function [fhat,xhat,fcount,retcode] = csminit1(fcn,x0,f0,g0,badg,H0,varargin) % [fhat,xhat,fcount,retcode] = csminit1(fcn,x0,f0,g0,badg,H0,... % P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8) % retcodes: 0, normal step. 5, largest step still improves too fast. % 4,2 back and forth adjustment of stepsize didn't finish. 3, smallest % stepsize still improves too slow. 6, no improvement found. 1, zero % gradient. %--------------------- % Modified 7/22/96 to omit variable-length P list, for efficiency and compilation. % Places where the number of P's need to be altered or the code could be returned to % its old form are marked with ARGLIST comments. % % Fixed 7/17/93 to use inverse-hessian instead of hessian itself in bfgs % update. % % Fixed 7/19/93 to flip eigenvalues of H to get better performance when % it's not psd. % Original file downloaded from: % % Copyright (C) 1993-2007 Christopher Sims % Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Dynare Team % % This file is part of Dynare. % % Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Dynare. If not, see . %tailstr = ')'; %for i=nargin-6:-1:1 % tailstr=[ ',P' num2str(i) tailstr]; %end %ANGLE = .03; ANGLE = .005; %THETA = .03; THETA = .3; %(0 1e12 % disp('Bad, small gradient problem.') % dx = dx*FCHANGE/dxnorm; % end %else % Gauss-Newton step; %---------- Start of 7/19/93 mod --------------- %[v d] = eig(H0); %toc %d=max(1e-10,abs(diag(d))); %d=abs(diag(d)); %dx = -(v.*(ones(size(v,1),1)*d'))*(v'*g); % toc dx = -H0*g; % toc dxnorm = norm(dx); if dxnorm > 1e12 disp('Near-singular H problem.') dx = dx*FCHANGE/dxnorm; end dfhat = dx'*g0; %end % % if ~badg % test for alignment of dx with gradient and fix if necessary a = -dfhat/(gnorm*dxnorm); if a1 dxtest=x0+dx'*lambda; else dxtest=x0+dx*lambda; end % home f = feval(fcn,dxtest,varargin{:}); %ARGLIST %f = feval(fcn,dxtest,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9,P10,P11,P12,P13); % f = feval(fcn,x0+dx*lambda,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8); disp(sprintf('lambda = %10.5g; f = %20.7f',lambda,f )) %debug %disp(sprintf('Improvement too great? f0-f: %g, criterion: %g',f0-f,-(1-THETA)*dfhat*lambda)) if f 0) & (f0-f > -(1-THETA)*dfhat*lambda) ); if shrinkSignal && ( (lambda>lambdaPeak) || (lambda<0) ) if (lambda>0) && ((~shrink) || (lambda/factor <= lambdaPeak)) shrink=1; factor=factor^.6; while lambda/factor <= lambdaPeak factor=factor^.6; end %if (abs(lambda)*(factor-1)*dxnorm < MINDX) || (abs(lambda)*(factor-1) < MINLAMB) if abs(factor-1)lambdaPeak) lambdaMax=lambda; end lambda=lambda/factor; if abs(lambda) < MINLAMB if (lambda > 0) && (f0 <= fhat) % try going against gradient, which may be inaccurate lambda = -lambda*factor^6 else if lambda < 0 retcode = 6; else retcode = 3; end done = 1; end end elseif (growSignal && lambda>0) || (shrinkSignal && ((lambda <= lambdaPeak) && (lambda>0))) if shrink shrink=0; factor = factor^.6; %if ( abs(lambda)*(factor-1)*dxnorm< MINDX ) || ( abs(lambda)*(factor-1)< MINLAMB) if abs(factor-1)0) fPeak=f; lambdaPeak=lambda; if lambdaMax<=lambdaPeak lambdaMax=lambdaPeak*factor*factor; end end lambda=lambda*factor; if abs(lambda) > 1e20; retcode = 5; done =1; end else done=1; if factor < 1.2 retcode=7; else retcode=0; end end end end disp(sprintf('Norm of dx %10.5g', dxnorm))