,'nobs',size(rawdata,1)-options_.first_obs+1); gend = options_.nobs; rawdata = rawdata(options_.first_obs:options_.first_obs+gend-1,:); % Take the log of the variables if needed if options_.loglinear % If the model is log-linearized... if ~options_.logdata % and if the data are not in logs, then... rawdata = log(rawdata); end end % Test if the observations are real numbers. if ~isreal(rawdata) error('There are complex values in the data! Probably a wrong transformation') end % Test for missing observations. options_.missing_data = any(any(isnan(rawdata))); % Prefilter the data if needed. if options_.prefilter == 1 if options_.missing_data bayestopt_.mean_varobs = zeros(n_varobs,1); for variable=1:n_varobs rdx = find(~isnan(rawdata(:,variable))); m = mean(rawdata(rdx,variable)); rawdata(rdx,variable) = rawdata(rdx,variable)-m; bayestopt_.mean_varobs(variable) = m; end else bayestopt_.mean_varobs = mean(rawdata,1)'; rawdata = rawdata-repmat(bayestopt_.mean_varobs',gend,1); end end % Transpose the dataset array. data = transpose(rawdata); if nargout>3 %% Compute the steady state: if options_.steadystate_flag% if the *_steadystate.m file is provided. [ys,tchek] = feval([M_.fname '_steadystate'],... [zeros(M_.exo_nbr,1);... oo_.exo_det_steady_state]); if size(ys,1) < M_.endo_nbr if length(M_.aux_vars) > 0 ys = add_auxiliary_variables_to_steadystate(ys,M_.aux_vars,... M_.fname,... zeros(M_.exo_nbr,1),... oo_.exo_det_steady_state,... M_.params,... options_.bytecode); else error([M_.fname '_steadystate.m doesn''t match the model']); end end oo_.steady_state = ys; else% if the steady state file is not provided. [dd,info] = resol(oo_.steady_state,0); oo_.steady_state = dd.ys; clear('dd'); end if all(abs(oo_.steady_state(bayestopt_.mfys))<1e-9) options_.noconstant = 1; else options_.noconstant = 0; end [data_index,number_of_observations,no_more_missing_observations] = describe_missing_data(data,gend,n_varobs); missing_value = ~(number_of_observations == gend*n_varobs); % initial_estimation_checks(xparam1,gend,data,data_index,number_of_observations,no_more_missing_observations); data_info.gend = gend; = data; data_info.data_index = data_index; data_info.number_of_observations = number_of_observations; data_info.no_more_missing_observations = no_more_missing_observations; data_info.missing_value = missing_value; end