function str = build_report_summary(reportfile, printonscreen, mailreport) % Copyright (C) 2013 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . if isequal(nargin,1) printonscreen = 1; mailreport = 0; end if nargin<3 mailreport = 0; else if ischar(mailreport) mailto = mailreport; mailreport = 1; fid = fopen('~/.matlab-send-report'); server = fgetl(fid); fclose(fid); fprintf('\n\n'); disp('Send report...') system(['scp ' reportfile ' ' server]); system(['scp ' reportfile(1:end-3) 'log ' server]); else if ~isequal(mailreport,0) error('build_report_summary:: Third argument must be an adress email!') end end end reportfilecontent = load(reportfile); reportcell =; gitinfo = reportfilecontent.gitinfo; gitlastcommithash = reportfilecontent.gitlastcommithash; str = 'Hi,'; str = char(str,''); str = char(str,'This is a summary report for the unitary tests in Dynare. Full report can be found at:'); str = char(str,''); str = char(str,''); str = char(str,['' reportfile]); str = char(str,''); str = char(str,['' reportfile(1:end-3) 'log']); str = char(str,''); str = char(str,gitinfo(1,:)); str = char(str,gitinfo(2,:)); str = char(str,''); str = char(str,''); str = char(str,['===========================']); str = char(str,'DYNARE/MATLAB UNITARY TESTS'); str = char(str,'==========================='); str = char(str,['| TOTAL: ' int2str(size(reportcell,1))]); str = char(str,['| PASS: ' int2str(length(find(cell2mat(reportcell(:,3)))))]); str = char(str,['| FAIL: ' int2str(length(find(~cell2mat(reportcell(:,3)))))]); str = char(str,'|'); str = char(str,'| LIST OF FAILED TESTS:'); for i=1:size(reportcell,1) if ~reportcell{i,3} str = char(str,['| * ' reportcell{i,1} ' (test #' int2str(reportcell{i,2}) '{' strrep(int2str(transpose(find(~reportcell{i,4}))),' ',',') '})']); end end if printonscreen skipline(2); disp(str) skipline(2); end if mailreport if exist('~/.matlab-send-mail-info','file') fid = fopen('~/.matlab-send-mail-info','r'); else disp(['build_report_summary:: I Cannot send the report to ' mailto ' because the sender and the smtp server are not defined!']) disp([' You probably need to add a ''.matlab-send-mail-info'' in your root directory...']) return end setpref('Internet','SMTP_Server',fgetl(fid)); setpref('Internet','SMTP_Username',fgetl(fid)); setpref('Internet','E_mail',fgetl(fid)); setpref('Internet','SMTP_Passeword',fgetl(fid)); fclose(fid); STR = [deblank(str(1,:))]; for i=2:size(str,1) STR = [STR 10 deblank(str(i,:)) ]; end sendmail(mailto,'Dynare/Matlab unitary tests',STR); end